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Display Case for ALAVG (#2203016)
This player is ranked #153 for Most Total Items with a total of 1,399,863 items.

This player is a member of the clan Bonus Adventures from Hell.

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ALAVG (#2203016)
This player has 493 unique items and 1,399,863 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
"meat" stick 2,388
5-hour acrimony 8,047
actual tapas 938
Afternoon Delight 15,037
agnolotti arboli 471
Alewife™ Ale 750
alien animal goo 2,020
alien meat 5,066
alien plant goo 2,781
angst burger 805
animal part cracker 1,518
artisanal hand-squeezed wheatgrass juice 436
artisanal limoncello 539
asparagus lo mein 31
asparagus stir-fry 66
AutumnFest ale 834
bätzle 58
bag of GORP 2,990
balaclava baklava 160
ballroom blintz 723
banana 424
banana daiquiri 952
barrel pickle 1,590
barrel-aged martini 3,667
Barulio's bottle 1,201
Bash-Ōs cereal 2,498
bat wing stir-fry 20
beavermouth 1,229
beertini 19,115
beery blood 27,208
BGE tiny plastic toy 1
bilge wine 7,598
black & tan 598
black forest cake 1,505
black forest ham 273
black pudding 397
Blackfly Chardonnay 1,482
blood and blood 2,266
bloody beer 127
bloody mary 192
boilermaker 2,189
boring spaghetti 102
bottle of Amontillado 7,987
bottle of Calcutta Emerald 28
bottle of cooking sherry 876
bottle of Definit 19
bottle of Evermore 366
bottle of Jorge Sinsonte 512
bottle of laundry sherry 1,531
bottle of Lieutenant Freeman 59
bottle of norwhiskey 765
bottle of popskull 1,505
bottle of sea wine 8,848
bowl of mernudo 11,135
boxed champagne 37
brain-meltingly-hot chicken wings 2,053
Breakfast Blast wine cooler 1,096
brown sugar cane 1,340
bunch of sea grapes 3,258
Bustle Hustler 621
cactus fruit 2,066
caipifruta 29
calle de miel 2,772
can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce 205
candied yams 488
carob brownies 24
carob chunk cookies 126
carob chunk noodles 98
catgut taco 1,665
centipede eggs 2,526
Charleston Choo-Choo 2,496
Choco-Mint patty 585
Citrus Crush wine cooler 859
Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau 752
cocktail onion 45
cold mashed potatoes 2,251
cool mushroom 1,343
cranberry margarita (brackish) 10,224
crappy brain 1,497
cream stout 690
creamsicle 2,578
Crimbo food scraps 482
crudles 1,277
cruelty-free wine 2,511
CSA cheerfulness ration 2,316
CSA scoutmaster's "water" 3,791
cup of primitive beer 1,618
custard pie 1,110
D roll 298
Dad's brandy 722
decent brain 3,635
delicious noodles 1,152
delicious salad 460
delicious spicy noodles 371
delicious swamp muck 312
dinner roll 3,244
Divine 15
divine champagne flute 1,419
dragon snaps 3,205
dregs of a Crimbo cocktail 418
dry vodka martini 30
dusty bottle of Marsala 22
dusty bottle of Merlot 22
dusty bottle of Muscat 1,312
dusty bottle of Pinot Noir 1,730
dusty bottle of Port 12
dusty bottle of Zinfandel 21
dwarf bread 25
edible alien plant bit 14,360
effluvious emerald 410
eggnog 4,710
elven hardtack 8,427
elven squeeze 17,456
embezzler's oil 157,135
enchanted bean burrito 1,965
exotic jungle fruit 316
extra-flat panini 297
extra-spicy bloody mary 97
eye of newt 372
Fantasma en la Máquina 186
fine aged cheddarwurst 3,256
fine wine 777
fire-roasted lake trout 305
firemilk 6,335
fishelada 19,170
flaming mushroom 1,498
flavorless gruel 528
flower petal pie 1,129
flute of flat champagne 1,159
frat brats 267
fruitcake 1,218
fruity girl swill 217
fuzzbump 325
ghost cucumber 129
ghuol guolash 522
gibson 3,784
gimlet 1,168
gin and tonic 1,604
ginger snaps 1,163
gingerbread bugbear 664
glacial sapphire 340
glistening fish meat 8,745
glob of cream cheese 1,080
goat cheese pizza 55
Gold Velvet™ whiskey 775
Gordon Bennett 1,203
green and red bean 2,602
Green Manalishi 1,782
grog 1,371
gunky chicken 325
gunpowder burrito 13,670
haggis-wrapped haggis-stuffed haggis 1,530
hamlet sandwich 4,028
handful of walnuts 494
heart-shaped candy whetstone 173
herbal stuffing 984
high-calorie sugar substitute 4,257
honey-drenched ham slice 453
horizontal tango 43
hot date 276,936
hot mint schnocolate 1,322
hot watered rum 2,027
Humanitini 211
ice porter 7,798
ice-cold fotie 4
ice-cold Sir Schlitz 2
ice-cold Willer 2,783
insanely spicy bean burrito 1,331
insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito 1,688
insanely spicy jumping bean burrito 419
Instant Karma 56
jive turkey leg 808
jumping bean burrito 4,483
kiwi 316
Knob Goblin visor 66,353
Knob lo mein 484
Knob sausage stir-fry 12
Knob stir-fry 357
Knob stuffed shells 28
Knoll lo mein 21
Knoll mushroom 181
Knoll shroomkabob 266
Knoll stir-fry 535
kumquat 170
lavawater 1,295
leftovers 1,376
leftovers sandwich 1,957
legitimate business on the beach 829
lihc eye pie 112
limp broccoli 724
literal grasshopper 977
liver popsicle 1,612
lumbering jack 1,742
Mad Train wine 1,197
Mae West 981
mana curds 3,824
mandarina colada 3,737
martiny 1,198
McLeod's Hard Haggis-Ade 2,585
McMillicancuddy's Special Lager 4,439
meatball 1,043
melted Jell-o shot 4,688
menudo 264
Microplushie: Bropane 379
Microplushie: Dorkonide 126
Microplushie: Ermahgerdic Acid 165
Microplushie: Fauxnerditide 74
Microplushie: Gothochondria 306
Microplushie: Hippylase 428
Microplushie: Hipsterine 48
Microplushie: Hobomosome 217
Microplushie: Otakulone 478
Microplushie: Raverdrine 257
Microplushie: Sororitrate 329
Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey 3,197
mimosette 4,523
mineapple 936
Mon Tiki 37
moonberry wine cooler 3,312
Mornington crescent roll 775
mostly-empty bottle of cookie wine 507
Mt. McLargeHuge oyster 272
Murderer's Punch 774
mushroom filet 910
mushroom pizza 86
Neuromancer 806
ocean motion 2,799
old-fashioned 303
olive lo mein 23
olive stir-fry 1,095
open sauce 908
Orangemageddon wine cooler 2,084
overcookie 1,967
P.B.L.T. 2,311
painful penne pasta 2,195
painting of a glass of wine 935
papaya sling 1,270
papaya slung 21,203
parisian cathouse 23
party beer bomb 440
pat of butter 221
perpendicular hula 4,933
pestopiary 498
philosopher's scone 1,619
piece of wedding cake 8,604
pigeon egg 1,029
pineapple slab 569
pink pony 4,879
pink slime 4,054
plain bagel 170
plain snowcone 6,560
poutine 2,771
pr0n m4nic0tti 75
premium malt liquor 26,293
prussian cathouse 20
Psychotic Train wine 234
purple pixel pie 51
rabbit punch 39
Radberry Rip wine cooler 2,772
Ram's Face Lager 363
raspberry 131
rat appendix stir-fry 28
ratini 71
ravioli della hippy 3,457
raw bread 8,757
raw cranberry sauce 5,660
raw gravy 8,412
raw green beans 5,180
raw mincemeat 4,623
raw potato 4,349
raw stuffing 8,773
raw sweet potato 6,857
raw turkey 6,176
red red wine 3,706
red rum 23,616
red velvet cake 80,705
red-hot boilermaker 934
redrum 798
rockin' wagon 4,734
rodeo whiskey 1,412
roll in the hay 4,666
royal jelly taco 972
rum and cola 224
salacious crumbs 5,876
salinated mint julep 5,731
salty dog 1,696
salty slug 6,438
sangria 28
sausage pizza 123
sausage without a cause 2,367
sea broccoli 1,039
sea cauliflower 925
sea persimmon 479
shadow fluid 977
shadow sausage 1,399
shot of flower schnapps 96
shot of grapefruit schnapps 488
shot of orange schnapps 511
shot of rotgut 235
shot of tomato schnapps 512
shroomtini 5,807
Siberian sunrise 6,012
Simepore slime 202
slice of pizza 540
slimy fermented bile bladder 1,300
slip 'n' slide 4,290
slug of shochu 544
slug of vodka 497
smelted roe 7,645
snifter of thoroughly aged brandy 9,815
spagecialetti 823
spiced rum 346
spicy bean burrito 1,065
spicy enchanted bean burrito 1,034
spicy jumping bean burrito 1,379
spicy mushroom quesadilla 28
spicy noodles 203
spooky lo mein 25
spooky mushroom 310
spooky stir-fry 57
squashed frog 1,970
stale baguette 2,056
steamy ruby 388
stinky mushroom 1,553
stomach turnover 261
strawberry daiquiri 2,216
strawberry wine 644
stuffed kraken 8
succulent marrow 6,500
tangarita 1,047
tankard of ale 1,945
tawdry amethyst 3,868
teqiwila 132
teqiwila slammer 43
tequila sunrise 6,388
tequila sunset 4,059
tequila with training wheels 308
thistle wine 2,347
Thwaitgold bee statuette 1
Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette 7
Thwaitgold butterfly statuette 5
Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette 2
Thwaitgold chigger statuette 10
Thwaitgold cockroach statuette 1
Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette 2
Thwaitgold firefly statuette 10
Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette 7
Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette 1
Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette 4
Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette 13
Thwaitgold mosquito statuette 17
Thwaitgold nit statuette 1
Thwaitgold nymph statuette 23
Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette 1
Thwaitgold quantum bug statuette 11
Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette 7
Thwaitgold slug statuette 3
Thwaitgold spider statuette 6
Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette 12
Thwaitgold termite statuette 968
Thwaitgold wheel bug statuette 2
tin of submardines 738
tiny plastic 11 Dealer 2
tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf 1
tiny plastic abominable fudgeman 1
tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo 1
tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart 1
tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear 1
tiny plastic angry goat 1
tiny plastic anime smiley 2
tiny plastic animelf 7
tiny plastic barrrnacle 3
tiny plastic batbugbear 1
tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type 2
tiny plastic bee swarm 5
tiny plastic beebee gunners 3
tiny plastic Beelzebozo 1
tiny plastic Best Game Ever 1
tiny plastic Big Candy 1
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 8
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 1
tiny plastic brainsweeper 1
tiny plastic Bugbear Captain 3
tiny plastic buzzerker 3
tiny plastic caboose 1
tiny plastic Café Elf 1
tiny plastic Cheer Core 1
tiny plastic chem lab 1
tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™ 1
tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite 1
tiny plastic coal car 1
tiny plastic cocoabo 2
tiny plastic coffee pixie 1
tiny plastic colollilossus 1
tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ 1
tiny plastic Crimbo caroler 1
tiny plastic Crimbo Casino 1
tiny plastic Crimbo cheer 1
tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer 1
tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva 1
tiny plastic Crimbomega 1
tiny plastic Crimbomination 1
tiny plastic Crimborgatron 1
tiny plastic Crimbot 1
tiny plastic dining car 1
tiny plastic Don Crimbo 1
tiny plastic Duke Starkiller 7
tiny plastic exo-suited miner 2
tiny plastic fax machine 2
tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker 3
tiny plastic food lab 1
tiny plastic four-shadowed mime 1
tiny plastic Fudge Wizard 1
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 2
tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej 1
tiny plastic Gary Claybender 2
tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick 4
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 6
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 2
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 7
tiny plastic golden gundam 2,534
tiny plastic GORM-8 1
tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist 4
tiny plastic hobo elf 1
tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear 1
tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker 2
tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S. 2
tiny plastic killer bee 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 7
tiny plastic Knob Goblin King 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 1
tiny plastic Knott Yeti 2
tiny plastic levitating potato 9
tiny plastic Lord Flameface 1
tiny plastic MechaElf 5
tiny plastic Mirth 1
tiny plastic moneybee 9
tiny plastic multi-level marketer 1
tiny plastic ninja snowman 1
tiny plastic nog lab 1
tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy 2
tiny plastic orphan 1
tiny plastic passenger car 1
tiny plastic Penny 1
tiny plastic primary lab 1
tiny plastic reindeer 1
tiny plastic Rene C. Corman 1
tiny plastic Rudolph the Red 1
tiny plastic scary clown 1
tiny plastic Scott the Miner 1
tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit 1
tiny plastic senile lihc 2
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 2
tiny plastic Spam Witch 2
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 1
tiny plastic spooky vampire 1
tiny plastic stab bat 1
tiny plastic stocking mimic 2
tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf 7
tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf 2
tiny plastic topiary golem 2
tiny plastic Toybot 1
tiny plastic trollipop 1
tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku 5
tiny plastic warbear 1
tiny plastic warbear fortress 1
tiny plastic warwelf 1
tiny plastic wild beaver 1
toast 12,077
tofurkey gravy 864
tofurkey leg 935
Typical Tavern swill 5,061
uncooked chorizo 822
unearthly onyx 358
unflavored wine cooler 4,864
unnamed cocktail 2,975
vampire chowder 3,146
vodka and tonic 921
vodka gibson 69
vodka stratocaster 268
warm mushroom 744
water purification pills 10,659
whiskey and soda 5,811
whiskey bittersweet 35
whiskey sour 465
white chocolate chip cookies 378
white chocolate chips 533
white lightning 1,874
whole turkey leg 1,784
wine spritzer 71
Ye Olde Meade 383
yellow matter custard 24
zmobie 1,871