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Display Case for Sifter (#50320)
This player is ranked #227 for Most Total Items with a total of 976,380 items.

This player is a member of the clan Shipwrecked Pirates.

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Sifter (#50320)
This player has 224 unique items and 976,380 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
abominable snowcone 888
amulet of extreme plot significance 490
Angry Farmer candy 29,000
awful poetry journal 89,442
badass belt 13
ball 12
ballroom blintz 500
barbed-wire fence 523
bell-shaped Crimbo cookie 1
black snowcone 5
bottle of goofballs 14
bow 9
box of sunshine 6
can of Red Minotaur 2
carob chunk cookies 1,007
chaos butterfly 77,072
cheap plastic bottle opener 1
cheap toaster 5
chewing gum on a string 200
chunk of depleted Grimacite 13
clockwork maid head 13
cocoa eggshell fragment 1,200
coconut shell 620
colorful plastic ball 100
Crimbo stocking 1
dance card 390
dehydrated caviar 800
depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick 1
desiccated apricot 850
dill 365
disturbing fanfic 35,495
doll house 1
duck-on-a-string 12
duct tape 777
Dyspepsi-Cola 2,500
elven whittling knife 1
eyepatch 280
fancy bath salts 340
fetid feather 250
fez of etymology 1
flaming feather 300
flat dough 2,500
flirtatious feather 150
flute of flat champagne 900
frigid ninja stars 450
furry fur 56,205
ghost cucumber 405
glass of goat's milk 79
green beer 13
green candy heart 700
grouchy restless spirit 600
grue egg 13
Hanukkimbo dreidl 3
heart-shaped balloon 1
heavy D 46,962
herbs 1,000
hippopotamus skin 50,320
hot wing 600
ice-cold Sir Schlitz 7,243
ice-cold six-pack 2,465
Jolly Roger charrrm 566
kite 12
Knob Goblin tongs 141
lavender candy heart 1,300
little paper umbrella 2,601
Lucky Surprise Egg 13
magical ice cubes 485
mariachi pants 143
marionette 12
meat vortex 400
metallic A 1,118
Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler 41
Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub 37,207
miniature antlers 1
Mob Penguin protection contract 5
monomolecular yo-yo 700
Mr. Eh? 1
old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie 1
orange candy heart 1,300
original G 50,961
penguin skin 50,320
pet rock 4
petrified time 10
piece of wedding cake 1
pink candy heart 1,000
pirate pelvis 402
pitchfork 550
pixellated candy heart 2
plot hole 69,007
pr0n legs 3,336
probability potion 41,897
procrastination potion 43,752
rag doll 5
roll in the hay 500
roll of toilet paper 500
salty dog 700
scroll of drastic healing 2,000
severed rocking horse head 1
shiny ring 1
sock monkey 4
soft green echo eyedrop antidote 3,919
Spam Witch sammich 2,719
spices 900
spooky hockey mask 4
spray paint 1,000
St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket 12
stone of eXtreme power 360
stuffed doppelshifter 12
stuffed ghuol whelp 1
sunken chest 1,307
super-spiky hair gel 2,012
Tasty Fun Good rice candy 4,230
teddy bear 17
thin black candle 130,000
three-tiered wedding cake 1
Time Juice 8
time sleigh 1
tiny house 700
tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf 3
tiny plastic accordion thief 1
tiny plastic angry bugbear 4
tiny plastic angry goat 1
tiny plastic anime smiley 1
tiny plastic apathetic lizardman 3
tiny plastic astronomer 1
tiny plastic Axe Wound 7
tiny plastic baby gravy fairy 1
tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth 1
tiny plastic barrrnacle 1
tiny plastic beanbat 1
tiny plastic Beelzebozo 3
tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar 2
tiny plastic Black Knight 1
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 1
tiny plastic blooper 2
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 1
tiny plastic Boss Bat 1
tiny plastic brainsweeper 4
tiny plastic Cheshire bat 1
tiny plastic cocoabo 2
tiny plastic coffee pixie 1
tiny plastic conservationist hippy 1
tiny plastic cubist bull 2
tiny plastic demoninja 3
tiny plastic disco bandit 1
tiny plastic drunk goat 2
tiny plastic Felonia 3
tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus 3
tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker 5
tiny plastic fluffy bunny 2
tiny plastic fruit golem 3
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 1
tiny plastic G Imp 3
tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick 1
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 1
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 4
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 3
tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester 5
tiny plastic goth giant 5
tiny plastic grue 2
tiny plastic handsome mariachi 5
tiny plastic Hellion 6
tiny plastic howling balloon monkey 1
tiny plastic Iiti Kitty 5
tiny plastic killer bee 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 4
tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl 4
tiny plastic Knob Goblin King 5
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 2
tiny plastic Knott Yeti 3
tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box 3
tiny plastic leprechaun 1
tiny plastic levitating potato 1
tiny plastic lobsterfrogman 2
tiny plastic mosquito 1
tiny plastic ninja snowman 1
tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy 3
tiny plastic pastamancer 1
tiny plastic Protagonist 1
tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime 1
tiny plastic sauceror 1
tiny plastic scary clown 2
tiny plastic seal clubber 1
tiny plastic senile lihc 3
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 4
tiny plastic Spam Witch 3
tiny plastic spiny skelelton 3
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 1
tiny plastic spooky vampire 4
tiny plastic Spunky Princess 2
tiny plastic stab bat 2
tiny plastic star starfish 1
tiny plastic taco cat 3
tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski 1
tiny plastic The Man 2
tiny plastic topiary golem 6
tiny plastic Trouser Snake 7
tiny plastic turtle tamer 1
tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni 2
tiny plastic warwelf 4
tiny plastic whitesnake 1
tiny plastic XXX pr0n 4
tiny plastic zmobie 7
toast 3,950
tomato 3,266
top 5
toy soldier 1
toy train 12
tree-shaped Crimbo cookie 3
Trollhouse cookies 3,525
Unionize The Elves sign 1
Valentine 13
valuable trinket 1,440
vinegar 314
white candy heart 1,300
white chocolate chip cookies 48
wind-up chattering teeth 161
wolf mask 9,689
wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie 1
yak skin 28,196
yellow candy heart 1,600
yeti fur 50,320
Yeti Protest Sign 1
yo-yo 12