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Display Case for EvilKOLBot (#250708)
This player is ranked #389 for Most Total Items with a total of 452,993 items.

This player is a member of the clan swivelheads.

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EvilKOLBot (#250708)
This player has 187 unique items and 452,993 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
"Humorous" T-shirt 3
Ancient Saucehelm 1
anniversary balsa wood socks 1
anniversary gift box 7
badass belt 1
balaclava 1
balaclava baklava 5
biomechanical crimborg helmet 1
biomechanical crimborg leg armor 1
bit of clingfilm 1
Blatantly Canadian 5
blue ribbon 1
bottle of goofballs 1
box of sunshine 2
broken skull 3,994
C.B.F.G. 1
cheap toaster 1
Chester's bag of candy 1
Chester's moustache 1
control crystal 1
CRIMBCO scrip 60
Crimbomination Contraption 1
Crimbuck 63
cryptic puzzle box 1
disbelief suspenders 1
Drowsy Sword 1
drum machine 1
duct tape 28
dusty animal cranium 1
dusty animal skull 1
easter egg balloon 1
ennui-flavored potato chips 3,568
filthy lucre 6
Frosty's carrot 1
Frosty's nailbat 1
gin-soaked blotter paper 1
grue egg 1
handful of confetti 1
Heimandatz's heart 1
hobo code binder 1
hobo nickel 1,367
Hodgman's almanac 1
Hodgman's metal detector 1
jar of anniversary jam 1
Junior LAAAAME merit badge 1
lavender candy heart 1
Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet 1
los chinos 1
maple syrup 5
Marquis de Poivre soda 2
Meat detector 560
miniature coffin 1
ND 9,015
Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork 1
Ol' Scratch's stove door 1
old patched suit-pants 1
Orange Star of Sacrifice 1
Oscus's dumpster waders 1
Oscus's pelt 1
outrageous sombrero 3
pile of smoking rags 1
plain brown wrapper 1
poutine 5
radium-flavored potato chips 3,619
sack lunch 1,188
saucepan 1
seal-clubbing club 1
spark plug earring 1
spectre scepter 1
stuffed Hodgman 1
The Spirit of Crimbo 1
time sleigh 1
tin star 3
tiny plastic 11 Dealer 11
tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf 3,800
tiny plastic accordion thief 16,719
tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll 11
tiny plastic angry bugbear 2,600
tiny plastic angry goat 11,100
tiny plastic anime smiley 500
tiny plastic apathetic lizardman 2,000
tiny plastic astronomer 700
tiny plastic Axe Wound 900
tiny plastic baby gravy fairy 10,500
tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth 2,300
tiny plastic barrrnacle 16,945
tiny plastic beanbat 3,200
tiny plastic Beelzebozo 1,600
tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar 569
tiny plastic Black Knight 2,500
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 13,800
tiny plastic blooper 400
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 900
tiny plastic Boss Bat 2,600
tiny plastic brainsweeper 3,400
tiny plastic briefcase bat 2,900
tiny plastic Cheshire bat 8,200
tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite 11
tiny plastic cocoabo 4,300
tiny plastic coffee pixie 1,800
tiny plastic conservationist hippy 4,700
tiny plastic Crimbo Casino 11
tiny plastic Crimbo elf 11
tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer 11
tiny plastic Crimbo wreath 11
tiny plastic Crimbomination 11
tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram 11
tiny plastic cubist bull 3,400
tiny plastic demoninja 3,800
tiny plastic disco bandit 4,319
tiny plastic Don Crimbo 11
tiny plastic drunk goat 1,300
tiny plastic Felonia 900
tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus 1,200
tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker 3,200
tiny plastic fluffy bunny 100
tiny plastic fruit golem 3,200
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 16,301
tiny plastic G Imp 2,800
tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick 9,600
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 18,401
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 3,100
tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire 11
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 2,100
tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester 3,200
tiny plastic goth giant 3,400
tiny plastic grue 11,000
tiny plastic handsome mariachi 2,700
tiny plastic Hellion 2,000
tiny plastic hermit 569
tiny plastic howling balloon monkey 7,600
tiny plastic Iiti Kitty 500
tiny plastic killer bee 15,300
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 3,000
tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl 1,400
tiny plastic Knob Goblin King 2,900
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 2,700
tiny plastic Knott Yeti 4,000
tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box 4,100
tiny plastic leprechaun 10,200
tiny plastic levitating potato 19,100
tiny plastic lobsterfrogman 700
tiny plastic Mob Penguin 11
tiny plastic mosquito 16,200
tiny plastic mutant elf 11
tiny plastic ninja snowman 3,400
tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy 5,000
tiny plastic pastamancer 2,419
tiny plastic Protagonist 3,700
tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime 12,100
tiny plastic sauceror 3,519
tiny plastic scary clown 2,100
tiny plastic Scream Queen 11
tiny plastic seal clubber 4,019
tiny plastic senile lihc 3,500
tiny plastic skeletal reindeer 11
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 3,200
tiny plastic Spam Witch 4,300
tiny plastic spiny skelelton 4,100
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 12,902
tiny plastic spooky vampire 2,600
tiny plastic Spunky Princess 400
tiny plastic stab bat 18,200
tiny plastic star starfish 13,400
tiny plastic stocking mimic 11
tiny plastic strand of DNA 11
tiny plastic sweet nutcracker 69
tiny plastic taco cat 1,700
tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski 300
tiny plastic The Man 900
tiny plastic topiary golem 500
tiny plastic Trouser Snake 3,000
tiny plastic turtle tamer 5,419
tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo 11
tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni 3,500
tiny plastic warwelf 600
tiny plastic whitesnake 4,500
tiny plastic XXX pr0n 2,800
tiny plastic zmobie 300
Uncle Crimbo's Sack 1
Unionize The Elves sign 1
wintergreen-flavored potato chips 3,557
Yeti Protest Sign 1
Zombo's empty eye 1
Zombo's shield 1
Zombo's skullcap 1