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Display Case for hagrid333 (#191797)
This player is ranked #292 for Most Total Items with a total of 673,488 items.

This player is a member of the clan Wompateers & Granfaloons.

Show items that hagrid333  

hagrid333 (#191797)
This player has 510 unique items and 673,488 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
all-purpose flower 1
Amulet of Yendor 112
Ancient Saucehelm 15
ancient unspeakable fruitcake 7
anniversary balloon 5
anniversary chutney sculpture 1
anniversary concrete fedora 1
antique 8-Bit Power magazine 11
Apathargic Bandersnatch 3
aspirin 99
astral badger 1
astronaut pants 199
baconstone 48
baconstone bracelet 4
baconstone earring 4
bad penguin egg 5
badass belt 110
Bag o' Tricks 11
bag of airline peanuts 222
ball 81
ball-in-a-cup 5
banana 10
banana peel 50
banana-frosted king cake 2
bat-shaped Crimboween cookie 2
beholed bedsheet 10
bejeweled cufflinks 2
bell-shaped Crimbo cookie 4
Better Than Cuddling Cake 1
biomechanical crimborg helmet 1
biomechanical crimborg leg armor 1
black candy heart 16
black polka-dot oyster egg 2
black striped oyster egg 2
black-and-blue light 412
blob-shaped Crimbo cookie 7
blood flower 133
blue paisley oyster egg 3
blue plasma ball 600
blue plastic oyster egg 2
blue polka-dot oyster egg 2
blue striped oyster egg 1
blueberry-frosted king cake 1
bobble-hip hula elf doll 3
Bonerdagon necklace 3
Boss Bat bling 6
Boss Bat britches 39
bottle-rocket crossbow 7
bottled green pixie 4
bow staff 2
bowl of cottage cheese 12,210
bowlegged pants 2
bowler 2
box of sunshine 1,293
broken cellular phone 5,640
brown plastic baby 1
bucket of anniversary lard 1
buckyball 100
Bulky Buddy Box 19
bunch of bananas 5
C.B.F.G. 1
calavera concertina 24
can of fake snow 8
can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce 108
candied yams 103
candy cane 495
candy cornucopia 7
candy stake 4
canteen of wine 20
Cerebral Cloche 1
Cerebral Crossbow 2
cheap elven gloves 114
cheap plastic bottle opener 80
cheap studded belt 360
Chester's Aquarius medallion 1
chocolate-frosted king cake 4
chopsticks 39
chunk of depleted Grimacite 50
Clan looking glass 2
Clan pool table 2
class five ecto-larva 5
Cloaca-Cola fatigues 2,413
Cloaca-Cola helmet 3,057
Cloaca-Cola shield 1,701
clockwork hat 2
clockwork pants 2
clockwork trench coat 2
clown hammer 172
club necklace 14
Codpiece of the Goblin King 5
Colander of Em-er'il 17
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket 1
colored-light "necklace" 7
Comma Chameleon egg 5
container of Spooky Putty 5
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket 1
Corpse Island iced tea 18
corpse on the beach 29
corpsedriver 24
corpsetini 18
cotton candy cocoon 10
Crimbo P. R. E. S. S. I. E. 5
Crimbo ukulele 4
Crimboween memo 35
Crown of Thrones 6
cup of infinite pencils 1
cyborg doll 14
cyborg stompin' boot 5
cymbal syrup 3
dandy lion cub 5
Deactivated O. A. F. 1
deck of tropical cards 12
defective skull 227
delicious salad 99
depleted Grimacite hammer 1
depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick 1
diamond necklace 9
Disco 'Fro Pick 15
disco mask 90
divine champagne flute 135
Doc's Miracle Cure 8
doll house 8
dollhive 102
Drowsy Sword 4
duck-on-a-string 23
duct tape 1,453
duct tape dockers 1
duct tape fedora 1
duct tape sword 10
easter egg balloon 108
eggnog 309
El Sombrero De Lopez 17
Elder Turtle Shell 15
elven limbos gingerbread 5
elven moonshine 18
elven socks 80
Elvish sunglasses 6
empty blowgun 10
encoder ring 159
evil googly eye 85
evil teddy bear 77
explosion-flavored chewing gum 66
facsimile dictionary 110
fake fake vomit 159
fake plastic grass 101
fancy but probably evil chocolate 13
fancy canapés 2
fancy chocolate 100
fancy dress ball 714
felt 44
festive holiday hat 62
fez of etymology 1
filthy corduroys 4
filthy hippy poncho 5
filthy knitted dread sack 1
flashing novelty button 1
flavored foot massage oil 313
floaty stone sphere 5
floral print shirt 3
foam dart 373
foam noodle 99
frilly shirt 4
frozen Mob Penguin 18
fruitcake 217
garish pinky ring 10
ghuol egg 144
giant discarded bottlecap 28
giant discarded plastic fork 75
giant discarded torn-up glove 27
giant glass of brandy 2
giant pinky ring 87
gingerbread bugbear 113
gingerbread horror 10
gingerbread mutant bugbear 10
Glass Balls of the Goblin King 2
glow-in-the-dark dart gun 9
glow-in-the-dark wristwatch 3
glowing frisbee 8
golden ring 191
golden twig 25
googly eye 17
goth kid t-shirt 26
grass blade 5
grass hat 1
grass skirt 1
Grateful Undead T-shirt 1
gray bow tie 314
Great Ball of Frozen Fire 4
green beer 18
Green Clover of Justice 2
green traffic cone 1
grue egg 126
gyroscope 101
haiku katana 5
hamethyst 51
hamethyst earring 3
hamethyst necklace 1
hamethyst ring 11
handful of confetti 6
handmade hobby horse 15
Hanukkimbo dreidl 1
heart necklace 14
helmet turtle 29,085
herbal stuffing 234
hot katana blade 18,753
hot wing 1,337
ice baby 2
ice pick 1
ice sickle 2
ice skates 1
imitation nice watch 2
immense cyborg hand 2
incredibly creepy marionette 31
infant sandworm 5
inflatable duck 99
invisible bag 9
Iron Beta of Industry 2
iron pasta spoon 4,230
irradiated candy cane 11
ittah bittah hookah 1
jar of anniversary jam 1
jar of swamp gas 1,306
jazz soap 211
jewel-eyed wizard hat 3
joybuzzer 203
Juju Mojo Mask 6
killer rag doll 11
kite 183
kneecapping stick 14,873
Knob Goblin elite shirt 19
Knob Goblin stink bomb 6,617
knuckle sandwich 340
laser-broiled pear 49
lavender paisley oyster egg 4
lavender plastic oyster egg 4
lavender polka-dot oyster egg 4
lavender striped oyster egg 2
left half of a heart necklace 1
Libram of BRICKOs 15
Libram of Candy Heart Summoning 4
Libram of Divine Favors 4
Libram of Love Songs 10
lihc eye 1,746
little box of fireworks 5
llama lama cria 4
loaded serum blowgun 21
Loudmouth Larry Lamprey 297
lucky Crimbo tiki necklace 4
M-242 1,050
mad scientist's sock monkey 6
Mad Train wine 1,337
mafia aria 89
magical ice cube with a fly in it 198
MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech 455
March hat 1
marionette 64
martini 53,286
mauve paisley oyster egg 2
mauve plastic oyster egg 1
mauve polka-dot oyster egg 1
mauve striped oyster egg 1
Mayflower bouquet 3
McPhee's Grimoire of Hilarious Object Summoning 1
mini-zeppelin 1
Miniborg beeper 8
Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot 14
Miniborg hiveminder 14
Miniborg laser 89
Miniborg stomper 57
Miniborg strangler 52
monomolecular yo-yo 22,940
mood ring 103
moveable feast 5
Mr. Balloon 1
mylar scout drone 143
nanite-infested candy cane 76
nanite-infested eggnog 71
nanite-infested fruitcake 11
nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear 32
naughty origami kit 5
navel ring of navel gazing 2
Nickel Gamma of Frugality 1
obsidian dagger 6
off-white plastic oyster egg 2
off-white polka-dot oyster egg 2
oriole-feather headdress 7
packet of mayfly bait 15
pail 234
pair of twitching claws 7
panicked kernel 4
parasitic claw 2
parasitic headgnawer 1
parasitic strangleworm 1
parasitic tentacles 1
pasta spoon 14,778
patent leather shoes 467
penguin thesaurus 11
personal massager 350
personalized birthday cake 1
personalized coffee mug 383
pet rock 8
pet rock "Groucho" disguise 191
pet rock "Snooty" disguise 118
petrified time 2
piece of wedding cake 20
pile of loose snow 3
pilgrim shield 3
pirate shirt 8
plastic passion fruit 2
plastic pumpkin bucket 3
pompadour'd puppy 1
porquoise 34
porquoise necklace 5
porquoise ring 31
portable corkscrew 145
possessed top 4,245
prehistoric spear 4,452
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket 2
puce paisley oyster egg 3
puce plastic oyster egg 9
puce polka-dot oyster egg 1
pulsing flesh 7
rag doll 39
Rainbow's Gravity 5
ravioli hat 23,030
razor-tipped yo-yo 13,001
red paisley oyster egg 2
red plastic baby 7
red plastic oyster egg 2
red polka-dot oyster egg 2
rhinestone cowboy shirt 6
rib of the Bonerdagon 53
rigid carapace 14
roasted marshmallow 251
roboduck-on-a-string 2
robotronic egg 144
Rock and Roll Legend 121
rock lobster 1
rogue swarmer 26
rubber emo roe 268
rubber WWBD? bracelet 46
rubber WWJD? bracelet 46
rubber WWSPD? bracelet 35
rubber WWtNSD? bracelet 28
safety vest 2
sane hatrack 7
saucepan 34,581
sawblade fragment 93
Scalp of Gorgolok 20
Schmalz's First Prize Beer 4
Scratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tome 7
scroll of pasta summoning 63
seal tooth 5,438
seal-clubbing club 74,838
set of jacks 14
severed rocking horse head 2
shimmering rainbow sand 1
skull-shaped Crimboween cookie 3
sleeping snowy owl 22
snake 1,051
sock monkey 10
soggy wofl t-shirt 3
Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts 11
spade necklace 21
spandex anniversary shorts 1
sparkler 1,050
spectre scepter 6
spiced rum 5
spooky eggnog 2
spooky rattling cigar box 10
spooky shrunken head 29,589
squamous polyp 6
St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket 50
stainless steel shillelagh 7
stainless steel skullcap 6
stainless steel slacks 4
stainless steel solitaire 1
stainless steel suspenders 5
stick-on eyebrow piercing 414
stick-on-a-string 51
stinky cheese ball 10
stolen accordion 234,113
strange shiny disc 49
string of blue beads 592
string of green beads 408
string of red beads 449
stringy sinew 32
stuffed alien blob 1
stuffed angry cow 28
stuffed astral badger 71
stuffed baby gravy fairy 59
stuffed Baron von Ratsworth 29
stuffed Cheshire bitten 80
stuffed cocoabo 6
stuffed crazy bastard sword 5
stuffed dodecapede 2
stuffed dodo 11
stuffed doppelshifter 144
stuffed flaming gravy fairy 69
stuffed frozen gravy fairy 76
stuffed gray blob 424
stuffed hand turkey 84
stuffed key 45
stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech 66
stuffed martini 6
stuffed Meat 39
stuffed mind flayer 62
stuffed mink 28
stuffed monocle 29
stuffed scary death orb 72
stuffed shoulder parrot 22
stuffed sleazy gravy fairy 86
stuffed snowy owl 63
stuffed spooky gravy fairy 76
stuffed stinky gravy fairy 52
stuffed teddy butler 50
stuffed tin of caviar 56
stuffed treasure chest 28
stuffed undead elbow macaroni 76
stuffed zmobie 2
stuffing 3
sturdy Crimbo crate 1
support cummerbund 5,905
supportive bra 17
suspicious stocking 4
swashbuckling pants 3
tattered paper crown 3
teddy bear 129
teddy borg 89
The Spirit of Crimbo 1
theoretical string 926
thought balloon 1
three-tiered wedding cake 20
Tiki lighter 55
time sword 1
time trousers 1
tiny costume wardrobe 5
tiny plastic accordion thief 1
tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll 2
tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar 3
tiny plastic Crimbo elf 11
tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer 20
tiny plastic Crimbo wreath 20
tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram 1
tiny plastic disco bandit 6
tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire 1
tiny plastic pastamancer 1
tiny plastic sauceror 2
tiny plastic Scream Queen 3
tiny plastic skeletal reindeer 2
tiny plastic sweet nutcracker 17
tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo 32
tofurkey gravy 244
tofurkey leg 255
tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie 2
Tome of Sugar Shummoning 9
tooth 25
toothsome rock 76
top 336
tortoise's blessing 7
towel 6
toy crazy train 162
toy deathbot 9
toy jet pack 338
toy maglev monorail 12
toy mercenary 358
toy ray gun 499
toy soldier 20
toy space helmet 240
toy train 6
toy wheel 1
Travoltan trousers 4
tree skirt 7
tree-eating kite 373
tree-shaped Crimbo cookie 10
Tropical Crimbo Hat 1
Tropical Crimbo Shorts 1
Tropical Crimbo Sword 1
tropical paperweight 9
tropical wrapping paper 3
twitching claw 1
Uncle Crimbo's Rations 1
Unionize The Elves sign 1
unstable DNA 99
unstable laser battery 161
V for Vivala mask 3
vampire collar 4
vampire duck-on-a-string 100
vertebra of the Bonerdagon 5
vibrating cyborg knife 142
vitachoconutriment capsule 20
water wings 99
wax lips 1
wheel 518
whoopie cushion 243
wind-up chattering teeth 245
witch hat 11
wizard action figure 3
wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie 5
x-ray specs 2,673
Yellow Moon of Compassion 1
yellow paisley oyster egg 1
yellow plastic oyster egg 1
yellow snowcone 172
yellow striped oyster egg 1
Yeti Protest Sign 2
yo 12,516
yo-yo 1,036
yuletide troll chrysalis 4
zombie pineal gland 24