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Display Case for Talonic (#1142384)
This player is a member of the clan Life's Unbearable Extras.

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Talonic (#1142384)
This player has 152 unique items and 6,951 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
adhesive tape dolly 1
banana-frosted king cake 5
bed of coals 6
bottle of rum 502
C.B.F.G. 1
candy kneecapping stick 2
circular CRIMBCOOKIE 2
comfy coffin 7
cup of infinite pencils 3
deluxe layer cake 31
designer handbag 1
dirt julep 333
elven cellocello 14
elven medi-pack 502
empty agua de vida bottle 1,107
fancy canapés 1
Fantasma en la Máquina 53
filth-encrusted futon 6
forbidden sausage 3
frigid air mattress 5
immense cyborg hand 5
La Fantasma y La Oscuridad 55
laser-broiled pear 12
licorice garrote 5
line 502
Mer-kin dodgeball 1
Mer-kin dragnet 1
Mer-kin switchblade 1
nanite-infested candy cane 8
nanite-infested fruitcake 2
nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear 3
obsidian dagger 4
paisley spore pod 1,001
penguin focaccia bread 8
polyalloy shield 7
Rompedores de Fantasmas 44
snifter of thoroughly aged brandy 502
stained mattress 2
star 502
Taco Dan's Taco Stand Chimichangarita 53
tiny plastic abominable fudgeman 1
tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear 11
tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll 1
tiny plastic angry space marine 20
tiny plastic anime smiley 2
tiny plastic animelf 1
tiny plastic astronomer 1
tiny plastic Axe Wound 1
tiny plastic baby gravy fairy 2
tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth 1
tiny plastic barrrnacle 3
tiny plastic batbugbear 12
tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type 10
tiny plastic bee swarm 21
tiny plastic beebee gunners 22
tiny plastic Beebee King 7
tiny plastic beebee queue 25
tiny plastic Best Game Ever 1
tiny plastic Big Candy 1
tiny plastic black ops bugbear 20
tiny plastic blazing bat 24
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 4
tiny plastic blooper 2
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 1
tiny plastic Boss Bat 1
tiny plastic bugaboo 27
tiny plastic Bugbear Captain 7
tiny plastic buzzerker 33
tiny plastic cavebugbear 24
tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter 20
tiny plastic Cheshire bat 4
tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™ 1
tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel 15
tiny plastic cocoabo 2
tiny plastic colollilossus 1
tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ 1
tiny plastic Crimbo Casino 1
tiny plastic Crimbomination 1
tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram 1
tiny plastic cubist bull 2
tiny plastic demoninja 2
tiny plastic Don Crimbo 1
tiny plastic drunk goat 1
tiny plastic Father McGruber 18
tiny plastic fax machine 1
tiny plastic fire servant 7
tiny plastic Fudge Wizard 1
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 1
tiny plastic G Imp 1
tiny plastic Gary Claybender 1
tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick 2
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 3
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 2
tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire 1
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 3
tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester 1
tiny plastic goth giant 3
tiny plastic grue 2
tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist 24
tiny plastic Hellion 2
tiny plastic hobo elf 1
tiny plastic howling balloon monkey 1
tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear 21
tiny plastic Iiti Kitty 2
tiny plastic killer bee 2
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 1
tiny plastic levitating potato 4
tiny plastic Lord Flameface 6
tiny plastic MechaElf 1
tiny plastic moneybee 18
tiny plastic mosquito 2
tiny plastic Mr. Mination 1
tiny plastic mumblebee 12
tiny plastic ninja snowman 3
tiny plastic Norville Rogers 16
tiny plastic peacannon 16
tiny plastic Protagonist 1
tiny plastic Queen Bee 17
tiny plastic Rene C. Corman 2
tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime 2
tiny plastic scary clown 1
tiny plastic Scott the Miner 17
tiny plastic Scream Queen 1
tiny plastic skeletal reindeer 2
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 1
tiny plastic spiderbugbear 11
tiny plastic spiny skelelton 1
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 1
tiny plastic spooky vampire 1
tiny plastic Spunky Princess 1
tiny plastic stab bat 2
tiny plastic star starfish 2
tiny plastic stocking mimic 3
tiny plastic sweet nutcracker 1
tiny plastic taco cat 1
tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf 1
tiny plastic the Free Man 14
tiny plastic topiary golem 2
tiny plastic trollipop 1
tiny plastic Trouser Snake 3
tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku 1
tiny plastic warwelf 1
tiny plastic whitesnake 1
tiny plastic Wu Tang the Betrayer 18
triangular CRIMBCOOKIE 3
Wrecked Generator 1,002