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Display Case for Larry Trousers (#720527)
This player is ranked #552 for Most Total Items with a total of 293,856 items.

This player is a member of the clan BVT Team.

Show items that Larry Trousers  

Larry Trousers (#720527)
This player has 215 unique items and 293,856 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
adhesive tape dolly 36
amber aviator shades 173
anniversary chutney sculpture 1
anniversary gift box 2
Arrrmetia trading card 1
astronaut pants 500
borg sock monkey 30
buckyball 30
Bulky Buddy Box 11
can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce 4
candied yams 3
candy cane 26
Chori Zo trading card 1
Cloaca grenade 20
cocoa eggshell fragment 48,116
colored-light "necklace" 1
control crystal 1
Crimbo candied pecan 93,000
Crimbo ukulele 1
Crimbuck 4,559
cyborg doll 10
deck of tropical cards 1
duck-on-a-string 6
Dyspepsi grenade 2
evil teddy bear 300
fruitcake 11
ghostly body paint 3,997
gingerbread bugbear 5
Glass Balls of the Goblin King 1
green traffic cone 1
gyroscope 10
heart necklace 1
herbal stuffing 4
hill of beans 5,000
incredibly creepy marionette 60
Inndya trading card 1
killer rag doll 35
killing feather 54
Kitty the Zmobie Basher trading card 1
Knob Goblin spatula 67,305
laser-broiled pear 11
mad scientist's sock monkey 60
MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech 500
marionette 10
marionette collective 10
meatcar model 1
Miniborg beeper 1
Miniborg hiveminder 1
Miniborg laser 1
Miniborg stomper 1
Miniborg strangler 1
monomolecular yo-yo 433
mylar scout drone 50
necrotizing body spray 7,802
old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie 1
Poison Oak trading card 1
prehistoric spear 6
rag doll 21
razor-tipped yo-yo 1
roboduck-on-a-string 10
rogue swarmer 63
rubber WWBD? bracelet 2
rubber WWJD? bracelet 2
rubber WWSPD? bracelet 1
rubber WWtNSD? bracelet 2
scissor duck 77
Serenity trading card 1
sock monkey 25
stapler bear 50
stuffed alien blob 16
stuffed angry cow 58
stuffed astral badger 10
stuffed baby gravy fairy 3
stuffed Cheshire bitten 9
stuffed cocoabo 10
stuffed doppelshifter 59
stuffed flaming gravy fairy 8
stuffed frozen gravy fairy 12
stuffed gray blob 247
stuffed hand turkey 6
stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech 10
stuffed mind flayer 13
stuffed scary death orb 11
stuffed shoulder parrot 24
stuffed sleazy gravy fairy 11
stuffed snowy owl 14
stuffed spooky gravy fairy 13
stuffed spooky mushroom 90
stuffed stinky gravy fairy 16
stuffed undead elbow macaroni 13
teddy bear 20
teddy borg 43
The Grand Poo-Bah trading card 1
time sleigh 1
tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf 25
tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll 9
tiny plastic angry bugbear 23
tiny plastic angry goat 2
tiny plastic anime smiley 16
tiny plastic apathetic lizardman 20
tiny plastic astronomer 17
tiny plastic Axe Wound 17
tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth 7
tiny plastic beanbat 18
tiny plastic Beelzebozo 8
tiny plastic Best Game Ever 1
tiny plastic Black Knight 18
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 1
tiny plastic blooper 17
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 6
tiny plastic Boss Bat 14
tiny plastic brainsweeper 18
tiny plastic briefcase bat 15
tiny plastic Cheshire bat 2
tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite 1
tiny plastic cocoabo 1
tiny plastic coffee pixie 1
tiny plastic conservationist hippy 5
tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ 2
tiny plastic Crimbo elf 8
tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer 5
tiny plastic Crimbo wreath 2
tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram 1
tiny plastic cubist bull 14
tiny plastic demoninja 11
tiny plastic Don Crimbo 2
tiny plastic drunk goat 12
tiny plastic fat stack of cash 1
tiny plastic fax machine 1
tiny plastic Felonia 9
tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus 11
tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker 19
tiny plastic fluffy bunny 16
tiny plastic fruit golem 19
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 2
tiny plastic G Imp 6
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 1
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 13
tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire 1
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 14
tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester 14
tiny plastic goth giant 15
tiny plastic grue 1
tiny plastic handsome mariachi 16
tiny plastic Hellion 15
tiny plastic hermit 13
tiny plastic hobo elf 1
tiny plastic howling balloon monkey 1
tiny plastic Iiti Kitty 6
tiny plastic killer bee 2
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 18
tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl 18
tiny plastic Knob Goblin King 5
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 14
tiny plastic Knott Yeti 14
tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box 11
tiny plastic leprechaun 1
tiny plastic lobsterfrogman 14
tiny plastic Mob Penguin 1
tiny plastic mosquito 2
tiny plastic Mr. Mination 1
tiny plastic mutant elf 1
tiny plastic ninja snowman 17
tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy 9
tiny plastic pastamancer 1
tiny plastic Protagonist 13
tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime 2
tiny plastic scary clown 12
tiny plastic Scream Queen 1
tiny plastic senile lihc 13
tiny plastic skeletal reindeer 11
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 14
tiny plastic Spam Witch 20
tiny plastic spiny skelelton 13
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 1
tiny plastic spooky vampire 14
tiny plastic Spunky Princess 20
tiny plastic stab bat 2
tiny plastic strand of DNA 1
tiny plastic sweet nutcracker 1
tiny plastic taco cat 4
tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski 10
tiny plastic The Man 11
tiny plastic topiary golem 12
tiny plastic Trouser Snake 11
tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo 5
tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni 11
tiny plastic warwelf 17
tiny plastic whitesnake 9
tiny plastic XXX pr0n 12
tiny plastic zmobie 22
tofurkey leg 5
toothsome rock 6
top 10
towel 15
toy crazy train 199
toy deathbot 10
toy hoverpad 7
toy jet pack 500
toy maglev monorail 10
toy mercenary 175
toy ray gun 500
toy soldier 10
toy space helmet 500
toy train 8
tree-eating kite 772
tropical wrapping paper 1
Unionize The Elves sign 1
unstable laser battery 56
vampire duck-on-a-string 200
vitachoconutriment capsule 7
wad of dough 56,698
Yakisoba's hat 2
yo 6
yo-yo 69