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Display Case for GuyDudeMan (#1704646)
This player is a member of the clan Alliance From Heck.

Show items that GuyDudeMan  

GuyDudeMan (#1704646)
This player has 178 unique items and 3,878 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
ancient vinyl coin purse 21
Argarggagarg's fang 1
Asleep in the Cemetery 1
banana-frosted king cake 4
beholed bedsheet 1
black candy heart 11
black pension check 20
briefcase 33
burrowgrub hive 1
can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce 3
candied yams 2
canteen of wine 7
cheap elven gloves 1
collection of tiny spooky objects 6
corncob pipe 3
cup of infinite pencils 4
dense meat stack 33
duct tape wallet 1
elven moonshine 3
elven socks 1
facsimile dictionary 7
fancy canapés 1
fat stacks of cash 2
festive holiday hat 3
filth-encrusted futon 1
flamin' bindle 1
frayed rope belt 2
freezin' bindle 1
French slippers 1
frigid air mattress 1
giant glass of brandy 1
gray bow tie 4
green candy heart 5
green candygram 1
herbal stuffing 2
ice-cold Sir Schlitz 86
invisible bag 1
jabañero pepper 101
jar of fermented pickle juice 1
Jocko Homo's head 1
Kissin' Cousins 1
knuckle sandwich 7
LARP membership card 1
lavender candy heart 5
lewd playing card 1
lucky bottlecap 1
LWA ring 1
Mad Train wine 1
Maxing, Relaxing 1
meat paste 972
meat stack 204
Mr. Joe's bangles 2
Ol' Scratch's ash can 1
old coin purse 75
old leather wallet 61
orange candy heart 268
pair of ragged claws 1
Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster 1
panhandle panhandling hat 1
parasitic claw 1
parasitic headgnawer 1
parasitic strangleworm 1
parasitic tentacles 1
patent leather shoes 3
penguin thesaurus 3
Penultimate Fantasy chest 16
pile of gold coins 8
pink candy heart 3
really dense meat stack 2
sandwich of the gods 1
Sensual Massage for Creeps 1
sleazy bindle 1
solid gold bowling ball 3
spooky bindle 1
stained mattress 1
stinkin' bindle 1
Summer Nights 1
Tales from the Fireside 2
tattered paper crown 1
The Mariachi's guitar case 2
thermos of brew 1
tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf 7
tiny plastic accordion thief 7
tiny plastic angry bugbear 7
tiny plastic angry goat 9
tiny plastic anime smiley 6
tiny plastic apathetic lizardman 9
tiny plastic astronomer 13
tiny plastic Axe Wound 9
tiny plastic baby gravy fairy 12
tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth 7
tiny plastic barrrnacle 15
tiny plastic beanbat 15
tiny plastic Beelzebozo 2
tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar 4
tiny plastic Black Knight 5
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 11
tiny plastic blooper 5
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 5
tiny plastic Boss Bat 4
tiny plastic brainsweeper 9
tiny plastic briefcase bat 3
tiny plastic Cheshire bat 15
tiny plastic cocoabo 16
tiny plastic coffee pixie 17
tiny plastic conservationist hippy 4
tiny plastic cubist bull 8
tiny plastic demoninja 3
tiny plastic disco bandit 7
tiny plastic drunk goat 8
tiny plastic Felonia 5
tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus 9
tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker 10
tiny plastic fluffy bunny 7
tiny plastic fruit golem 5
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 17
tiny plastic G Imp 8
tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick 16
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 25
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 9
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 4
tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester 7
tiny plastic goth giant 15
tiny plastic grue 16
tiny plastic handsome mariachi 1
tiny plastic Hellion 11
tiny plastic hermit 5
tiny plastic howling balloon monkey 22
tiny plastic Iiti Kitty 6
tiny plastic killer bee 23
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 7
tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl 4
tiny plastic Knob Goblin King 5
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 10
tiny plastic Knott Yeti 8
tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box 10
tiny plastic leprechaun 18
tiny plastic levitating potato 16
tiny plastic lobsterfrogman 5
tiny plastic mosquito 18
tiny plastic ninja snowman 6
tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy 12
tiny plastic pastamancer 2
tiny plastic Protagonist 4
tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime 14
tiny plastic sauceror 5
tiny plastic scary clown 8
tiny plastic seal clubber 5
tiny plastic senile lihc 7
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 11
tiny plastic Spam Witch 9
tiny plastic spiny skelelton 9
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 13
tiny plastic spooky vampire 5
tiny plastic Spunky Princess 9
tiny plastic stab bat 17
tiny plastic star starfish 13
tiny plastic taco cat 9
tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski 8
tiny plastic The Man 5
tiny plastic topiary golem 11
tiny plastic Trouser Snake 9
tiny plastic turtle tamer 9
tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni 10
tiny plastic warwelf 5
tiny plastic whitesnake 9
tiny plastic XXX pr0n 12
tiny plastic zmobie 8
tofurkey gravy 1
tofurkey leg 2
Travels with Jerry 1
Warm Subject gift certificate 984
white candy heart 9
white candygram 1
witch hat 1
yellow candy heart 29
yellow candygram 1