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Display Case for Tavares (#672707)
This player is a member of the clan Devo Fans Clan.

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Tavares (#672707)
This player has 179 unique items and 15,594 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
aspirin 1
badass belt 1
banana 10
banana-frosted king cake 1
black paisley oyster egg 10
black pixel 10
black plastic oyster egg 10
black polka-dot oyster egg 10
black snowcone 1
black striped oyster egg 10
blue glowstick 1
blue ribbon 1
blueberry-frosted king cake 1
bowl of fishysoisse 6
brine 27
bunch of bananas 1
chocolate-frosted king cake 1
Chorale of Companionship 1
clockwork bartender-in-the-box 1
Crimbough 1
Deactivated O. A. F. 36
defective Game Grid token 1
dented harmonica 1
dill 75
doll house 85
dope gangsta bling-bling 10
Dyspepsi-Cola 100
enchanted brass knuckles 1
extra-greasy slider 12
flashing novelty button 2
Frosty's frosty mug 3
Frosty's iceball 1
ghost cucumber 71
glass of goat's milk 5
green glowstick 1
green traffic cone 1
hobo fortress blueprints 1
Hodgman's blanket 5
Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics 3
Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top 1
jar of fermented pickle juice 11
jar of squeeze 6
laser-broiled pear 35
lewd playing card 6
Mohawk wig 10
Ol' Scratch's manacles 1
Ol' Scratch's salad fork 5
old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie 1
orange glowstick 4
pink glowstick 2
Prelude of Precision 1
psycho sweater 1
raffle prize box 1
Rainbow's Gravity 1
Ralph IX cognac 1
rose-colored glasses 1
The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder 1
thin black candle 10
throbbing rage gland 1
time sleigh 1
tin cup of mulligan stew 12
tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf 132
tiny plastic accordion thief 67
tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll 1
tiny plastic angry bugbear 124
tiny plastic angry goat 406
tiny plastic anime smiley 130
tiny plastic apathetic lizardman 149
tiny plastic astronomer 133
tiny plastic Axe Wound 143
tiny plastic baby gravy fairy 379
tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth 85
tiny plastic barrrnacle 331
tiny plastic beanbat 133
tiny plastic Beelzebozo 100
tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar 73
tiny plastic Black Knight 123
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 381
tiny plastic blooper 121
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 83
tiny plastic Boris 1
tiny plastic Boss Bat 76
tiny plastic brainsweeper 126
tiny plastic briefcase bat 137
tiny plastic Cheshire bat 243
tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite 1
tiny plastic cocoabo 381
tiny plastic coffee pixie 189
tiny plastic conservationist hippy 79
tiny plastic Crimbo elf 1
tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer 1
tiny plastic Crimbo wreath 1
tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram 1
tiny plastic cubist bull 143
tiny plastic demoninja 115
tiny plastic disco bandit 72
tiny plastic Dr. Awkward 1
tiny plastic drunk goat 139
tiny plastic Ed the Undying 2
tiny plastic fat stack of cash 1
tiny plastic Felonia 76
tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus 123
tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker 129
tiny plastic fluffy bunny 114
tiny plastic fruit golem 134
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 338
tiny plastic G Imp 135
tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick 384
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 362
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 155
tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire 1
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 133
tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester 120
tiny plastic goth giant 140
tiny plastic grue 373
tiny plastic handsome mariachi 131
tiny plastic Hellion 127
tiny plastic hermit 39
tiny plastic howling balloon monkey 334
tiny plastic Iiti Kitty 125
tiny plastic Jarlsberg 1
tiny plastic killer bee 348
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 132
tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl 139
tiny plastic Knob Goblin King 88
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 139
tiny plastic Knott Yeti 122
tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box 102
tiny plastic leprechaun 381
tiny plastic levitating potato 369
tiny plastic lobsterfrogman 114
tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven 4
tiny plastic Mob Penguin 1
tiny plastic mosquito 354
tiny plastic mutant elf 1
tiny plastic Naughty Sorceress 3
tiny plastic ninja snowman 132
tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy 126
tiny plastic pastamancer 109
tiny plastic Protagonist 118
tiny plastic protector spectre 3
tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime 380
tiny plastic sauceror 100
tiny plastic scary clown 126
tiny plastic Scream Queen 1
tiny plastic seal clubber 100
tiny plastic senile lihc 175
tiny plastic skeletal reindeer 1
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 114
tiny plastic Sneaky Pete 1
tiny plastic Spam Witch 136
tiny plastic spiny skelelton 122
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 352
tiny plastic spooky vampire 147
tiny plastic Spunky Princess 126
tiny plastic stab bat 336
tiny plastic star starfish 345
tiny plastic strand of DNA 1
tiny plastic Susie 1
tiny plastic sweet nutcracker 1
tiny plastic taco cat 128
tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski 88
tiny plastic The Man 80
tiny plastic topiary golem 131
tiny plastic Trouser Snake 127
tiny plastic turtle tamer 97
tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo 1
tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni 120
tiny plastic warwelf 140
tiny plastic whitesnake 120
tiny plastic XXX pr0n 135
tiny plastic zmobie 150
tropical paperweight 1
tropical wrapping paper 1
Uncle Crimbo's Rations 1
Unionize The Elves sign 1
vanilla-frosted king cake 1
voodoo snuff 11
yellow glowstick 1