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Bonus Adventures from Hell (#90485)
This clan is ranked #416 for Average Total Items with an average of 44,842 items per clan member.
This clan is ranked #9 for Most Total Items with a total of 29,192,140 items.
This clan is ranked #1 for Most Unique Items with a total of 11,284 items.

Bonus Adventures from Hell (#90485)
There are 651 players in this clan with a display case.

a14 (#2958769)
accODORian (#2783392)
Acid Burn 024 (#1551585)
Adamdude (#1243712)
adbax (#998654)
adeyke (#341946)
Agburanar (#556788)
Agent Orangey (#1349175)
Alapadala (#519495)
ALAVG (#2203016)
AlchemicalPanda (#1727317)
Alex of Eden (#2055136)
ALtonicu (#3173133)
alx_Calin (#1574460)
Ampseconds (#1844412)
AnAngryBlade (#2539574)
Andrez (#1849726)
Anta (#694457)
Anti Sein (#3150198)
AnUnknown (#2433972)
Apollo18 (#1549578)
Apoptosome (#1888603)
apotato21 (#3493030)
Arbos (#632210)
Archham (#262104)
Armrestinc (#935225)
Asixton (#2120732)
Astartus (#2026927)
Astorius (#2325915)
AstRelon (#2385437)
AstronomyKing (#1588652)
atlaz (#1933610)
aukal (#1423952)
aukermdr (#1623185)
Aurumbos (#2343846)
AvocadoPirate (#2099121)
Awake (#1887021)
AwesomeTed (#1831425)
azsedcf (#2457627)
babberton (#1379823)
Badarse Larse (#2706566)
BadWillow (#869090)
Bananafluff (#3510413)
Banjooie (#156456)
Bapcrunch (#1867182)
Barry Tight (#2736022)
bastard0 (#1553305)
BayushiSunetra (#2304876)
BAz2201 (#1935358)
beegee316 (#785266)
Bellegante (#2135677)
ben9 (#2016901)
Beomahn (#1908773)
bf1865 (#1715573)
BFrost (#2047586)
bigmo110 (#1522602)
bjmaher84 (#989567)
BlaiseHarman (#1370056)
Blakos Kyros (#1063691)
Blarghuh (#2504126)
Blondy Aniki (#2293727)
Blox (#1918635)
BlueMittens (#1666062)
Blues (#340979)
bnlcaholik (#2947073)
Bob Bobson2 (#2409124)
bob the biter (#1797240)
BobaVette (#230901)
bobba fetta (#2067346)
Bobmar (#1483013)
Bobsuruncle (#1413965)
Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog (#1991839)
BrightbySunday (#486053)
bsander (#2136839)
Bubbamonicus (#2593927)
bum3 (#1107090)
bumcheekmallmulti (#2198147)
BurningBman (#1729599)
burrows (#1928240)
Butts McGruff (#3403404)
c2t (#3286685)
Cakestripe (#1110117)
Cal010 (#672247)
camperdave (#1477071)
Captain Insano (#1802802)
Captain Scotch (#437479)
CaptainCavemaniac (#2418242)
CaptainLoud (#1995772)
carrothatman (#304315)
Cereal Killer 024 (#1456104)
Chapu (#1945417)
Charon the Foot (#2026075)
Charon the Hand (#2012082)
Chartreusenator (#3465823)
CheesCake (#1995992)
ChiZloF (#1206419)
Chrtrptnt (#656576)
Chugsworth (#1348669)
Chunk Loves Sloth (#2755788)
Churchhill34 (#253568)
clam chef (#2721617)
Clovis Sangrail (#2169047)
CluckyBanana (#596103)
cnquast (#2312690)
CofLBelgarion (#1104634)
coldbrew (#3486896)
Colendez (#1908200)
ComradeKraken (#1982005)
Concurrence (#1588612)
concussed_italian (#3321440)
Cool12309 (#2364317)
Copy Pasta (#2101221)
CouncilOfLoathing (#1317730)
Crack (#387465)
Crapstorm (#120208)
Creelie (#783361)
crimbohemian (#430083)
CrimeBot (#3455198)
CripzyChiken (#2348131)
CryptoBro (#3510489)
csemaj (#953235)
cymen (#1823994)
CZARWHUZHERE666 (#1606598)
D Fever (#784006)
dachht (#439512)
Daltonator (#551584)
Damdyak (#1968168)
danielthespirit (#1954724)
Dark Mount (#1102444)
DarkLink827 (#2002400)
DarkWarriorlnm (#897250)
Darth Twinkie (#2002588)
DashSlash (#665689)
Davenfelth (#1171039)
Davie_ (#2582644)
Da_Poofhead (#683944)
db pm (#2151621)
ddintnst (#1935830)
DeadNed (#1909053)
Deathsinger (#843848)
Decay (#115900)
DefiniteOtaku (#2278877)
DefMon (#478873)
deificus (#2072274)
Denarius (#1301360)
DesertMagic (#705000)
Dewey Metalgears (#2347381)
Dician (#992702)
DidloDiddly (#744047)
Dimaran (#2830224)
DirbyTheKirby (#305312)
DiscoFevaDiva (#130427)
discordance (#65689)
DiscordantSong (#820005)
DiscoShen (#112933)
Disingenuous (#2750555)
Doctor F (#2479617)
Doilies (#1658337)
dominfo (#2799297)
DONATOR (#2230371)
Donnie Drakon (#463560)
Donquixote Doflamingo (#2337507)
donutine (#3273690)
dorian78 (#1808176)
Dorngen (#225261)
Double D (#320380)
douchette (#1678455)
dr quinn (#34434)
Drakono82 (#1952322)
Drbanjo (#3189198)
Dreams of Boss Killing (#3505666)
Dreamtears (#2682630)
dresdan (#1202122)
drunkl (#1730932)
DudeMcBob (#2865581)
dueregar (#1908140)
Duo245 (#946507)
Duskaco (#2338119)
DustinDiamond (#234979)
eatnooM (#1791717)
Edwin the Fantastic (#534181)
El Gigante Elegante (#1577041)
El Terwilliger (#171172)
Elanvess (#2408415)
Electro (#349293)
EleMental1379 (#3128120)
Elevenses Malloy (#2803747)
Ellie La Belle (#55960)
Elsee (#2154736)
el_jefe34 (#1355015)
emposseble (#826734)
Enigma (#318386)
Entropy Chef (#1073155)
Erkennar (#43642)
Ermidor (#2304607)
esashby (#70638)
etnAn (#3047038)
Exonerated Muppet Dancer (#1810123)
Facemostat (#1858581)
Failtasia (#2137672)
Faintish (#1994475)
FalconBlade (#2068072)
felix9 (#1236065)
Fellfrosch (#2080634)
Ferdawoon (#697273)
Fernir (#1212530)
FettucineQueenie (#210998)
FetusXmas (#1908318)
fewyn (#1298882)
Fire Knight (#54835)
Fixocity (#3446477)
Flammo (#1532507)
flashdash (#2150550)
Flatus X (#1920962)
Florin (#605909)
Fluffdragon (#1305353)
Foggort (#1969127)
ForKrunkyandJadra (#306700)
frazazel (#422389)
freedumb (#2286041)
FreeToast (#3631594)
Frelghra (#188555)
Frigid Fran (#2819952)
Frostbite2020 (#1507023)
Funbelow Phil (#2387800)
Fuzzinskaya One Eye (#619999)
fxer (#1661854)
Gaddse (#686384)
GamerDB1 (#473689)
GamesMaster (#1188794)
gAUSIE (#1197090)
Genbu Cosplayer (#98072)
Gerbilman (#668256)
gianterq (#1191948)
Gibsonman (#1042037)
Gladiabotor (#3490794)
Gladstone (#1731299)
glitterpunkin (#2152400)
Glittersnorter (#1972092)
gonecases (#2722777)
Gone_Phishing (#2113819)
Goophy (#2199385)
Gourdy (#952059)
gpcfox (#2104184)
Gredashe (#736158)
GrendelPrime (#2017820)
Grixh (#1730322)
groli (#1041971)
Groliette (#1045229)
Groo215 (#2498982)
Grushvak (#1741165)
Gryffe (#2488261)
guaranteed (#2985486)
gulaschkanone (#2392566)
Guwuffle (#1136596)
GwynMyrddin (#690906)
H473N4 (#2227076)
Hahader (#1991570)
HalfManHalfMachine (#449830)
HalpMe (#1313503)
Happimael (#1607585)
HappyAmerican (#1814847)
Hastings (#1670603)
hawkcannonTheBuffer (#2545361)
Heavy Weapons Guy (#2121627)
HeckRisen (#2732251)
Hedgemonster (#2270868)
HellBot (#3490307)
Hendrix788 (#651693)
Hepcat Merkin (#142829)
HOldeRofSecrEts (#216194)
Hollerash (#422275)
HoopzBarkley (#3009718)
HopelessCow (#727481)
HotCha0 (#2005407)
Huncat (#1930374)
hustlinloki (#1884263)
HyperKitti (#468214)
I am Crimbo (#2158403)
IAreBacon (#2004995)
iaruk (#1200792)
iatetoomuchbanana (#1861433)
IceWorm (#493347)
Icon315 (#1959735)
Icy Elemental (#1886525)
icy toes (#1023570)
iepiat (#2285975)
Ijudd (#1917956)
iksargodzilla (#233537)
ikusat (#2283438)
Im S L I C K (#1689182)
imobrowniess (#2604355)
Insanimaniac2005 (#548124)
IronicBlackbeard (#677536)
iSellbuffs (#1881025)
jaceyy (#1723390)
Jack Stickalot (#1489564)
jagr88 (#1972537)
JaguarRL (#350225)
JakeMastaFlash (#1942877)
jalalipop (#2124038)
Jalen Rose (#3483633)
Jamesernator (#2332235)
Jaro_Devon (#1978401)
Jayeless (#2024139)
Jeparo (#2246666)
JJuggler (#2115252)
johnsorc (#1954881)
Josmul123 (#205670)
Juck6 (#2168172)
Juliiw (#1856960)
Juntao (#588241)
jwbuffer (#1964010)
k3wLb0t (#1682842)
k3xmoon (#1877214)
Kailen4 (#1949212)
Kallos (#768896)
Kamui Hyuga (#1883124)
KapmK (#2256043)
Kasekopf (#1210810)
Kazgar (#2763084)
kbe (#1079517)
Kbpikachu (#2188201)
kevinzana (#591276)
Kigganaku (#2454181)
Killbot (#1369283)
Kingdom Of Celibacy (#2027607)
Kirvinator (#2962488)
kissel92 (#716831)
KittyFreeze (#2819997)
kiwi and lemon (#1938162)
Kizehk (#1216891)
Klarth (#2002136)
Kool23kid (#479534)
Kravoorn (#990456)
Kucolan (#120400)
Kurt Exploder (#2741531)
kwhkwh (#1929998)
Kylac (#1548920)
Kyrbis (#546607)
Lagorio (#1913617)
LanceTheGuy (#2363885)
Lancey (#2823505)
Landamus (#992064)
Lauki (#479581)
Less Than Three (#395328)
LewisMCYoutube (#3199433)
Lexitrix (#2426480)
Lightbender (#2093264)
lightgreycat (#822343)
Lineoleum (#657423)
Linknerd (#2816053)
Linknode (#2815151)
Linknoid (#2813705)
Locke Trufeld (#1278403)
Logan the Huge (#2025903)
Lohman118 (#3437824)
lone_wolf (#300792)
Lorighitta (#3411747)
louloute (#1593417)
Lufskar (#890020)
LunaDancer (#2834537)
Lxndr (#1202536)
M42 (#2182857)
m4573rb8 (#263419)
macseber (#2214716)
Mad Carew (#263717)
madmac625 (#1725073)
MadOgreMan (#1624307)
madzorpanda (#1444875)
MaestroLoGuru (#2100978)
MagicToast (#332755)
malnutrition dance (#3601121)
Maltro (#1395816)
ManaUser (#1422089)
mansh0 (#482313)
mansho (#11976)
MaoZedong (#1924237)
Marionetteowl (#615835)
markshir (#1673181)
Master of Nothing (#2140726)
Master Tortellini (#2315738)
Matt_afi (#479671)
maxi118 (#844578)
maxxmaxx (#2191568)
McDutchy (#503830)
Meat Maid (#2125540)
meat peat (#3603055)
Megabass (#667720)
Melanvolent (#2247883)
mephesia (#692578)
Mercurious (#1164325)
Merlinus Pastorian (#1850611)
Metal Chicken (#1834242)
Metal Invader (#2135869)
Mezmorizor (#1822442)
Mike Leach SERE XP (#2065163)
milk1234 (#2818756)
Minijohnny (#287522)
Miser (#1230819)
MissPolka (#480952)
mister man (#1474759)
MisterSilex (#1869209)
Miy (#3004836)
Modgnik (#533736)
monsieur bob (#94212)
Moon Moon (#2437075)
Mr Gravy (#95102)
mrOaks (#725658)
Muffin_D_Mule (#2106732)
mynameistall (#927491)
Mystiballs (#1813032)
Nakekoms (#1875032)
Name Guy Man (#3019702)
NasurteSC (#3369217)
Necrophage (#412289)
Necrophilia_al_dente (#3164078)
Neomaster (#674316)
Nillo (#41028)
Nilyi (#2080652)
NitraMo (#267484)
Nox Ultionem (#2416306)
nq2holic (#855464)
Nylaan (#2074670)
OD (#1440187)
Ogrebushi (#507510)
Ometeotl (#231248)
Omgaporing (#828761)
one_spade (#3686081)
OptimumousPrime (#3005527)
Pamelia (#1672659)
Panser (#1851135)
Pash (#2355722)
PastaMan27 (#1511299)
PastryWoman (#2073817)
Peth Avenfield (#1510410)
petitpiou (#1617558)
pgrmdave (#1276814)
Piemantis (#1974513)
pimp me ho (#778199)
piou2 (#1592689)
pioupiou (#1539707)
PKPenguin (#2219823)
PoiSonouS Spike (#2053971)
Pookierawr (#1827395)
porkfist (#2071016)
Potage (#2225562)
Prestige (#1014085)
Princess Rammer (#2345397)
ProfessorKilljoy (#2423012)
proven (#335362)
Psych_Guy (#3005023)
PsyMar (#1570007)
puipui (#2411897)
purple shrimp (#1659891)
Q guy 7 (#1595415)
Qalthos (#846606)
Qbr12 (#1548221)
Quackie (#2562826)
Quadris (#907387)
Quagsire (#2576258)
Qualidus (#2380363)
Quarion Nailo (#1393834)
radicaldemocrats (#158159)
Raisins (#1237838)
Random Idiot (#377469)
Rax (#1679596)
Razorbell (#658292)
RebusSohal (#2044712)
red lord345 (#2191073)
reitush (#1588692)
ReveRKiller (#892618)
Rikuo (#2312958)
riperseven (#417816)
Robin The Boy Wonder (#1555157)
Rodde (#1711796)
ROFLwofls (#2466270)
Roibeard (#2368635)
RookRook (#1543773)
Rosie Robot (#2217198)
Roxxor (#2137328)
Rusheid (#2070286)
Saint James (#1891274)
Samitchdoo (#985194)
Sanmei (#524887)
Sardines2 (#1868837)
Sarge247 (#753517)
scauwen (#2288050)
Schlurp (#1470756)
Schpudd (#276265)
schwongk (#953357)
Scudworths (#510107)
Sdruifos (#2233106)
Sean Clannery (#370650)
SeAnmullIGan (#1869225)
sea_clothes (#3669787)
Sel Ibrix (#115710)
Senju (#3512992)
Senkaku (#2189814)
sensibleb (#52928)
sepos (#187675)
Shadoweh (#2215261)
ShakenNotStirred (#1006121)
shaun9876 (#2399610)
Sheena Zerif (#3439151)
shummie (#1855602)
Silk (#997680)
Sinfull (#1628643)
Sinthos (#2718616)
SirFist (#2000048)
Sleazebag (#2057751)
sleepingchARmAndeR (#701716)
Sleet (#1184421)
Slyrkal (#1071680)
Smarmaduke (#384610)
Smitler (#754265)
Smoop (#1926777)
SnakyJakey (#1172069)
Snap (#481747)
Snatch (#387469)
snatchedbigwes (#1868403)
Snickles (#43669)
spEak no eVIL (#1765929)
Spooky (#412885)
SporkBoy (#2186930)
Spramen (#673887)
Squeaky (#412839)
St Thomas Pornificus (#1170897)
Stephenkania (#1475976)
stockFD3S (#1203478)
Stonefaced (#3487552)
str8nubbin21 (#1874551)
str8nubbin33 (#1875257)
sTrENgth_boI (#3397405)
StrongbadfanEX (#752518)
StumpsMcGee (#1291629)
subcutanea (#813711)
sundevilrock (#1135055)
Susie (#2092407)
Swarley (#1366434)
Swordfish (#1345284)
SyrinxLui (#307643)
TarrumanThur (#1802560)
tcjellis (#651778)
ted the dragon (#614836)
Teggun (#665228)
teletubby (#1744258)
Terion (#523109)
Terminus_K (#2241436)
testalx (#1578402)
TestTwoBirds (#3669470)
tezlovespez (#1342411)
Thal On The Rocks (#1623648)
The Actual (#492369)
The Ascended One (#2706179)
The Butter Bandit (#3297276)
The Crimbo Cheer Fairy (#3135385)
The Galactic (#3338143)
The Great White Hunter (#1546607)
The Grimy Reaper (#2330985)
The Oaktinator (#772188)
TheArtfulDodger (#1004732)
theDUDEster (#1606371)
theguy239 (#2763977)
TheL0ser (#1178050)
themadowl (#3120674)
Theo1001 (#2465314)
Theophrastus (#45765)
theWotF (#3347335)
Thin White Duke (#2763862)
Thingamore (#1558754)
Thrak (#527292)
three_spade (#3686083)
Thruddle (#1641882)
tingly (#46642)
Tinsin (#1660645)
Tofunation (#3504074)
Tom Paris (#493228)
Tom Sawyer (#783179)
Tom Sawyer Jr (#809948)
Tomsta123 (#1249264)
Torvall (#1379877)
Trailer Park (#2313203)
TrichomonasVAG (#1813423)
TripWood (#19631)
TrueTurtle (#3168271)
tryndAmeR (#2216515)
two_spade (#3686082)
tyronedsaurus (#1867972)
Tyrone_Jones (#624932)
Tz_BG (#1028598)
UFOSDESeal (#958534)
UhHhG (#2750382)
Unconventionable (#2252632)
UndeadStrangerer (#380535)
unknownZ (#975793)
unown971 (#1875085)
UrbanGarlic (#2295060)
uWaNaNdOnKeY (#151447)
Vaivars (#2565113)
valentid (#1586781)
Vencho (#2046492)
Ventyy (#2453991)
Verilium (#3372204)
VerySarcasticOne (#3288536)
Vhalantru (#1078676)
vibrate (#2392526)
Volvo (#1794268)
Voodooknigh (#3153762)
Vormov (#1876350)
Vorzer (#1990987)
Vorzer_mall (#2094036)
Vreck (#443249)
Vulcan9009 (#2038091)
Wangless (#381965)
War Hampster (#2167821)
wardeath11 (#2139752)
WarrantyVoid (#2092875)
WARriorer (#1634187)
WaterMelonMan (#86660)
Watermill Barbosa (#1736097)
watertails (#987998)
Wends (#95170)
Whack (#1498062)
Whine Drinkeror (#2035104)
White Candy (#1234799)
WhiteChocolate42 (#1439826)
WildSider (#2237038)
Williewanks (#1260001)
Wisko (#1326935)
wyli romesco (#1906971)
X RENNY X (#886426)
x1a4 (#1626186)
Xande1 (#2365137)
Xanth (#1225487)
XxChaosLordxX (#468276)
Ye_Olde_Bill (#2746483)
yonderboy (#1701488)
yoshi98 (#1639070)
yousirhaveadetention (#510454)
Yumyumbublegum (#2071788)
Zanchvegas (#1232957)
Zanelron (#1279197)
ZaruYache (#922666)
Zasqdddas (#1236476)
zealot1234 (#2077597)
Zeldaar (#3114728)
Zerel (#1053612)
zmb (#2166289)
Zuluhutu (#932103)
Zyferous (#2326559)