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Display Case for Fronobulax (#215957)
This player is ranked #118 for Most Total Items with a total of 2,140,366 items.
This player is ranked #25 for Most Unique Items with a total of 8,533 items.

This player is a member of the clan Screw You Comma Hippy.

Show items that Fronobulax  

Fronobulax (#215957)
This player has 8,533 unique items and 2,140,366 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
Franken Stein 1
"caramel" orange 24
"DEBBIE" tattoo kit 1
"DRINK ME" potion 2,509
"honey" dipper 1
"I survived Y2K" T-Shirt 1
"KICK ME" sign 1
"meat" stick 13,859
"Remember the Trees" Shirt 1
Überraschthexengebräu 5
1,970 carat gold 1
1-ball 1
1.21 jigawatts 1
100-Watt bulb 1
11-leaf clover 2,802
1337 7r0uZ0RZ 1
18-picohertz resonator crystal 1
1952 Mickey Mantle card 1
2-ball 1
20-lb can of rice and beans 4
25-meat staff 1
3-ball 1
30669 scroll 3
33398 scroll 4
334 scroll 2
37x37x37 puzzle cube 1
4-ball 1
4-d camera 1
4-dimensional fez 2
4-dimensional guitar 1
4:20 bomb 54
5-Alarm Saucepan 1
5-ball 1
5-hour acrimony 1
6-ball 1
64067 scroll 1
668 scroll 3
7-ball 1
7-Foot Dwarven mattock 590
7-inch discus 1
8-ball 1
8-billed baseball cap 1
8-bit banana 6
9-ball 1
99.44% pure math 1
A Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes 1
a bug's lymph 1
a butt tuba 1
A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 1 1
A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 2 1
A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 1
A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 1
A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 5 1
A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6 1
A Light that Never Goes Out 1
a little sump'm sump'm 225
A muse-bouche 3
A. W. O. L. commendation 1
abandoned candy 1
abominable blubber 894
abominable snowcone 1
absentee voter ballot 8
abstraction: action 2
abstraction: category 1
abstraction: certainty 1
abstraction: comprehension 1
abstraction: joy 1
abstraction: motion 2
abstraction: perception 1
abstraction: purpose 1
abstraction: sensation 1
abstraction: thought 1
Abuela Crimbo's special magnet 1
abyssal battle plans 1
Abyssal ember 1
acceptable bagel 12
acceptable mayolus 1
accidental cider 1
accidental mutton 1
accord ion 1
accordion file 1
Accordion of Jordion 1
accordionoid rocca 1
acid-squirting flower 1
acoustic guitarrr 1
actual blood sausage 1
actual reality goggles 1
actual tapas 43
adder 167
adder bladder 1
adhesive tape dolly 1
adobe brittle 1
aerated diving helmet 1
Aerheads 3
Affirmation Cookie 1,380
affordable teak perch 1
Afternoon Delight 2
Agent Corrigan's cigarette 1
Agent Mauve 1
Aggressive Carrot 1
Agitated Turkey 1
agnolotti arboli 10
agua de vida 1
Aiolion 1
airblaster gun 1
airborne mutagen 1
alabaster bishop 3
alabaster king 4
alabaster knight 3
alabaster pawn 3
alabaster queen 3
alabaster rook 3
alarm accordion 1
albatross necklace 1
Aldebaran sardines 1
Alewife™ Ale 1
Alexy sauce 1
Alice's Army Alchemist 1,041
Alice's Army Bowman 459
Alice's Army Cleric 422
Alice's Army Coward 625
Alice's Army Dervish 151
Alice's Army Foil Alchemist 26
Alice's Army Foil Bowman 8
Alice's Army Foil Cleric 5
Alice's Army Foil Coward 12
Alice's Army Foil Dervish 2
Alice's Army Foil Guard 31
Alice's Army Foil Halberder 22
Alice's Army Foil Hammerman 10
Alice's Army Foil Horseman 7
Alice's Army Foil Lanceman 10
Alice's Army Foil Mad Bomber 29
Alice's Army Foil Martyr 1
Alice's Army Foil Ninja 23
Alice's Army Foil Nurse 24
Alice's Army Foil Page 22
Alice's Army Foil Shieldmaiden 16
Alice's Army Foil Sniper 2
Alice's Army Foil Spearsman 21
Alice's Army Foil Swordsman 30
Alice's Army Foil tattoo 1
Alice's Army Foil Wallman 24
Alice's Army Guard 1,634
Alice's Army Halberder 1,626
Alice's Army Hammerman 431
Alice's Army Horseman 623
Alice's Army Lanceman 685
Alice's Army Mad Bomber 1,644
Alice's Army Martyr 135
Alice's Army Ninja 1,065
Alice's Army Nurse 1,596
Alice's Army Page 1,580
Alice's Army Shieldmaiden 1,619
Alice's Army Sniper 131
Alice's Army Spearsman 1,657
Alice's Army Swordsman 1,654
Alice's Army Wallman 1,634
alien animal goo 1,202
alien animal milk 5
alien autoautopsy kit 16
alien drugs 1
alien force field disruptor bean 1
alien gemstone 1
alien hologram projector 4
alien meat 3,402
alien plant goo 1,157
alien plant pod 4
alien protein powder 1
alien rock sample 1
alien sandwich 2
alien source code printout 1
All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig 1
all-purpose cleaner 1
all-purpose flower 1
all-year sucker 1
almost-dead walkie-talkie 1
alpha-mail pants 1
alphabet gum 1
Amanitee 1
amber aviator shades 1
Ambitious Turkey 101
ammonite candy mold 1
ammonite fossil 1
Amnesiac Ale 11
amok pudding 14
amok putter 6
amphibious tophat 1
amulet of extreme plot significance 1
Amulet of Perpetual Darkness 1
Amulet of Yendor 954
ancient calendar 2
ancient calendar fragment 1
ancient cursed foot locker 1
ancient Elf dessert spoon 1
ancient frozen dinner 1
ancient hot dog wrapper 1
ancient ice cream scoop 7
ancient Magi-Wipes 1,106
ancient meat 1
ancient medicinal herbs 1
ancient oil painting of yourself 1
ancient pills 16
ancient poisoned dart 23
Ancient Protector Soda 1
ancient protein powder 1
ancient redwood 1
ancient spice 106
ancient stone fist 1
ancient stone head 1
ancient turtle shell 1
ancient turtle shell helmet 1
ancient turtle shell powder 1
ancient unspeakable fruitcake 1
ancient vinyl coin purse 1
anemone nematocyst 3
anemone sauce 2
anemoney clip 1
angel-food cake 1
Angelhair Culottes 1
angry agate 1
Angry Farmer candy 33
Angry Farmer's Wife Candy 1
angry inch 8
angst burger 1
animal part cracker 4
anise-flavored venom 1
Ankh of Badahnkadh 3
ankleweights 1
anniversary balloon 1
anniversary balsa wood socks 1
anniversary burlap belt 1
anniversary chutney sculpture 1
anniversary concrete fedora 1
Anniversary Miniature Sword & Martini Guy 1
anniversary pewter cape 1
anniversary safety glass vest 1
anniversary tiny latex mask 1
annoying pitchfork 1
ant agonist 1
ant antidepressant 1
ant hoe 2
ant pick 2
ant pitchfork 2
ant rake 2
ant sickle 1
anti-anti-antidote 1
anti-burn cream 1
anti-creep cream 1
anti-freeze cream 1
anti-goosebump cream 1
anti-odor cream 1
anti-pain cream 1
anticheese 6
antimatter wad 1
antique 8-Bit Power magazine 1
antique accordion 2
antique beer 1
antique bottle of cough syrup 1
antique bottle opener 1
antique Canadian lantern 4
antique greaves 231
antique hand mirror 4
antique helmet 1
antique machete 13
antique nutcracker beard 1
antique nutcracker boots 1
antique nutcracker cape 1
antique nutcracker drumstick 1
antique nutcracker epaulets 1
antique nutcracker figurine 1
antique nutcracker hat 1
antique nutcracker pants 1
antique nutcracker sword 1
antique nutcracker waistcoat 1
antique packet of ketchup 1
antique painting of a landscape 1
antique pair of blue jeans 1
antique record album 1
antique shield 250
antique souvenir drawing 1
antique spear 1
antique spyglass 1
antique tacklebox 1
apathetic lizardman doll 1
aquamariner's necklace 1
aquamariner's ring 1
aquaviolet jub-jub bird 1
arcanoferric housing 1
archaeologing shovel 1
arm buzzer 1
armgun 1
armored prawn 10
around the world 1
Arrow (+1) 1
arrow'd heart balloon 1
arrowgram 1
arrrgyle socks 1
Arrrmetia trading card 4
arse-a'fire elixir 1
artisanal hand-squeezed wheatgrass juice 27
artisanal limoncello 14
Artist's Butterknife of Regret 3
Artist's Cookie Cutter of Loneliness 3
Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury 2
Artist's Spatula of Despair 2
Artist's Whisk of Misery 1
asbestos apron 1
asbestos crossbow 1
asbestos crossbow string 2
asbestos helmet turtle 1
asbestos meat stack 1
asbestos ore 1
asbestos staff 1
asbestos stick 1
asbestos sword 1
asbestos sword hilt 1
asbestos thermos 8
ASCII fu manchu 1
ASCII shirt 1
ash soda 1
Asleep in the Cemetery 1
asparagus knife 1
asparagus lo mein 6
asparagus stir-fry 5
aspirin 1
assassin's cheese knife 3
asshat 1
asteroid belt 1
astral mushroom 1
astronaut pants 1
Atomic Comic 1
Atomic Pop 1
atomic vector plotter 1
attention spanner 2
attorney's badge 5
augmented El Vibrato drone 1
augmented-reality shades 1
Aura Libre 1
autocalliope 1
automa-bot parts 550
automatic catapult 1
automatic wine thief 1
autumn breeze 1,213
autumn dollar 1
autumn leaf 1,208
autumn years wisdom 1,110
autumn-spice donut 1,147
autumnal aegis 1
AutumnFest ale 1,215
autumnic balm 1
autumnic bomb 1
auxiliary backbone 27
aviator goggles 1
awful poetry journal 1
Ax of L'rose 1
Aye Aye 2
Aye Aye, Captain 1
Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth 1
Azurite 1
bätzle 1
baby bark scorpion 1
baby cuddlefish 1
baby killer bee 7
baby oil shooter 1
baby rigging snake 1
babycakes 1
backwoods banjo 1
backwoods screwdriver 5
BACON 1,601
bacon bath ball 5
baconstone 1
baconstone bracelet 1
baconstone earring 3
baconstone pendant 1
baconstone ring 1
bad rum and good cola 1
bad vibroknife 1
badass belt 1
badass pie 1
badge of authority 3
badger badge 1
bag of airline peanuts 925
bag of bones 1
bag of Cheat-Os 2
bag of foreign bribes 1
bag of GORF 3
bag of GORP 5
bag of grain 1
bag of gross foreign snacks 32,740
bag of lard 1
bag of many confections 1
bag of park garbage 1,925
bag of pygmy blood 69
bag of QWOP 1
bag of random words 3
bag of sausage links 1
bag of unfinished business 1
bag of W&Ws 1
bagged Cargo Cultist Shorts 1
baggie of powdered sugar 1
baggie of regular-sized tardigrades 2
Baja sopapilla 8
baked stuffing 1
baked veggie ricotta casserole 14
bakelite-covered bacon 1
Bal-musette accordion 1
balaclava 1
balaclava baklava 1
balanced antler 2
ball 1
ball-in-a-cup 1
balloon helmet 1
balloon monkey 1
balloon shield 1
balloon sword 1
ballpark hot daub 1
ballroom blintz 1
baloney rotgut 1
balsa plank 4
bamboo bokuto 5
banana 1
banana candle 1
banana cream pie 1
banana daiquiri 1
banana milkshake 2
banana peel 1
banana smoothie 1
banana split 1
banana spritzer 1
banana supersucker 1
banana-frosted king cake 1
bananagate 1
bananarama bangle 1
Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental 1
Bangyomaman battle juice 1
banjo kazoo mount 2
banjo strings 1
baobab sap 1
bar of freeze-dried water 1
bar skin 1
bar whip 1
barbed-wire fence 1
bargain flash powder 10
baritone accordion 1
bark beret 1
bark boxers 1
bark bracelet 1
bark rootbeer 1
barnacle-encrusted sweater 20
Baron von Ratsworth's monocle 1
barrel beryl 1
barrel beryl choker 1
barrel beryl nose ring 1
barrel beryl ring 1
barrel cracker 7
barrel gun 1
barrel pickle 5
barrel-aged eggnog 1
barrel-aged martini 1
barrelhead 1
barrrnacle 1
barskin buckler 1
barskin cloak 2
barskin hat 1
barskin loincloth 2
barskin tent 1
bartender skull 1
bartender-in-the-box 1
bartender-skull-in-the-box 1
Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler 1
Barulio's bottle 3
basaltamander buckler 1
basaltamander tongue 1
baseball 1
Bash-Ōs boxtop 1
Bash-Ōs cereal 7
basic martini 1
basic meat crossbow 1
basic meat fez 1
basic meat foon 1
basic meat helmet 1
basic meat kilt 1
basic meat pants 1
basic meat skirt 1
basic meat spork 1
basic meat staff 1
basic meat sword 9
bastard baster 1
Bastille Battalion cheese wheel 1
Bastille Battalion control rig loaner voucher 1
Bastille Battalion tattoo kit 1
bat guano 1
bat haggis 2
bat hat 1
bat whip 1
bat wing 1
bat wing kabob 10
bat wing stir-fry 4
bat-ass leather jacket 1
bat-shaped Crimboween cookie 1
batarang 3
batblade 1
batgut 1
bath ball gift set 1
battered Crimbo Crate 1
battered hubcap 1
battered old top-hat 1
battery (9-Volt) 1
battery (AA) 1
battery (AAA) 1
battery (car) 1
battery (D) 1
battery (lantern) 1
battery-powered drill 2
Battlie Light Saver 3
bazooka cozy 1
bazookafish bubble gum 1
beach ball marble 1
Beach Comb 1
Beach Comb Box 1
beach glass bead 2
beach glass necklace 1
bean burrito 3
beanbag chair 1
bear claw 4
beard incense 12
beastly paste 1
beaten-up Chucks 1
beautiful rainbow 1
beautiful soup 1
beaver punch (cherry) 1
beaver punch (papaya) 1
beaver punch (peach) 1
beaver spear 1
beavermouth 1
bed of coals 1
Beefy Crunch Pastaco 1
beefy fish meat 4
beefy pill 1
beer basted brat 7
beer bomb 1
beer bong 1
beer cartilage 1
beer goggles 1
beer helmet 1
beer lens 1
beer-a-pult 1
beer-battered accordion 1
beer-soaked mop 3
beertini 1
beery blood 1
beet-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar 1
beetle antenna 1
beggin' cologne 1
begpwnia 1
beholed bedsheet 1
beige clambroth marble 1
Beignet Milgranet 60
bejeweled accordion strap 1
bejeweled cufflinks 128
bejeweled pledge pin 1
belemnite candy mold 1
belemnite fossil 1
bell-shaped Crimbo cookie 1
bellhop bell 1
bellhop's hat 1
Belt of Howling Anger 664
belt of Ogrekind 3
Ben-Gal™ Balm 1
Benetton's Medley of Diversity 5
bent scrap metal 46
berries of suffering 6
berry-infused sake 5
Better Than Cuddling Cake 1
Bettie page 5
bezoar ring 1
BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt 2
BGE 'ferocious fruit' shirt 1
BGE merchandise order form 1
BGE pocket calendar 2
BGE shotglass 1
BGE temporary tattoo 1
BGE tiny plastic toy 1
bi-lateral logic compressor 1
Bicycle 1
Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook 1
big bad voodoo mask 1
big bass drum 1
big boom 27
big bumboozer marble 1
big bundle of chamoix 1
Big Candy's tophat 1
big dribbly candle 1
big glob of skin 7
big hot pepper 2
Big Punk 6
big red button 1
big red clown nose 1
big rock 1
big slimy cyst 1
big stick 1
big stirring stick 1
bigger stick 1
bilge wine 1
bill bec-de-bardiche glaive-guisarme 1
bindlestocking 1
biomechanical crimborg helmet 1
biomechanical crimborg leg armor 1
bird rib 1
birdbone corset 1
birdybug antenna 1
birthday party jellybean cheesecake 1
bishop cookie 1
Bit O' Ectoplasm 1
Bit O' Quail Spleen 7
bit of clingfilm 6
bit-o-cactus 1
bite-me-red lipstick 1
bitter pill 1
BitterSweetTarts 1
BittyCar HotCar 1
BittyCar MeatCar 1
BittyCar SoulCar 1
Bjorn's Hammer 1
black & tan 1
Black and White Apron Meal Kit 1
black and white cracker 1
Black Angus blackburger 1
black belt 1
black blade 6
Black Body™ spray 1
black brandy 1
black BRICKO brick 10
black candy heart 540
black catseye marble 1
black cherry soda 71
black cloak 13
black cowboy hat 1
black Crimbo ball 1
black eye shadow 34
black eyedrops 1
black facepaint 2
black forest cake 1
black forest ham 1
black friar's tonsure 22
black gallstone 1
black gold 1
black greaves 1
black helmet 1
Black Hole 1
black kettle drum 1
black label 28
black lotus 1
black magic powder 20
black mana 340
Black No. 2 1
black paisley oyster egg 2
black pension check 1
black pepper 1
black picnic basket 1
black pixel 1
black plastic oyster egg 51
black polka-dot oyster egg 2
black pudding 1
black sheepskin diploma 1
black shield 1
black slime glob 3
black snake skin 1
black snowcone 1
black spot 6
black striped oyster egg 1
black sword 1
black tear 2
black-and-blue light 1
blackberry 1
blackberry combat boots 1
blackberry galoshes 1
blackberry moccasins 1
blackberry polite 1
blackberry slippers 1
Blackfly Chardonnay 1
blammer 5
blank diary 1
blank fudge mold 1
blank prescription sheet 1
Blatantly Canadian 1
blended frozen swill 5
blended frozen swill with a fly in it 1
blessed rustproof +2 gray dragon scale mail 1
blind-packed capsule toy 1
blind-packed die-cast metal toy 1
Blizzards I Have Died In 1
blob of acid 13
blob of Alphredo™ 5
blob of wood glue 4
blob-shaped Crimbo cookie 1
Blood 'n' Plenty 1
blood and blood 1
blood flower 1
blood kiwi 1
Blood Light 1
blood of the Wereseal 1
blood roll-up 1
blood sausage 1
blood snowcone 1
blood-drive sticker 1
blood-faced volleyball 1
blood-red mushroom wine 1
blood-soaked sponge cake 61
bloodied surgical dungarees 21
bloodstain stick 49
bloodstick 1
bloody beer 1
bloody clown pants 1
bloody mary 1
Bloody Nora 1
blowdart 20
blown-out speaker cone 1
blue canary nightlight 1
blue class ring 3
blue glowstick 1
blue grass 16
blue lava globs 1
blue mana 5,289
blue oyster badge 6
blue paisley oyster egg 2
blue pixel 1
blue pixel potion 53
blue plasma ball 1
blue plastic baby 1
blue plastic oyster egg 1
blue plate 1
blue polka-dot oyster egg 1
blue potion 4,528
blue pumps 1
blue raspberry troll doll 1
blue shell 1
blue snowcone 1
blue striped oyster egg 1
blue suede shoes 1
blue tulip 1
blue velvet cake 1
blue-frosted astral cupcake 1
blueberry muffin 1
blueberry-frosted king cake 1
blundarrrbus 1
blunt cat claw 71
blunt icepick 89
Bluzzard 1
bobble-hip hula elf doll 1
bobcat grenade 38
Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf 1
Bohemian rhapsody 1
boilermaker 1
boilgun 1
boiling broth 1
boiling hot cocoa 1
boiling seal blood 1
bolder boulder 1
Boletus Broletus mushroom 1
Boltsmann ID badge 1
bone abacus 34
bone and arrows 1
bone aperitif 1
bone bandoneon 1
bone bons 4
bone broth 1
bone chips 1
bone collar 1
bone crusher 1
bone flour 1
bone flute 1
bone meal 1
bone rattle 1
bone spurs 1
Bone's Farm "wine" 1
boneana hammock 1
bonedanna 1
bonerang 1
Bonestabber 1
boning knife 1
bonsai tree 1
booby trap 2
book of matches 20
Book of Old-Timey Carols 1
Booke of Vampyric Knowledge 2
Boosty Juice 1
boot flask 1
boot knife 1
BOOterfinger 3
BOOtonniere 1
Boots of Twilight Whispers 669
booty chest charrrm 1
booty chest charrrm bracelet 1
booze bindle 194
booze drive button 1
booze mailing list 1
boozebomb 48
Boozehounds Anonymous token 1
Bordeaux Marteaux 10
borg sock monkey 1
boring spaghetti 2
Boris's beer 1
Boris's bread 1
Boris's key lime 1
Boris's key lime pie 1
Boris's ring 1
borrowed time 437
Boss Drops 3
bottle of alcohol 1
bottle of Amontillado 1
bottle of anís 1
bottle of antifreeze 1
bottle of black cat tonic 1
bottle of Blank-Out 1
bottle of Bloodweiser 1
bottle of bubbles 1
bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon 1
bottle of Calcutta Emerald 1
bottle of clam juice 1
bottle of Cochon Noir 1
bottle of cooking sherry 1
bottle of Crème de Fugu 1
bottle of Crimbognac 1
bottle of dark rhum 1
bottle of Definit 1
bottle of Domesticated Turkey 1
bottle of drinkin' gas 5
bottle of Evermore 80
bottle of extra-dark rhum 1
bottle of extra-strength melodramamine 1
bottle of fire 1
bottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPA 1
bottle of fruity "wine" 3
bottle of gin 25
bottle of Goldschnöckered 1
bottle of goofballs 2
bottle of Greedy Dog 1
bottle of gregnadigne 1
bottle of Jorge Sinsonte 1
bottle of Lambada Lambic 1
bottle of laundry sherry 43
bottle of Lieutenant Freeman 1
bottle of lighter fluid 1
bottle of limeade 1
bottle of melodramamine 1
bottle of Monsieur Bubble 1
bottle of moontan lotion 1
bottle of Mystic Shell 1
bottle of norwhiskey 3
bottle of novelty hot sauce 1
bottle of Old Pugilist 11
bottle of Ooze-O 1
bottle of peppermint schnapps 8
bottle of perfume 1
bottle of Pete's Sake 1
bottle of Pinot Renoir 1
bottle of pirate juice 1
bottle of popskull 1
bottle of Professor Beer 4
bottle of Race Car Red 1
bottle of Rapier Witbier 23
bottle of realpagne 1
bottle of Red-Out 3
bottle of rhinoceros hormones 1
bottle of rum 2,202
bottle of sake 10
bottle of Sanguiovese 1
bottle of sea wine 1
bottle of sewage schnapps 1
bottle of single-barrel whiskey 1
bottle of super-extra-dark rhum 1
bottle of tequila 29
bottle of ultravitamins 1
bottle of Vangoghbitussin 1
bottle of vodka 234
bottle of whiskey 25
bottle of wine 8,444
bottle opener belt buckle 1
bottle-rocket crossbow 1
bottlecap turtle 1
bottled day 1
bottled inspiration 1
bottled swamp gas 3
bottoms of the barrel 1
boulder 3
Boulevardier cocktail 9
bounty-hunting helmet 3
bounty-hunting pants 2
bounty-hunting rifle 2
bouquet of circular saw blades 1
bow 1
bow staff 1
bowl full of jelly 3
bowl of Bounty-Os 1
bowl of cottage cheese 1
bowl of eyeballs 5
bowl of fishysoisse 1
bowl of Jeal-O 1
bowl of lucky charms 1
bowl of maggots 2
bowl of marinade 1
bowl of mernudo 1
bowl of mummy guts 3
bowl of prescription candy 1
bowl of rye sprouts 15
Bowl of Scorpions 4
bowl of Tastee-Wheet™ 1
bowl of topioca 1
bowlegged pants 1
bowler 1
Bowlet 1
bowling ball 30
box 1
box of Dweebs 1
box of Familiar Jacks 2,273
box of hammers 31
box of hickory chips 1
box of Pokëmann band-aids 1
box of sunshine 427
box turtle 1
box-in-the-box 1
box-in-the-box-in-the-box 1
boxed champagne 1
boxed gumball machine 1
boxed wine 558
Boxing Day Pass 1
boxing glove 1
boxing glove on a spring 2
boxing-glove-in-a-box 1
Brain Food Pastaco 1
brain preservation fluid 1
brain-meltingly-hot chicken wings 1
brains casserole 1
BRAINS shorts 1
brainwave-controlled unicorn horn 1
brainy skull 1
Bram's choker 6
bran muffin 1
brand new key 1
brass abacus 1
brass bung spigot 1
brass crank handle 1
brass dorsal fin 2
brass gear 129
brass stinger 1
brass turkey knuckles 1
bread basket 1
bread line 6
bread man 1
bread mold 1
bread pie 1
bread roll 1
breadchucks 8
breaded beer 1
breadwand 1
Breakfast Blast wine cooler 3
breakfast mess 3,743
breakfast miracle 50
breath mint 4,313
Breathetastic™ Premium Canned Air 1
Breathitin™ 1
brick 952
brick of sand 1
BRICKO airship 1
BRICKO bat 1
BRICKO brick 1
BRICKO bulwark 4
BRICKO cathedral 81
BRICKO egg 3
BRICKO elephant 1
BRICKO eye brick 15,424
BRICKO gargantuchicken 8
BRICKO hat 1
BRICKO octopus 10
BRICKO ooze 1
BRICKO oyster 3
BRICKO pants 1
BRICKO pearl 8
BRICKO pyramid 1
BRICKO python 1
BRICKO reactor 24
BRICKO stud 3
BRICKO sword 8
BRICKO trunk 2
BRICKO turtle 1
BRICKO vacuum cleaner 1
briefcase 1
brigand brittle 1
Bright Water 31
brilliant oyster egg 1
Brimstone Chicken Sandwich 2
brine 1
briny vinegar 1
brittle plastic handle 2
broberry brogurt 1
brocolate brogurt 1
broken beer bottle 1
broken BRICKO brick 37
broken carburetor 1
broken cellular phone 1
broken chocolate pocketwatch 1
broken clock 31
broken El Vibrato drone 1
broken glass grenade 42
broken high-temperature mining drill 5
broken skull 1
broken sword 1
broken warbear gyrocopter 3
bronze 1
bronze breastplate 1
bronze handcuffs 1
bronze polish 2
bronzed locust 1
BROS Energy Drink 1
brown crock marble 1
brown felt tophat 2
brown paper bag mask 54
brown paper pants 46
brown pirate pants 5
brown pixel 57
brown plastic baby 1
brown sugar cane 3
browser cookie 2
Bruno's blessing of Mars 2
buñuelos Jaliscos 1
bubble bauble bow 1
bubble-wrap simulator 1
bubble-wrap simulator (half broken) 1
bubble-wrap simulator (one broken button) 1
bubble-wrap simulator (one button left) 1
bubblegum heart 260
bubblewrap bottlecap turtleban 1
bubblewrap crossbow 1
bubblewrap ore 1,096
bubblewrap staff 1
bubblewrap sword 6
bubblin' chemistry solution 1
bubblin' crude 1
bubbling tempura batter 5
bubbly potion 1
bucket of ancient Vampyre blood 1
bucket of anniversary lard 1
bucket of fish juice 9
bucket of honey 1
bucket of wine 397
buckler buckle 1
buckyball 1
Buddy Bjorn 1
buffalo blade 8
buffed alien drugs 1
bug juice 1
bug paste 1
bugbear beanie 14
bugbear bungguard 11
bugbear purification pill 2
Bugbearclaw Donut 2
bugged bön±Ã©t 9
bugged balaclava 1
bugged beanie 4
Bulky Buddy Box 1
bull blubber 15
bullet necklace 1
bullet-proof corduroys 1
bum cheek 1
bumblebee marble 1
bunch of bananas 1
bunch of sea grapes 2,446
bunch of square grapes 1
bundle of "fragrant" herbs 1
bungle in the jungle 1
bunny liver 816
buoybottoms 1
burglar/sleep mask 1
burning newspaper 1
burnt flower 1
burnt stick 1
burrowgrub hive 1
Burt's blessing of Bacchus 2
bus pass 19
Bustle Hustler 5
butterfly knife 12
Buttery Boy 1
Buttery Knob 1
button rouge 21
buzzard feather 3
buzzing mushroom wine 1
C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button 2
C.B.F.G. 1
C.H.U.M. chum 1
C.H.U.M. knife 1
C.H.U.M. lantern 3
cabbage-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar 1
cabooze 1
cactus fruit 1
cactus monocle 1
caipifruta 3
Caipiranha 1
Cajun accordion 1
calavera concertina 1
calle de miel 637
calle de miel with a fly in it 2
Calzone of Legend 1
camouflage T-shirt 60
Camp Scout pup tent 1
can cannon 1
can of Adultwitch™ 3
can of Binarrrca 1
can of black paint 1
can of Brütalbräu 1
can of cherry-flavored sterno 1
can of CRIMBCOLA 1
can of depilatory cream 19
can of drain cleaner 3
can of Drooling Monk 1
can of fake snow 1
can of franks 'n' beans 12
can of Ghuol-B-Gone™ 1
can of Impetuous Scofflaw 1
can of maces 1
can of Minions-Be-Gone 1
can of mixed everything 1
can of Red Minotaur 3
can of sardines 5
Can of Spaghetto 1
can of spinach 1
can of starch 1
can of sterno 1
can of Swiller 1
can of the cheapest beer 5
can of V-11 1
can opener 1
Can-Can skirt 1
can-can-in-a-can 1
can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce 1
can-you-dig-it? 6
Candicaine 2
candied almond 1
candied bolts 1
candied kobold 1
candied lime 1
candied nuts 1
candied pecan 4
candied sweet potatoes 1
candied yam pinky ring 1
candied yams 1
Candy Alexander 1
candy brain 1
candy cane 1
candy cane candygram 1
candy carrot 4
candy carrot cake 2
candy chalk 3
candy cigarette 1
candy crayons 4
candy dog collar 1
candy dress shoes 1
candy drive button 1
candy harmonica 6
candy kneecapping stick 1
candy knife 1
candy knuckles 1
candy mountain oyster 4
candy necktie 1
candy skeleton 1
candy stake 1
candy stick 1
candy UFOs 3
candycaine powder 1
cane-mail pants 1
cane-mail shirt 2
cannonball charrrm 1
cannonball charrrm bracelet 1
cannonbomb 8
canopic jar 1
canteen of eggnog 1
canteen of wine 1
Cantelope 1
cap gun 1
capacitor relay 1
capped blue lava bottle 1
capped green lava bottle 1
capped red lava bottle 1
captured boozles 1
Caramel 1
carbon nanotube frame 1
carbonated soy milk 1
carbonated water lily 3
card sleeve 1
cardboard box turtle 1
cardboard crossbow 1
cardboard katana 1
cardboard ore 1,039
cardboard staff 1
cardboard sword 11
cardboard wakizashi 1
caret 1
Cargo Cultist Shorts 1
carnivorous potted plant 1
carob brownies 13
carob cannon 1
carob chunk cookies 1
carob chunk noodles 148,550
carob chunks 3
Carol of the Bulls 1
Carol of the Hells 1
Carol of the Thrills 1
Carpricorn 1
carrot cake 1
carrot cake precipice bar 6
carrot claret 2
carrot juice 1
carrot nose 1
carrot-on-a-stick 1
carton of gaspers 3
carton of rotten eggs 1
carton of snake milk 359
cartoon harpoon 1
cartoon heart 4,955
cashew 1
casino pass 2
cast 1
cast-iron legacy paddle 1
cat appendix 1
cat o' nine teeth 1
catfish whiskers 7
catgut 1
catgut taco 2
catskin buckler 1
catskin cap 1
catsup 1
Caveman Dan's favorite rock 1
celestial au jus 1
celestial carrot juice 1
celestial olive oil 1
celestial squid ink 1
Celsius 233 1
Celsius 233 (singed) 1
Cement Mixer 1
cement sandals 1
censored can label 4
Centauri fish wine 1
centipede eggs 1
centurion helmet 1
Cerebral Cloche 1
Cerebral Crossbow 1
Cerebral Culottes 3
chain-mail monokini 1
chainsaw chain 10
Chakra Libre 1
chakra malt 1
chakra sludge 12
chakra-mental wine 1
chamoisole 1
Champagne Shimmy 1
chaos butterfly 1
chaos popcorn 2
charged magnet 1
charisma potion 1
Charity's choker 2
Charleston Choo-Choo 1
Charleston shoes 2
charming flute 7
charpuce jub-jub bird 1
charrrm bracelet 1
Charter: Nellyville 1
cheap Chinese beer 1
cheap cigar butt 1
cheap clip-on ninja tie 4
cheap elven gloves 1
cheap plastic blowgun 14
cheap plastic bottle opener 1
cheap plastic kazoo 1
cheap studded belt 1
cheap sunglasses 1,848
cheap toaster 2
Ched 1
cheer extractor 1
cheer-o-gram 1
Cheer-Up soda 1
cheerful antler hat 1
cheerful Crimbo sweater 1
cheerful pajama pants 1
cheesy eagle sauce 1
cheezburger 27
chef skull 1
chef's hat 1
chef-in-the-box 1
chef-skull-in-the-box 1
cherry 556
Cherry Cloaca Cola 1
cherry pie 1,109
Cherrytastrophe wine cooler 6
chest barrel 1
chest of "pirate gold" 1
Chester's Aquarius medallion 3
Chester's bag of candy 5
Chester's cutoffs 5
Chester's moustache 2
Chester's muscle shirt 2
Chester's sunglasses 3
chewable paper 1
chewing gum on a string 1
ChibiBuddy™ (off) 1
chicle de salchicha 3
chiffon lemon 1
child-sized dracula cloak 4
children of the candy corn 1
Chinese curse words 4
chintzy accordion pin 1
chintzy disco ball pendant 1
chintzy noodle ring 1
chintzy saucepan earring 1
chintzy seal pendant 1
chintzy turtle brooch 1
chipotle wasabi cilantro aioli 66
chiptune guitar 1
chisel 3
chitin powder 1
chitin powder paste 1
chitinous pod 1
chlorine crystal 8
chloroform rag 1
chlorophyll paste 1
choco-Crimbot 1
Choco-Mint patty 4
chocolate "Phoenix" 1
chocolate bath ball 3
chocolate bowtie 1
chocolate box 1
chocolate chip muffin 1
chocolate cigar 1
chocolate covered ping-pong ball 1
chocolate cow bone 1
chocolate disco ball 1
chocolate filthy lucre 1
chocolate frosted sugar bomb 17
chocolate leash 1
chocolate Ogre Chieftain 1
chocolate pasta spoon 1
chocolate pocketwatch 1
chocolate rabbit's foot 1
chocolate saucepan 1
chocolate seal-clubbing club 2
chocolate Spider Queen 1
chocolate spurs 1
chocolate stolen accordion 1
chocolate turtle totem 1
chocolate-covered caviar 3
chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses 1
chocolate-covered loofah 1
chocolate-covered scarab beetle 1
chocolate-frosted king cake 1
chocolate-stained collar 1
chocomotive 8
chocotini 5
Choker of the Ultragoth 1
chopsticks 1
Chorale of Companionship 2
Chori Zo trading card 1
chorizo brownies 148,686
chorizo taco 1
chrome crossbow 1
chrome crossbow string 1
chrome helmet turtle 1
chrome meat stack 1
chrome ore 1
chrome staff 1
chrome stick 1
chrome sword 1
chrome sword hilt 1
Chroner 860
Chroner cross 1
Chroner trigger 1
Chubby and Plump bar 1
chunk of depleted Grimacite 1
chunk of hot iron 18
chunk of rock salt 26,081
Churchill 1
cigar box turtle 1
cigarette lighter 5
Cinco Mayo Lager 1
cinnamon cannoli 2
cinnamon machine oil 219
cinnamon troll doll 1
circle drum 1
circular CRIMBCOOKIE 1
Citrus Crush wine cooler 4
citrus-infused sake 6
Clan speakeasy 1
Clan VIP Lounge key 1
classy monkey 1
claw-held flag 1
clay peace-sign bead 1
Claybender glasses 1
clear Russian 1
clerical automa-core 1
Climate Colada 1
clingfilm cap 1
clingfilm slippers 1
clingfilm tangle 1
clingfilm trousers 1
Cloaca Cola Polar 3,775
Cloaca grenade 1
Cloaca-Cola 1
Cloaca-Cola c-rations 1
Cloaca-Cola fatigues 1
Cloaca-Cola helmet 1
Cloaca-Cola knapsack 1
Cloaca-Cola shield 1
Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife 1
Cloak of Dire Shadows 697
clock-cleaning hammer 1
clockwork bartender head 1
clockwork bartender-head-in-the-box 1
clockwork bartender-in-the-box 2
clockwork chef head 1
clockwork chef-head-in-the-box 1
clockwork chef-in-the-box 1
clockwork claws 1
clockwork clockwise dome 1
clockwork counterclockwise dome 1
clockwork crossbow 1
clockwork detective skull 2
clockwork doohickey 1
clockwork endoskeleton 1
clockwork handle 1
clockwork hat 1
clockwork key 1
clockwork maid 1
clockwork maid head 2
clockwork pants 2
clockwork pirate skull 2
clockwork rings 1
clockwork rod 1
clockwork shank 1
clockwork sheet 1
clockwork sphere 1
clockwork spine 1
clockwork staff 1
clockwork sword 15
clockwork thingamajig 1
clockwork trench coat 2
clockwork widget 1
cloning kit 1
closed-circuit phone system 1
cloudy potion 1
clove-flavored lip balm 18
clown hammer 904
clown shoes 1
clown skin 1
clown whip 1
clown wig 7
clownskin belt 1
clownskin buckler 1
clownskin harness 1
club necklace 50
club of the five seasons 2
clumsiness bark 56
cluster of hops 4
clutch of dodecapede eggs 18
coal contact lenses 3
coal dust 55
coal shovel 18
coal snakeskin 1
coarse hemp socks 1
cob of corn 3
Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau 162
Cobra Bowl 1
cocktail mushroom 2
cocktail napkin 1
cocktail onion 1
Cocktails of the Age of Sail 1
Cocktails of the Age of Sail (used) 1
cocoa chondrule 3
cocoa egg 1
cocoa eggshell fragment 1
cocoa of youth 1
coconut bikini top 1
coconut shell 1
cod cape 1
Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration 1
coffee pixie stick 5
coffin lid 1
cog 1
cog and sprocket assembly 1
Coinspiracy 8,764
Colander of Em-er'il 3
cold and sour sauce 1
cold cluster 1
cold clusterbomb 1
Cold Fang 1
cold hi mein 1
Cold Hots candy 1
cold jelly 1
cold mashed potatoes 5
cold ninja mask 1
cold nuggets 1
cold powder 1
cold seal sweat 1
cold wad 1
cold water bottle 44
cold-filtered water 138
collapsible baton 1
collection of tiny spooky objects 58
cologne of contempt 1
Colon Annihilation Hot Sauce 1
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket 1
colored-light "necklace" 1
colorful plastic ball 1
colorful toad 64
colossal free-range mushroom 1
comb jelly 3
combat fan 2
Comet Drop 3
Comet Pop 1
comfy coffin 1
commemorative war stein 1
communal gobstopper 1
communications windchimes 1
complex mushroom wine 1
complicated lock impression 1
compounded experience 8
compressed air canister 1
compression stocking 12
computronic processing unit 1
concentrated cooking 6
concentrated cordial of concentration 1
concentrated fish broth 3
concentrated garbage juice 1
concentrated magicalness pill 1
concoction of clumsiness 5
confiscated cell phone 1
confiscated comic book 1
confiscated love note 1
confusing LED clock 1
congratulatory cake 1
conjured ice cream 1
Connery's Elixir of Audacity 1
conquistador's breastplate 1
Conspiracy™ mascara 1
contract enforcement stick 14
control crystal 1
Convincing People You Can See The Future 7
Cookbook of the Damned 1
cookbookbat book 1
cookie cookie 1
Cool Brunch Pastaco 1
cool cat claw 15
cool cat elixir 116
cool hot cocoa 1
cool iron ingot 1
cool jelly donut 34
cool mint precipice bar 1
cool mushroom 1
cool mushroom casserole 1
cool mushroom wine 8
cool spore pod 1
cool whip 1
cooling iron breastplate 1
cooling iron greaves 1
cooling iron helmet 1
coping juice 1
copper ha'penny charrrm 1
copper ha'penny charrrm bracelet 1
cordial of concentration 1
corn holder 1
Cornbeefadon 1
corncob pipe 1
corned beet 4
cornucopia 1
cornuthaum 249
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket 1
Corpse Island iced tea 1
corpse on the beach 1
corpsebite 5
corpsedriver 1
corpsetini 1
correction fluid 1
corrupted bird DNA 2
corrupted data 1
corrupted marrow 10
corrupted stardust 1
cosmetic football 16
cosmic lemonade 1
cosmic paste 1
costume rental shop 4
costume sword 1
cottage 1
cotton candy bale 4
cotton candy cocoon 1
cotton candy cone 1
cotton candy cordial 1
cotton candy pillow 1
cotton candy pinch 1
cotton candy plug 1
cotton candy skoshe 2
cotton candy smidgen 1
counterfeit city 1
cow poker 1
cozy bazooka 3
cozy scarf 1
cozy scimitar 3
crêepy mask 69
crabsicle 1
cracker 1
Cracklin' Oat Bran 2
cranberries 1
cranberry cordial 1
cranberry cylinder 1
cranberry margarita (brackish) 1
cranberry schnapps 1
crappy brain 1
crappy camera 2
crappy Mer-kin tailpiece 3
crappy waiter disguise 21
crate of firebombs 1
crayon shavings 32
crazy hobo notebook 27
crazy little Turkish delight 4
Crazymaker 1
cream of pointy mushroom soup 7
cream pie 1
cream stout 1
creamsicle 1
creepy doll head 14
creepy ginger ale 4
creepy nursery rhyme 167
creepy voice box 19
creepy voodoo doll 2
crident 3
CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) 1
CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) 1
CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) 1
CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) 1
CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) 1
CRIMBCO lanyard 1
CRIMBCO scrip 10
CRIMBCO wine 1
Crimbeau de toilette 1
Crimbo candied pecan 4,405
Crimbo candle 1
Crimbo Candy Cookbook 88
Crimbo Carol tattoo kit 1
Crimbo Cheer tattoo kit 2
Crimbo Commerce tattoo kit 1
Crimbo cookie sheet 1
Crimbo Credit 61
Crimbo crystal shards 1
Crimbo dinner 1
Crimbo dog sweater 1
Crimbo Factory surprise box 35
Crimbo food scraps 44
Crimbo fudge 3,751
Crimbo paste 1
Crimbo peppermint bark 4,163
Crimbo pie 1
Crimbo salad 7
Crimbo sapling 1
Crimbo smile 1
Crimbo stockings 1
Crimbo tattoo kit 1
Crimbo train emergency brake 9
Crimbo training manual 1
Crimbo ukulele 1
Crimbo wreath 1
Crimbojito 5
Crimbolex watch 1
Crimbomega drive chain 1
Crimbomination Contraption 1
Crimbonium fuel rod 1
Crimbosmopolitan 1
Crimbot battery 1
Crimbot ROM: Mathematical Precision 1
Crimbot ROM: Mathematical Precision (dirty) 1
Crimbot ROM: Rapid Prototyping 1
Crimbot ROM: Rapid Prototyping (dirty) 1
Crimbot ROM: Ruthless Efficiency 1
Crimbot ROM: Ruthless Efficiency (dirty) 1
Crimbot schematic: Big Head 1
Crimbot schematic: Big Wheel 1
Crimbot schematic: Bit Masher 1
Crimbot schematic: Bug Zapper 1
Crimbot schematic: Camera Claw 1
Crimbot schematic: Candle Lighter 1
Crimbot schematic: Cold Shoulder 1
Crimbot schematic: Crab Core 1
Crimbot schematic: Cyclopean Torso 1
Crimbot schematic: Dynamo Head 1
Crimbot schematic: Grease / Regular Gun 1
Crimbot schematic: Grease Gun 1
Crimbot schematic: Gun Face 1
Crimbot schematic: Gun Legs 1
Crimbot schematic: Heavy Treads 1
Crimbot schematic: Heavy-Duty Legs 1
Crimbot schematic: High-Speed Fan 1
Crimbot schematic: Hoverjack 1
Crimbot schematic: Lamp Filler 1
Crimbot schematic: Maxi-Mag Lite 1
Crimbot schematic: Mega Vise 1
Crimbot schematic: Military Chassis 1
Crimbot schematic: Mobile Girder 1
Crimbot schematic: Nerding Module 1
Crimbot schematic: Power Arm 1
Crimbot schematic: Power Stapler 1
Crimbot schematic: Really Big Head 1
Crimbot schematic: Refrigerator Chassis 1
Crimbot schematic: Rivet Shocker 1
Crimbot schematic: Rodent Gun 1
Crimbot schematic: Rollerfeet 1
Crimbot schematic: Security Chassis 1
Crimbot schematic: Sim-Simian Feet 1
Crimbot schematic: Snow Blower 1
Crimbot schematic: Tripod Legs 1
Crimbot schematic: Wrecking Ball 1
Crimbow Rainbo 1
Crimboween memo 1
Crimboysters Rockefeller 1
Crimbuccaneer bombjacket 3
Crimbuccaneer breeches 7
Crimbuccaneer captain's purse 15
Crimbuccaneer fledges (disintegrating) 1
Crimbuccaneer fledges (mint) 5
Crimbuccaneer flotsam 2
Crimbuccaneer invasion map 2
Crimbuccaneer lantern 2
Crimbuccaneer mologrog cocktail 11
Crimbuccaneer nose ring 1
Crimbuccaneer piece of 12 32
Crimbuccaneer premium booty sack 3
Crimbuccaneer rigging lasso 35
Crimbuccaneer runebone 1
Crimbuccaneer shirt 2
Crimbuccaneer squirtblunderbuss 1
Crimbuccaneer tattoo gift certificate 2
Crimbuccaneer tavern swab 1
Crimbuccaneer tricorn 8
Crimbuccaneer war standard 1
Crimbuccaneer whale oil 32
Crimbuck 786
Crimbylow-rise jeans 1
crimsilion jub-jub bird 1
croquet hedgehog 1
crossbow string 1
crotchety pants 1
crowbar 1
crowbarrr 1
Crown of the Goblin King 1
crown-shaped beanie 1
crude crudités 2
crude voodoo doll 16
crudles 3
cruelty-free wine 1
crumbling rat skull 110
crumpled felt fedora 1
crunchy brush 1
cryptic puzzle box 1
crystal belt buckle 1
crystal Crimbo goblet 14
crystal Crimbo platter 14
crystal decanter 1
crystal skeleton vodka 2
crystal skull 230
crystalline cheer 1,229
crystalline light bulb 1
crystalline reamer 1
crystalline seal eye 1
crystallized memory 1
CSA all-purpose soap 1
CSA bravery badge 1
CSA cheerfulness ration 1
CSA discount card 1
CSA obedience grenade 1
CSA scoutmaster's "water" 1
cube of billiard chalk 1
cube of ectoplasm 2
cubic zirconia 218
cuckoo clock 1
cuddly teddy bear 2
cup of hickory chicory 112
cup of infinite pencils 1
cup of lukewarm tea 2
cup of primitive beer 21,278
cupcake-in-a-cup 1
cuppa Activi tea 1
cuppa Alacri tea 1
cuppa Boo tea 1
cuppa Chari tea 1
cuppa Craft tea 1
cuppa Cruel tea 1
cuppa Dexteri tea 1
cuppa Feroci tea 1
cuppa Flamibili tea 1
cuppa Flexibili tea 1
cuppa Frost tea 1
cuppa Gill tea 1
cuppa Impregnabili tea 1
cuppa Improprie tea 1
cuppa Insani tea 1
cuppa Irritabili tea 1
cuppa Loyal tea 1
cuppa Mana tea 1
cuppa Mediocri tea 1
cuppa Monstrosi tea 1
cuppa Morbidi tea 1
cuppa Nas tea 1
cuppa Net tea 1
cuppa Neuroplastici tea 1
cuppa Obscuri tea 1
cuppa Physicali tea 1
cuppa Proprie tea 1
cuppa Royal tea 1
cuppa Serendipi tea 1
cuppa Sobrie tea 1
cuppa Toast tea 1
cuppa Twen tea 1
cuppa Uncertain tea 1
cuppa Vitali tea 1
cuppa Voraci tea 1
cuppa Wit tea 1
cuppa Yet tea 1
curdflinger 2
curmudgel 1
cursed black pearl onion 1
cursed bottle of black-label rum 1
cursed bottle of rum 1
cursed cannonball 1
cursed chocolate doubloon 3
cursed dirty joke scroll 1
cursed piece of thirteen 1
cursed pirate cutlass 2
Cursed Punch 4
cursed scrunchie 1
cursed sea biscuit 1
cursed swash buckle 1
cursed tricorn hat 2
cursed voodoo skull 1
cursed wishbone 5
custard pie 81
custom sixgun 1
cute bow from beyond the stars 1
cute meteoroid 1
cute mushroom 13
cyan seashell 1,143
cyber-mattock 3
cyborg doll 1
cyborg stompin' boot 1
Cycloney 1
cyclops eyedrops 1
cylindrical mold 1
cymbal syrup 739
D roll 21
d10 1
d12 2
d20 2
d4 1
d6 1
d8 1
Dad's brandy 1
daddy shortlegs leg 1
Daffy Taffy 1
Daily Affirmation: Adapt to Change Eventually 201
Daily Affirmation: Always be Collecting 112
Daily Affirmation: Be a Mind Master 205
Daily Affirmation: Be Superficially interested 193
Daily Affirmation: Keep Free Hate in your Heart 184
Daily Affirmation: Think Win-Lose 204
Daily Affirmation: Work For Hours a Week 211
daily dungeon malware 1
daisy 1
damp bar rag 85
dance card 1
dancing fan 1
dangerous jerkcicle 25
Danglin' Chad's loincloth 1
Dark & Starry 1
dark baconstone ring 1
dark hamethyst ring 1
dark porquoise ring 1
dark potion 1
Das Überkühlraum trading card 5
das boot 1
daub-breaker 3
day shortener 1
day-old beer 1
deactivated MicroMechaMech 1
deactivated mini-Trainbot 3
Deactivated MiniMechaElf 1
Deactivated O. A. F. 1
deactivated putty buddy 1
dead guy's memento 1
dead guy's piece of double-sided tape 1
dead guy's watch 1
dead lights pie 1
dead meat bun 5
deadfall branch 1
deadly lampshade 1
deadly nightshade 1
death blossom 1
debonair deboner 1
decanter of fine Scotch 4
decaying goldfish liver 1
decaying wooden oar 1
decaying wooden paddle 1
decaying wooden pole 2
decent brain 1
Deck of Every Card 1
deck of lewd playing cards 1
deck of tropical cards 1
decomposed boot 1
decorative fountain 2
Deep Dish of Legend 1
Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe 1
deep six-shooter 5
defective Game Grid token 1
defective skull 514
dehydrated caviar 1
delectable catalyst 1
delectable fire ant 1
delicious candy 413
delicious comfit? 7
delicious noodles 1
delicious salad 1
delicious shimmering moth 2
delicious spicy noodles 2
delicious star salad 3
delicious stinkbug 1
delicious swamp muck 16
deluxe fax machine 1
deluxe layer cake 3
deluxe Neverending Party favor 1
demon buckler 1
demon skin 1
demon whip 1
demon-horned hat 2
demonic cow's blood 1
demonic paste 1
demonic surgical gloves 4
demonskin jacket 1
demonskin trousers 2
denastified haunch 28
denim axe 1
denim jacket 13
Dennis's blessing of Minerva 1
dense meat crossbow 1
dense meat stack 1
dense meat staff 1
dense meat sword 10
dental pliers 1
dented harmonica 1
dented spoon 1
deodorant 1
depantsing bomb 1
depleted Crimbonium football helmet 9
depleted Grimacite astrolabe 1
depleted Grimacite grappling hook 1
depleted Grimacite gravy boat 2
depleted Grimacite hammer 1
depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick 1
depleted Grimacite ninja mask 1
depleted Grimacite shinguards 1
depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt 1
desiccated apricot 1
designer handbag 34
desktop zen garden 2
detective skull 1
detective tattoo 1
dethklok 41
detour shield 1
devil hair pasta 4
Devil's Elbow Hot Sauce 1
devil's-food cake 1
devil-summoning hat 4
deviled egg 1
devilish folio 1
dew yoana lei 8
dew yoana salacious lei 5
diamond necklace 47
diamond-studded cane 1
diamond-studded fronts 1
diamondback skin 1
Dickory Farms Gift Basket 1
didgeridooka 1
Diet Cloaca Cola 1
dieting pill 8
digital key lime 1
digital key lime pie 1
digital underground potion 1
dilapidated wizard hat 2
dill 1
diluted makeup 18
dinged-up triangle 1
dingy planks 1
dinner roll 3
Dinsey face paint 1
Dinsey food-cone 9
Dinsey Maintenance Manual 1
Dinsey tattoo kit 1
Dinsey Whinskey 1
Dinsey's pizza cutter 1
dire fudgesicle 1
dirt julep 1
dirty hobo gloves 1
dirty rigging rope 11
disassembled clover 14,331
disbelief suspenders 1
discarded swimming trunks 5
disco ball 1
Disco Banjo 1
disco biscuit 1
disco horoscope (Aquarius) 1
disco horoscope (Aries) 1
disco horoscope (Cancer) 1
disco horoscope (Capricorn) 1
disco horoscope (Gemini) 1
disco horoscope (Leo) 1
disco horoscope (Libra) 1
disco horoscope (Pisces) 1
disco horoscope (Sagittarius) 1
disco horoscope (Scorpio) 1
disco horoscope (Taurus) 1
disco horoscope (Virgo) 1
disco mask 1
discocktail 1
Discount Telescope Warehouse gift certificate 1
disease 1
disembodied brain 1
disembodied smile 1
Disgeist 1
Dish of Clarified Butter 3
dishrag 4
disintegrating quill pen 5
disintegrating sheet music 1
disintegrating spiky collar 1
displaced fish 3
disposable instant camera 14
disposable lighter 1
distilled fortified wine 1
distilled resin 1
distressed denim pants 1
disturbing fanfic 1
Divine 1
divine blowout 1
divine can of silly string 1
divine champagne flute 1
divine champagne popper 1
divine cracker 1
divine noisemaker 1
diving muff 1
do-it-yourself laser eye surgery kit 1
Doc Clock's thyme cocktail 1
Doc Galaktik's Ailment Ointment 1,628
Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir 1
Doc Galaktik's Invigorating Tonic 1
Doc Galaktik's Pungent Unguent 2
Doc Galaktik's Restorative Balm 1
Doc Galaktik's Vitality Serum 4
Doc's Fortifying Wine 1
Doc's Limbering Wine 1
Doc's Medical-Grade Wine 1
Doc's Miracle Cure 1
Doc's Smartifying Wine 1
Doc's Special Reserve Wine 1
dog ointment 1
Dogsgotnonoz pills 1
doll house 1
dollar-sign bag 1
dollhive 1
dollop of barbecue sauce 1
Dolph Bossin's charity note 1
Dolph Bossin's Crimbo hat 1
Dolphin King's crown 1
dolphin whistle 1
donated booze 14
donated candy 99
donated food 16
donkey flipbook 1
dope gangsta bling-bling 1
dope wheels 1
dorky glasses 10
Double Bacon Beelzeburger 1
double barreled barrel gun 1
double daisy 1
double entendre 1
double-barreled sling 6
double-ice box 138
double-ice britches 2
double-ice cap 2
double-ice gum 1
Doublepunchplanter 1
dove DNA 1
Dr. Hobo's scalpel 1
drab sonata 1
Drac & Tan 1
drafty drawers 1
draggin' ball hat 1
dragon snaps 3
dragonfish caviar 1
Dragonscale breastplate 3
Dramatic™ range 1
dread tarragon 1
dreadful roast 1
dreadlock whip 1
Dreadsylvanian Almanac page 1
Dreadsylvanian cold pocket 1
Dreadsylvanian cold-fashioned 1
Dreadsylvanian dank and stormy 1
Dreadsylvanian grimlet 1
Dreadsylvanian hemlock 1
Dreadsylvanian hot pocket 1
Dreadsylvanian hot toddy 1
Dreadsylvanian seed pod 1
Dreadsylvanian skeleton key 1
Dreadsylvanian sleaze pocket 1
Dreadsylvanian slithery nipple 1
Dreadsylvanian spooky pocket 1
Dreadsylvanian stink pocket 1
dream of a dog 2
dregs of a Crimbo cocktail 54
dress pants 5
Dressage 1
dried face 1
dried gelatinous cube 1
drink chit 712
drinks tray 2
Drip Institute petri dish 1
dripping meat crossbow 1
dripping meat staff 1
dripping meat sword 10
drippy bezoar 1
drippy bromide 1
drippy candy bar 1
drippy caviar 1
drippy enzyme 1
drippy flux 1
drippy grub 1
drippy ichor 1
drippy khakis 1
drippy nugget 1
drippy orb 1
drippy pigment 1
drippy pilsner 1
drippy plum(?) 1
drippy salt 1
drippy seed 1
drippy staff 1
drippy stake 1
drippy stein 1
drippy truncheon 1
Dripwood slab 1
drive-by shooting 1
drive-thru burger 8
Drizzlers™ Black Licorice 5
droll monocle 2
dromedary drinking helmet 1
drone self-destruct chip 2
droopy doll eye 27
drop of water-37 1
droppable microphone 1
Drowsy Sword 9
drug cocktail sauce 1
druidic s'more 1
drum machine 3
drum of pomade 1
drum of tommy ammo 1
Drunk Uncles holo-record 1
Drunken Astrophysicist 1
Drunken Neurologist 2
Drunken Philosopher 1
dry cleaning receipt 1
dry martini 1
dry noodles 141
dry vodka martini 1
drywall axe 1
dubious loincloth 1
dubious peppermint 3
ducha de oro 660
duck-on-a-string 1
duct tape 30
duct tape buckler 1
duct tape dockers 1
duct tape fedora 1
duct tape shirt 1
duct tape sword 11
duct tape wallet 1
dude ranch souvenir crate 1
dueling banjo 2
dueling turtle 1
Duke Vampire's regal cloak 3
dull fish scale 202
dumb mud 1
Dump Truck 2
dungeoneer's dungarees 1
dungeoneering kit 5,521
duonoculars 1
Duskwalker fangs 4
Duskwalker syringe 4
Dust bunny 1
dusty animal cranium 2
dusty animal jawbone 1
dusty animal pelvis 1
dusty animal skull 1
dusty bottle of blood 1
dusty bottle of Marsala 1
dusty bottle of Merlot 4
dusty bottle of Muscat 3
dusty bottle of Pinot Noir 1
dusty bottle of Port 1
dusty bottle of Zinfandel 1
dusty Crimbo crate 1
dusty eighth caudal vertebra 1
dusty eighth thoracic vertebra 1
dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra 1
dusty fifth caudal vertebra 1
dusty fifth cervical vertebra 1
dusty fifth lumbar vertebra 1
dusty fifth thoracic vertebra 1
dusty first caudal vertebra 1
dusty first cervical vertebra 1
dusty first lumbar vertebra 1
dusty first thoracic vertebra 1
dusty fourth caudal vertebra 1
dusty fourth cervical vertebra 1
dusty fourth lumbar vertebra 1
dusty fourth thoracic vertebra 1
dusty left clavicle 1
dusty left eighth rib 1
dusty left eleventh rib 1
dusty left femur 1
dusty left fibula 1
dusty left fifth rib 1
dusty left first front claw 1
dusty left first rear claw 1
dusty left first rib 2
dusty left fourth front claw 1
dusty left fourth rear claw 1
dusty left fourth rib 1
dusty left humerus 1
dusty left kneecap 1
dusty left ninth rib 1
dusty left radius 1
dusty left scapula 1
dusty left second front claw 1
dusty left second rear claw 1
dusty left second rib 1
dusty left seventh rib 1
dusty left sixth rib 1
dusty left tenth rib 1
dusty left third front claw 1
dusty left third rear claw 1
dusty left third rib 1
dusty left thumb 1
dusty left tibia 1
dusty left twelfth rib 1
dusty left ulna 1
dusty ninth caudal vertebra 1
dusty ninth thoracic vertebra 1
dusty right clavicle 1
dusty right eighth rib 1
dusty right eleventh rib 1
dusty right femur 1
dusty right fibula 1
dusty right fifth rib 1
dusty right first front claw 1
dusty right first rear claw 1
dusty right first rib 1
dusty right fourth front claw 1
dusty right fourth rear claw 1
dusty right fourth rib 1
dusty right humerus 1
dusty right kneecap 5
dusty right ninth rib 1
dusty right radius 1
dusty right scapula 1
dusty right second front claw 1
dusty right second rear claw 1
dusty right second rib 1
dusty right seventh rib 1
dusty right sixth rib 1
dusty right tenth rib 1
dusty right third front claw 1
dusty right third rear claw 1
dusty right third rib 1
dusty right thumb 1
dusty right tibia 1
dusty right twelfth rib 1
dusty right ulna 1
dusty sacral vertebrae 1
dusty second caudal vertebra 1
dusty second cervical vertebra 1
dusty second lumbar vertebra 1
dusty second thoracic vertebra 1
dusty seventh caudal vertebra 1
dusty seventh cervical vertebra 1
dusty seventh lumbar vertebra 1
dusty seventh thoracic vertebra 1
dusty sixth caudal vertebra 1
dusty sixth cervical vertebra 1
dusty sixth lumbar vertebra 1
dusty sixth thoracic vertebra 1
dusty tenth caudal vertebra 1
dusty tenth thoracic vertebra 1
dusty third caudal vertebra 1
dusty third cervical vertebra 1
dusty third lumbar vertebra 1
dusty third thoracic vertebra 1
dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra 1
dwarf bread 1
dwarvish magazine 1
dwarvish war helmet 1
Dweebisol™ inhaler 2
Dyspepsi grenade 1
Dyspepsi-Cola 3
Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations 1
Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues 1
Dyspepsi-Cola helmet 1
Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack 1
Dyspepsi-Cola shield 1
Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen 1
eagle feather 24
eagle's milk 27
ear candle 1
ear poison 1
Earring of Fire 1
Earth and Firewater 1
Earth, Wind and Firewater 1
earthenware muffin tin 1
easter egg balloon 1
Eau de Guaneau 1
eau de mort 1
eaves droppers 514
Ecto-Cooler 1
ectoplasm au jus 2
ectoplasmic orbs 64
ectoplasmic paste 2
edible alien plant bit 3,294
eel battery 3
eel sauce 2
eel skin 2
eelskin hat 1
eelskin pants 1
eelskin shield 1
eerie fetish 1
eerily silent box 1
Effermint™ tablets 1
effervescent potion 1
effluvious emerald 1
eggbeater 2
eggman noodles 2
eggnog 1
eggwater 1
Egnaro berry 1
eighth plague 1
El Vibrato drone 1
El Vibrato energy spear 1
El Vibrato helmet 1
El Vibrato leg guards 1
El Vibrato Megadrone 1
El Vibrato power sphere 1
El Vibrato punchcard (104 holes) 1
El Vibrato punchcard (115 holes) 5
El Vibrato punchcard (129 holes) 7
El Vibrato punchcard (142 holes) 4
El Vibrato punchcard (165 holes) 6
El Vibrato punchcard (176 holes) 1
El Vibrato punchcard (182 holes) 5
El Vibrato punchcard (213 holes) 6
El Vibrato punchcard (216 holes) 10
El Vibrato punchcard (88 holes) 6
El Vibrato punchcard (97 holes) 13
El Vibrato translator 1
elderly jawbreaker 3
eldritch alignment spray 1
eldritch concentrate 1
eldritch distillate 1
eldritch dough 21
eldritch effluvium 6,463
eldritch elixir 1
eldritch essence 5
eldritch extract 1
eldritch hammer 1
eldritch hat 1
eldritch ichor 12
Eldritch Intellect: Journey into a Mind of Horror 1
eldritch mushroom 3
eldritch mushroom pizza 1
eldritch oil 3
eldritch pants 1
eldritch rub 1
eldritch scanner 1
Eldritch snap 3
eldritch tincture 1
electric copperhead potion 2
electric crutch 1
electric Kool-Aid 1
electric mushroom 1
electric pants 1
Electric Punch 1
electric snakebite 33
electrical thingamabob 1
electronic Brain Trainer game 1
electronic dulcimer pants 2
electronics kit 39
elegant nightstick 15
elemental caipiroska 1
elemental paste 4
elemental sugarcube 661
elephant stinger 1
eleven-foot pole 2
elevenderizing hammer 1
elevennis shoes 1
elevent 1
elf army field rations 1
Elf Army machine parts 99
Elf Farm Raffle ticket 1
Elf Guard broom 1
Elf Guard clipboard 1
Elf Guard commandeering gloves 2
Elf Guard eyedrops 86
Elf Guard Field Manual: Culinary Arts 1
Elf Guard Field Manual: Culinary Arts (used) 1
Elf Guard Field Manual: Extortion 2
Elf Guard Field Manual: Extortion (used) 1
Elf Guard Field Manual: Wilderness Sleeping 1
Elf Guard Field Manual: Wilderness Sleeping (used) 1
Elf Guard fuel tank 1
Elf Guard hangover cure 2
Elf Guard honor present 1
Elf Guard hotpants 2
Elf Guard insignia (general) 5
Elf Guard insignia (private) 6
Elf Guard mouthknife 2
Elf Guard MPC 142
Elf Guard officer's sidearm 2
Elf Guard patrol cap 4
Elf Guard payroll bag 24
Elf Guard red and white beret 1
Elf Guard safety bear 1
Elf Guard SCUBA tank 1
Elf Guard squirtgun 1
Elf Guard strategic map 8
Elf Guard temporary (permanent) tattoo 1
Elf Guard tinsel grenade 14
Elf Guard war standard 1
elf ploughshare 1
Elfin shortbread 1
Elizabeth's Dollie 1
Elizabeth's paintbrush 4
Ellsbury's journal 1
Ellsbury's skull 1
Elmley shades 1
Elron's Explosive Etude 4
elven limbos gingerbread 1
elven cellocello 1
elven hardtack 1
elven magi-pack 1
elven medi-pack 1
elven moonshine 1
elven socks 1
elven squeeze 1
elven suicide capsule 1
elven tambourine 1
elven whittling knife 1
Elvish delight 14
Elvish underarmor 1
embezzler's oil 1,133
EMD holo-record 1
emergency glowstick 1
emergency margarita 1
empty agua de vida bottle 96
empty blowgun 1
empty Cloaca-Cola bottle 1
empty hourglass 1
empty lava bottle 1
empty meat tank 1
En Una Fila Tequila 1
enchanted barbell 1
enchanted bean 125
enchanted bean burrito 4
enchanted brass knuckles 2
enchanted eyepatch 1
enchanted fire extinguisher 1
Enchanted Flyswatter 27
enchanted handwarmer 1
enchanted leopard-print barbell 1
enchanted muesli 7
Enchanted Plunger 16
enchanted toothpick 1
enchantlers 1
encoder ring 861
energized spores 1
Energy Buzz Pastaco 1
energy drink IV 1
Engorged Sausages and You 1
ennui-flavored potato chips 5,702
enormous belt buckle 1
enormous hoop earring 1
Ent cider 1
enticing mayolus 1
epic cluster 1
epic wad 1
equal sign 1
eraser nubbin 7
ert grey goo ring 1
escargotsicle 1
especially salty dog 1
essential cameraderie 2
essential soy 4
essential tofu 1
etched hourglass 1
eternal knot tattoo 1
even more tinsel 1
Event Horizon 1
everfull glass 1
Everlasting Deckswabber 1
Every Day is Like This Sundae 1
evil golden arch 132,575
evil golden arches 1
evil googly eye 1
evil noodles 1
evil paper umbrella 1
evil teddy bear 1
evil teddy bear sewing kit 1
exactly-three-shaped box 1
excitement pill 18
exclusive club 1
executive mime flask 1
exo-xo-skeleton-skeleton 1
exotic jungle fruit 2
exotic orchid 1
exotic parrot egg 1
exotic travel brochure 1
expensive camera 1,926
expensive champagne 2
expensive cigar 1
experimental carbon fiber pasta additive 1
experimental serum G-9 381
experimental serum P-00 68
expired bottle of peppermint schnapps 1
expired can of franks 'n' beans 1
expired MRE 2
exploding gum 1
exploding hacky-sack 1
explosion-flavored chewing gum 515
extra time 1
extra-fancy ring setting 3
extra-flat panini 38
extra-greasy slider 1
extra-grubby grub 1
extra-hard jawbreaker 1
extra-heavy BRICKO brick 2
extra-large palm-frond toupee 1
extra-potent gremlin mutagen 1
extra-see-thru nightie 8
Extra-slimy Slimosa 2
extra-spicy bloody mary 1
extra-strength goo 1
extra-strength red potion 1,417
extra-strength rubber bands 1
extra-strength strongness elixir 1
extra-toasted half sandwich 1
eXtreme Bi-Polar Fleece Vest 1
eXtreme meat crossbow 2
eXtreme meat staff 1
eXtreme meat sword 6
eXtreme mittens 1
eXtreme nose ring 1
eXtreme scarf 1
extremely confusing manual 1
extremely skinny jeans 1
extremely slippery nipple 1
extremely wet T-shirt 1
Extrovermectin™ 1
eye 'n' horn shampoo 1
Eye Agate 1
Eye and a Twist 1
eye of newt 1
eye of the Tiger-lily 1
eye-pod 1
eyebrow lifter 1
eyedrops of newt 1
eyedrops of the ermine 1
eyedrops of the ocelot 4
eyepatch 1
f3d0r4 2
Fabiotion 5
fabric hardener 34
fabric softener 32
facehugging alien 1
facsimile dictionary 1
faded green protest sign 1
faded red protest sign 1
fairy gravy boat 1
fake blood 1
fake cocktail 1
fake fake vomit 509
fake hand 519
fake plastic grass 1
fake washboard 2
Falcon™ Maltese Liquor 1
false eyelashes 1
Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium 1
fancy ball mask 1
fancy bath salts 1
fancy beef jerky 3
fancy beer bottle 4
fancy beer label 1
fancy blue potion 1,435
fancy but probably evil chocolate 1
fancy calligraphy pen 1
fancy canapés 1
fancy chocolate 1
fancy chocolate car 1
fancy chocolate sculpture 1
fancy dress ball 1
fancy opera glasses 113
fancy party pants 1
fancy schmancy cheese sauce 1
fancy seashell necklace 1
fancy tin beer can 5
Fantasma en la Máquina 1
FantasyRealm guest pass 1
FantasyRealm key 3
FantasyRealm Mage's Hat 51
FantasyRealm mead 1
FantasyRealm membership packet 1
FantasyRealm Rogue's Mask 52
FantasyRealm tattoo kit 1
FantasyRealm turkey leg 1
FantasyRealm Warrior's Helm 52
farfalle bow tie 1
fat bottom quark 6
fat loot token 5,517
fat stacks of cash 1
fat wallet 1
Fauna Libre 1
Faux 1
FDKOL commendation 4,746
FDKOL fire hose 1
FDKOL hotcakes 1
FDKOL tattoo 1
Feliz Navidad 1
felt 1
Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots 2
fermenting powder 1
ferret bait 1
Ferrigno's Elixir of Power 1
fertilized ghuol egg 1
festive egg sac 7
festive holiday hat 1
festive sausage 1
festive warbear bank 1
fetid feather 1
Fettris 4
fettucini épines Inconnu 5
fettucini épines Inconnu recipe 1
fettucini Inconnu 3
Feynman gate 1
fez of etymology 1
fiberglass insulation 1
Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy 1
fiery wing 1
filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif") 1
filet of The Fish 3
filigreed hamethyst earring 1
filigreed hamethyst necklace 1
filigreed hamethyst ring 1
filled mosquito 1
filth-encrusted futon 1
filthy armor 2
filthy child leash 1,851
filthy corduroys 4
filthy hippy poncho 1
filthy knitted dread sack 4
filthy lucre 1
filthy monkey head 52
filthy pestle 2
filthy poultice 1
fin-bit wax 1
fine aged cheddarwurst 12
fine wine 1
finger cuffs 1
finger cymbals 10
finger exerciser 1
Finnish Fish 3
fire 1
fire ant pheromones 1
fire axe 1
fire flower 1
fire hose 2
fire of unknown origin 16
fire poi 1
fire-roasted lake trout 2
fireball 2,719
firebomb 1
fireclutch 8
fireman's helmet 1
fireman's lunch 3
firemilk 1
fireproof megaphone 5
fireproof skip lid 1
Firewater 1
first-aid pouch 116
fish bazooka 1
fish head 1
fish juice box 1
fish sauce 1
fish scimitar 12
fish stick 2
fish stick cozy 1
fish-liver oil 1
fishbone belt 1
fishbone bracers 1
fishbone catcher's mitt 1
fishbone corset 1
fishbone facemask 1
fishbone fins 1
fishbone kneepads 1
fishcake 1
fishelada 1
fishin' hat 1
fishy fish 5
fishy fish casserole 1,058
fishy fish lasagna 7
fishy paste 1
fishy wand 1
fistful of wood shavings 1
fitness wristband 1
Fitspiration™ poster 25
Five Second Energy™ 1
five-fingered fern resin 1
fixed-gear bicycle 1
fixodent 1
fizzing spore pod 988
fizzy potion 1
Flag by the Foot™ 1
flame orb 1
flamin' bindle 1
Flamin' Whatshisname 5
Flaming Caipiranha 1
flaming cardboard sword 13
flaming crutch 1
flaming feather 1
flaming glowsticks 1
Flaming Knob 2
Flaming Mohobo 2
flaming mushroom 1
flaming mushroom wine 1
flaming nose 1
Flaming Sazerorc 2
flaming sword 1,864
flaming talons 2
flamingo mallet 1
Flan 1
flan del mar 1
Flan in the Moon 1
flange 1
flapper floppers 1
flapper fly 1
flaregun 1
Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Accessory 3
flashing novelty button 4
flashy pirate dreadlocks 1
flask flops 1
flask of Amontillado 1
flask of baconstone juice 2
flask of egggrog 1
flask of embalming fluid 1
flask of Gnomochloric acid 1
flask of hamethyst juice 4
flask of mining oil 1
flask of moonshine 3
flask of porquoise juice 6
flask of port 1
flask of rainwater 4
flask of tainted mining oil 1
Flaskfull of Hollow 1
flat cider 1
flat dough 1
flat mushroom wine 8
flavored foot massage oil 1
flavorless gruel 22
flayed mind 6
fleetwood chain 25
fleetwood mac 'n' cheese 4
fleetwood macaroni 1
Fleshazole™ 1
fleshy putty 73
flimsy clipboard 5
flimsy hardwood scraps 1
flirtatious feather 1
floaty gravel 1
floaty inverse geode 1
floaty pebbles 1
floaty rock 1
floaty rock helmet 1
floaty rock necklace 1
floaty rock pants 1
floaty sand 1
floorboard cruft 1
floral print shirt 1
floral-print skirt 1
flour cookie 1
flower petal pie 1
flowing hippy skirt 1
fluid of fudge-finding 1
fluorescent lightbulb 7
flute of flat champagne 1
Fly-By-Knight Heraldry form 1
Flying Caipiranha 1
flypaper staff 2
flytrap bezoar 1
flytrap pellet 1
foam dart 1
foam noodle 1
foam pistol 1
foetid seal tear 1
Fog Murderer 2
foggy glass globe 1
foie gras 1
folder (barbarian) 1
folder (blue) 1
folder (catfish) 1
folder (cyan) 1
folder (D-Team) 1
folder (dancing dolphins) 1
folder (Ex-Files) 1
folder (green) 1
folder (heavy metal) 1
folder (holographic fractal) 1
folder (Jackass Plumber) 1
folder (Knight Writer) 1
folder (KOLHS) 1
folder (magenta) 1
folder (owl) 1
folder (rainbow unicorn) 1
folder (red) 1
folder (Seawolf) 1
folder (skull and crossbones) 1
folder (smiley face) 1
folder (space skeleton) 1
folder (sports car) 1
folder (sportsballs) 1
folder (Stinky Trash Kid) 1
folder (tranquil landscape) 1
folder (wizard) 1
folder (Yedi) 1
folder (yellow) 1
food drive button 1
food mailing list 1
foolscap fool's cap 1
foon 1
foon of fearfulness 1
foon of fleshiness 2
foon of foulness 1
foon of frigidity 2
foon of fulmination 2
foot-long hot daub 1
football helmet 1
forbidden danish 14
forbidden sausage 3
forest canopy bed 1
forest spirit rattle 5
forest tears 1
fortifying hot cocoa 1
fortune cookie 2
fossilized baboon skull 1
fossilized bat skull 1
fossilized demon skull 1
fossilized limb 1
fossilized necklace 1
fossilized serpent skull 1
fossilized spider skull 1
fossilized spike 1
fossilized spine 1
fossilized torso 1
fossilized wing 1
fossilized wyrm skull 1
fountain 'soda' 2
fragment of Jarlsberg's soul 1
Frankly Mr. Shank 1
Frat Army FGF 1
frat brats 2
frayed rope belt 1
Freddie's blessing of Mercury 5
Freddy Kruegerand 141
free boots 3
freezer-burned frost-bitten tortellini 14
freezerburned ice cube 1
freezin' bindle 6
freightcake 9
French bronilla brogurt 1
french-fry grabber 1
French-Transylvanian Dictionary 1
freshwater fishbone 30
freshwater pearl necklace 4
fricasseed brains 1
fried air 7
Friendliness Beverage 13
Friendly Turkey 1
frightful feather 1
frigid air mattress 1
frigid fudgepuck 1
frigid hankyū 1
frigid mote 1
frigid ninja stars 1
Frigid Northern Beans 2
frilly shirt 1
frilly skirt 1
frog lip-print 1
Frogade 1
Fromage Pinotage 4
frontwinder skin 1
frost flower 1
Frost™ brand sword 16
frost-rimed desk bell 3
frostbite-flavored Hob-O 1
frosty halo 10
Frosty's arm 1
Frosty's carrot 4
Frosty's frosty mug 1
Frosty's iceball 1
Frosty's nailbat 2
Frosty's old silk hat 6
Frosty's snowball sack 3
Frown Exerciser 1
frozen banquet 1
frozen danish 12
frozen feather 1
frozen Mob Penguin 1
frozen mushroom 1
frozen nunchaku 1
frozen seal spine 1
frozen shampoo-conditioner 1
frozen tofu pop 1
frozen turtle shell 1
fruit basket 1
fruit bat 2
fruit bowl 1
fruit-stuffed rumcake 1
fruitcake 1
fruitfilm 1
fruity girl swill 2
fruity pebble 1
fry-oil-flavored Hob-O 1
frying brainpan 1
Fu Manchu Wax 26
fudge bunny 1
fudge cube 1
Fudge Fiber Armor Plating 6
fudge lily 1
fudge pocket square 1
fudge spork 1
fudge-shaped hole in space-time 4
fudgecule 64,832
fudgecycle 1
fudgesicle 1
Fudgie Roll 1
full lava bottle 1
full meat tank 179
fumble formula 1
Fun-Guy spore 1
FunFunds™ 2,243
funhouse mirror 1
funky brass fez 1
funky dried mushroom 1
funky eyepatch 5
funky junk key 10
funny bone 55
furniture dolly 1
furry fur 1
furry green earmuffs 1
furry green turtle 1
furry halo 12
furry kilt 1
furry pants 1
furry pill 1
furry skirt 1
fusilli marrownarrow 3
fusillocybin 6
future drug: Coolscaline 1
future drug: Muscularactum 1
future drug: Smartinex 1
fuzzbump 547
Fuzzby 1
fuzzy dice 1
fuzzy earmuffs 1
fuzzy polar bear ears 2
Fuzzy Tentacle 2
ga-ga radio 1
Gabarbar 3
gaffer's tape 1
Gaia beads 1
gallon of milk 1
Game Grid ticket 1
Game Grid token 1
Game Grid valued membership card 1
GameInformPowerDailyPro magazine 2,112
GameInformPowerDailyPro subscription card 1
gamer slurry 6
gamma nog 1
ganger bandana 1
garbage juice slurpee 16,373
garbage sticker 1
garbage-juice-flavored Hob-O 138
garish pinky ring 131
gas balloon 1
gas can 31
Gathered Meat-Clip 1
gator shades 49
gator skin 1
gatorskin umbrella 1
Gauntlets of the Blood Moon 709
gauze garter 2
gauze hammock 1
gauze shorts 1
Gazelleton 1
gazely stare 4
gazing shoes 1
Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire 1
Gearhead Goo 44
gelatinous meat mass 2
Genalen™ Bottle 1
Gene Tonic: Beast 1
Gene Tonic: Constellation 1
Gene Tonic: Construct 1
Gene Tonic: Demon 1
Gene Tonic: Dude 1
Gene Tonic: Elemental 1
Gene Tonic: Elf 2
Gene Tonic: Fish 1
Gene Tonic: Goblin 1
Gene Tonic: Hippy 4
Gene Tonic: Hobo 1
Gene Tonic: Horror 1
Gene Tonic: Humanoid 1
Gene Tonic: Insect 1
Gene Tonic: Mer-kin 1
Gene Tonic: Orc 1
Gene Tonic: Penguin 1
Gene Tonic: Pirate 1
Gene Tonic: Plant 1
Gene Tonic: Slime 1
Gene Tonic: Undead 1
Gene Tonic: Weird 1
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket 4
generic healing potion 1
generic mana potion 1
generic restorative potion 1
genie's bracers 8
genie's pants 4
genie's scimitar 6
genie's turbane 4
Gets-You-Drunk 1
ghast iron cleaver 1
ghast iron codpiece 1
ghast iron Garibaldi 1
ghast iron heater shield 1
ghast iron ingot 1
Ghiaccio Colada 1
Ghosprey 1
ghost accordion 1
ghost beer 6
ghost bit 1
ghost cucumber 1
Ghost Dog Chow 1
ghost key 22
ghost of a necklace 1
ghost pepper 1
ghost pickle on a stick 1
Ghost Pinching Quarterly 1
ghost protocol 1
ghost thread 1
ghost toga 11
ghost trap 1
ghostly body paint 1
ghostly dagger 3
ghostly ectoplasm 314
ghostly pickling solution 1
ghuol ears 1
ghuol egg 1
ghuol egg quiche 1
ghuol guolash 1
ghuol-ear kabob 1
giant artisanal rice peeler 22
Giant black monolith 1
giant book of ancient carols 1
giant breath mint 13
giant cactus quill 1
giant candy cane 1
giant cheesestick 1
giant clay ashtray 1
giant designer sunglasses 133
giant diamond ring 1
giant discarded bottlecap 1
giant discarded plastic fork 1
giant discarded torn-up glove 1
giant driftwood sculpture 1
giant fishhook 5
giant foam finger 1
giant giant moth dust 21
giant glass of brandy 1
giant grain of protein powder 4
giant green gummi bear 16
giant green gummi ingot 1
giant gym membership card 15
giant heirloom grape tomato 40
giant jar of protein powder 31
giant motorcycle boots 7
giant moxie weed 986
giant neckbeard 28
giant needle 1
giant O 1
giant pearl 2
giant penguin keychain 4
giant pinky ring 1
giant red gummi bear 8
giant red gummi ingot 1
giant safety pin 25
giant shrimp fork 3
giant spider leg 1
giant stuffed bugbear 1
giant tube of black lipstick 6
giant turkey leg 34
giant X 1
giant yellow gummi bear 6
giant yellow gummi ingot 1
giant yellow hat 121
gibson 3
gift card 159
gift-a-pult 1
gilded ancient cursed chest 1
gilded ancient cursed key 1
gilded BRICKO brick 4
gilded BRICKO chalice 1
gilded lily 1
gilded trumpet 1
gill rings 1
gilt perfume bottle 4
gimlet 1
gin and tonic 4
Gin Mint 1
gin-soaked blotter paper 1
ginger snaps 57
gingerbeard 2
gingerbread bugbear 1
gingerbread cigarette 1
gingerbread dog treat 1
gingerbread hoodie 1
gingerbread horror 1
gingerbread house 1
gingerbread mask 1
gingerbread mug 1
gingerbread mutant bugbear 1
gingerbread nylons 1
gingerbread pirate 1
gingerbread restraining order 1
gingerbread robot 1
gingerbread smartphone 1
gingerbread spice latte 1
gingerbread wine 1
gingernade 1
gingerservo 1
gingham blouse 1
ginormous pumpkin 1
ginseng 1
giraffe-necked turtle 1
glacial clock 18
glacial sapphire 1
gladiator tunica 1
Glamare 1
glark cable 47
glass casserole dish 1
glass eye 1
glass gnoll eye 8
glass of baboon milk 1
glass of bourbon 6
glass of drippy wine 1
glass of gnat milk 1
glass of goat's milk 1
glass of herbal tequila 1
glass of warm milk 2
glass of warm water 2
glass pie plate 1
glass slipper 3
gleaming oyster egg 1
glimmering buzzard feather 1
glimmering great tit feather 1
glimmering penguin feather 1
glimmering phoenix feather 1
glimmering raven feather 1
glimmering roc feather 1
glistening fish meat 4
glistening oyster egg 7
glistening staff 1
glittery mascara 1
Glo-Pop 4
glob of Blank-Out 1
glob of cream cheese 8
glob of enchanted icing 51
glob of extra-green chlorophyll 1
glob of green slime 1
glob of melted wax 4
glob of salty molasses 97
glob of spoiled mayo 23
glob of undifferentiated tissue 463
globe of Deep Sauce 1
Globmule 1
gloomy mushroom wine 1
glow-in-the-dark dart gun 1
glow-in-the-dark necklace 1
glow-in-the-dark stuffed burrowgrub 1
glow-in-the-dark wristwatch 1
glowing El Vibrato drone 1
glowing esca 1
glowing fungus 4
glowing New Age crystal 1
glowing red eye 1
glowing spore pod 722
glowing syringe 2
Glum berry 1
glyph of athleticism 1
gnashing teeth 1
gnat lasagna 7
gnatloaf 5
gnatloaf casserole 1,113
gnatwing 1
gnatwing earring 2
gnauga hide 1
gnauga hide buckler 4
gnauga hide chaps 4
gnauga hide kilt 1
gnauga hide skirt 1
gnauga hide vest 1
gnauga hide whip 13
gnawed-up dog bone 2
gnocchetti di Nietzsche 3
gnoll lips 1
gnoll teeth 1
gnoll-tooth necklace 1
Gnollish autoplunger 1
Gnollish casserole dish 2
Gnollish Crossdress 21
Gnollish flyswatter 1
Gnollish pie server 3
Gnollish pie tin 5
Gnollish plunger 1
Gnollish sangria 1
Gnollish slotted spoon 3
Gnollish toolbox 4
Gnomish sagngria 3
Gnomish toolbox 1
Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer 1
go-go potion 1
Go-Wassail 1
goat 1
goat beard 1
goat cheese 1
goat cheese pizza 2
goat cheese taco 1
goatskin umbrella 1
gob of wet hair 90
goblin autoblowgun 1
goblin bone hilt 1
goblin collarbone 1
goblin hunting spear 1
goblin paste 1
goblin water 1
gold Boozehounds Anonymous token 2
gold crown 1,880
gold lamé pants 1
gold nuggets 1
gold skull ring 1
gold star 5,274
gold tooth 1
gold toothbrush 1
Gold Velvet™ whiskey 7
golden banana 1
golden fleece 7
golden gum 1
golden gun 1
Golden Kokomo Resort Chip 1
Golden Light 1
Golden Mean 2
golden plastic oyster egg 1
golden ring 1
golden tattoo gun 1
golden twig 1
goo magnet 1
Good 'n' Quiet 1
Good 'n' Slimy 3
good ash 3
good brain 1
good gravy 1
goodberry 1
Goodfella contract 338
gooey drippy candy bar 1
gooey lava globs 3
gooey paste 1
goofily-plumed helmet 1
googly chest eyes 1
googly eye 1
googly-ball hat 1
googly-heart hat 1
googly-star hat 1
gooified animal matter 1
gooified mineral matter 1
gooified vegetable matter 23
Gordon Bennett 1
Gorillape 1
goth kid t-shirt 1
GOTO 1,242
goulauncher 1
gourmet gourami oil 9
government 1
government booze shipment 1
government candy shipment 1
government cheese 1
government food shipment 1
government per-diem 1,044
government requisition form 105
government-issue identification badge 1
government-issued candy 3
government-issued eyeshade 1
government-issued necktie 1
government-issued night-vision goggles 1
government-issued slacks 1
gr8ps 304
grain of sand 19,933
grandfather watch 1
grape troll doll 1
grapefruit 551
grapes 5
grass blade 6
grass clippings 1
grass hat 8
grass skirt 1
grass whistle 2
Grasshopper 1
grassy cutlass 1
Grateful Undead T-shirt 2
Gratitude chocolate (bourbon-filled) 1
Gratitude chocolate (Meat-filled) 1
Gratitude chocolate (thyme-filled) 1
grave robbing shovel 1,021
graveyard snowglobe 58
gravy boat 1
gray bow tie 1
gray seashell 1,129
grease gun 1
grease trap 1
greasy desk bell 3
greasy paste 1
great big capacitor 4
great old fashioned 2
Great Older Fashioned 1
Greaves of the Murk Lord 702
Greek fire 4
green and red bean 205
green balloon 2
green bean casserole 1
green beer 1
green BRICKO brick 6
Green Burlap 2
green candy heart 1
green clay bead 6
green cloth cap 1
Green Clover of Justice 1
green drunki-bear 4
green eggnog 2
green face paint 1
Green Giant 1
green glowstick 1
green gummi ingot 1
green hamhock 1
green lava globs 1
green mana 342
Green Manalishi 29
green marshmallow 1
Green Muslin 1
green peawee marble 1
green pill 1
green pixel 1
green pixel potion 1
green pixie spog 1
green rock candy 1
green rocket 1
green seashell 1,087
green slime glob 53
green smoke bomb 1
green snowcone 1
Green Velvet 1
green-frosted astral cupcake 1
green-iced sweet roll 1
gremlin juice 1
gremlin mutagen 1
grey cube 2
grey down vest 1
Grey Guanon 2
grilled cheese sandwich 1
grilled mooseflank 1
Grim Brothers' story book 1
grim fairy tale 1
grimstone galoshes 1
grimstone mask 1
grimy lab coat 192
grinning turtle 1
grip key 2
grisly shell fragment 3
grizzled bearskin 1
grody jug 14
grog 1
grog nuts 40
groggipop 1
grogpagne 9
Groll doll 1
groose grease 4
groovy prism necklace 2
groping claw 1
grouchy restless spirit 1
grouper fangirl 1
groupie bra 1
groupie lipstick 2
groupie spangles 4
groveling gravel 1
grubby wool 3
grubby wool beerwarmer 1
grubby wool gloves 1
grubby wool hat 1
grubby wool scarf 1
grubby wool trousers 1
grubby woolball 3
grue egg 1
grumpy old man charrrm 1
grumpy old man charrrm bracelet 1
grungy bandana 1
grungy flannel shirt 1
guancertina 1
guano coffee cup 1
guard turtle collar 1
guard turtle shell 1
guffin 1
guilty sprout 2
guitar pick 1
gummi ammonite 1
gummi belemnite 1
gummi bowtie 1
gummi canary 1
gummi fang 3
gummi salamander 1
gummi snake 1
gummi sword 3
gummi trilobite 1
gummi turtle 1
Gummi-DNA 1
Gummi-Gnauga 1
Gummy Brains 1
gumshoes 1
gun cleaning kit 2
gun parts 4
gunky chicken 68
gunner's daughter 1
gunpowder burrito 5
gunwale 2
gunwale whalegun 1
guts necklace 1
guy made of bee pollen 1
Guzzlr application 1
Guzzlr cocktail set 1,464
Guzzlr hat 1
Guzzlr pants 1
Guzzlr shoes 1
Guzzlr souvenir stein 1
Guzzlr tablet 1
Guzzlr tattoo kit 1
Guzzlrbuck 5
gym membership card 1
gym shorts 3
Gyromitra Dynomita mushroom 2
gyroscope 1
hacked gibson 3
haemolymphnode 1
haggis socks 1
haggis-infused soap 1
haggis-wrapped haggis-stuffed haggis 1
hair of the calf 3
hair of the fish 2
hair oil 2
hair spray 1
Hairpiece On Fire 2
hairshirt 1
hairy staff 1
Half a Purse 1
half double fruitcake 1
half of a gold tooth 1
half-baked potion 550
half-digested coal 3
half-empty carton of milk 9
half-height cigar 1
half-height unicycle 1
half-melted spoon 10
half-orchid 1
half-rotten brain 1
half-size scalpel 28
half-sized guitar 3
halfberd 1
halibut 1
ham steak 7
hambrosier 1
hamburger 12,470
hamethyst 1
hamethyst bracelet 1
hamethyst earring 1
hamethyst necklace 1
hamethyst ring 1
hamlet sandwich 3
hammerus 10
hand grenegg 1
Hand in Glove 1
hand of cards 3
Hand that Rocks the Ladle 1
hand-carved bokken 7
hand-crafted candy cane 1
hand-knitted Crimbo socks 1
hand-knitted diving booties 1
handful of barley 4
handful of bees 4
handful of Boltsmann bearings 15
handful of confetti 1
handful of crafty noodles 1
handful of Crotchety Pine needles 4
handful of drink tickets 1
handful of fire 4
handful of hand chalk 1
handful of honey 1
handful of juicy garbage 10
handful of Laughing Willow bark 3
handful of moss 2
handful of napalm 1
handful of numbers 1
handful of nuts and berries 1
handful of pine needles 1
handful of sand 1
handful of sawdust 1
handful of Smithereens 8
handful of stubble 28
handful of tips 1
handful of toilet paper 1
handful of walnuts 1
handmade hobby horse 1
Handsome Devil 1
handsomeness potion 2
handyman "hand soap" 3
happiness 2
Happy Birthday, Claude! cake 2
hard rock 1
hard spore pod 1
hardboiled egg 4
hardened slime belt 7
hardened slime hat 8
hardened slime pants 10
hardening cream 2
hardware upgrade 1
hare brush 1
hare pin 1
harem girl t-shirt 1
Hatorade 1
haunted battery 26
haunted bottle of vodka 1
haunted cherry pie 1
haunted eggnog 1
haunted flame 6
haunted gimlet 1
haunted Hell ramen 1
haunted martini 1
haunted orange 1
haunted paddle-ball 9
haunted pizza 1
Haunted Sorority House staff guide 1
hawk 1
hawkface potion 1
Hawking's Elixir of Brilliance 1
Haymaker 1
hazardous sauce dosimeter 1
hazmat helmet 1
head mirror 25
head-mounted Trainbot 1
headhunter necktie 13
headless sparrow 1
heart cozy 543
heart necklace 56
heart of dark chocolate 1
heart of rock and roll 1
heart of the volcano 1
heart-shaped balloon 1
heart-shaped candy whetstone 2
heat-resistant gloves 3
heat-resistant necktie 5
heat-resistant sheet metal 2
heather graham cracker 2
heavy crown 1
heavy D 1
heavy duty umbrella 1
heavy hot sauce 1
heavy leather-bound tome 1
heavy metal sonata 1
heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr 1
heavy necklace chain 3
heavy-duty clipboard 105
heavy-duty Crimbot aerial 1
hedgeturtle 1
Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans 1
Hell and How I Bent It 1
Hell broth 6
hell in a bucket 1
Hell ramen 1
Hellfire Spicy Beans 1
hellion cube 1
hellseal claw 1
hellseal whisker 1
Helm of the Scream Emperor 698
helm of the white knight 1
helmet recipe 1
helmet turtle 1
Helvella Haemophilia mushroom 2
hemp candy necklace 1
hemp net 1
hemp string 1
henna face paint 1
henna tattoo 1
hep waders 4
herb brownies 1
herbal stuffing 1
herbs 2
hermedisiac cologne 1
hermit factoid 158
hermit permit 2
Herring Daiquiri 1
Herring Wallbanger 1
herringcello 1
Herringtini 1
Hersey™ SMOOCH 3
hi-octane carrot juice 5
hibiscus petal 24
Hide-rox™ cookie 1
hideous egg 1
high-calorie sugar substitute 7
high-energy mining laser 16
high-pressure seltzer bottle 45
high-resistance ultrapolymer plating 1
high-speed upgrade 1
high-temperature mining drill 1
high-temperature mining mask 5
high-test fishing line 1
Highest Bitter 1
hill of beans 1
Himalayan Hidalgo sauce 1
hippo skin buckler 1
hippo whip 1
hippopotamus kilt 1
hippopotamus pants 1
hippopotamus skin 1
hippopotamus skirt 1
hipposkin poncho 1
Hippy Army MPE 1
hippy bongo 6
hippy herbal tea 1
hippy medical kit 1
hippy paste 1
hippy protest button 1
hipster cocktail 1
History's Most Offensive Jokes, Vol. IX 1
Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians 1
Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians (used) 1
hoarded candy wad 1
hobo code binder 1
hobo dungarees 1
hobo fortress blueprints 3
hobo monkey 1
hobo nickel 4,467
hobo paste 2
hobo stogie 1
Hodgman's almanac 2
Hodgman's blanket 1
Hodgman's bow tie 5
Hodgman's cane 3
Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat 1
Hodgman's garbage sticker 3
Hodgman's harmonica 3
Hodgman's journal #1: The Lean Times 1
Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics 1
Hodgman's journal #3: Pumping Tin 1
Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top 4
Hodgman's lobsterskin pants 1
Hodgman's lucky sock 1
Hodgman's metal detector 2
Hodgman's porkpie hat 6
Hodgman's varcolac paw 2
holiday cheese log 1
Holiday Fun! 1
holiday log 1
holistic headache remedy 1
Hollandaise helmet 1
hollow rock 1
holly-flavored Hob-O 3
holo-bomber 1
holo-platoon 1
holo-tank 1
holy bomb, batman 103
home robotics kit 1
Homebodyl™ 1
homemade robot gear 1
homeopathic healing powder 1
homeopathic mint tea 6
honey bun of Boris 1
honey dipper 1
honey mead 1
honey stick 11
honey-dew 3
honey-dipped locust 1
honey-drenched ham slice 44
honeybritches 1
honeycap 1
honeypot 1
hopping socks 1
horizontal tango 531
hors d'oeuvre tray 1
Hot 'n' Scarys 3
hot and sour sauce 1
hot ashes 1
hot buttered roll 2
hot button candy 1
hot cluster 1
hot clusterbomb 1
hot coal 80
hot cocoa au beurre 1
hot cocoa with rainbow marshmallows 1
hot cross bow 1
hot date 2
hot daub 1
hot daub bun 1
hot daub stand 1
hot Dreadsylvanian cocoa 1
hot egg 1
hot hi mein 1
hot jelly 1
hot katana blade 1
hot mint schnocolate 1
hot nuggets 1
hot pink lipstick 1
hot plate 1
hot powder 1
hot spore pod 1
hot stuffing 1
hot wad 1
hot watered rum 1
hot wine 1
hot wing 1
hotel minibar key 1
hothammer 1
Hotwire™ brand candy rope 1
hourglass 1
housekeeping automa-core 1
hovering sombrero 1
How to Avoid Scams 31,610
How To Get Bigger Without Really Trying 30
How to Play Othello 1
huge bowl of candy 1
huge Crimbo cookie 3
huge gold coin 1
huge mint leaf 22
huge mosquito proboscis 2
huge pumpkin 1
huge spoon 1
human musk 1
Humanitini 1
humble pie 5
humming El Vibrato drone 2
Humpty Dumplings 1
Hundred Headed IPA 1
Hunger™ Sauce 1
hunk of granite 77
hushed puppy 1
hustler shades 1
hyperbolic plasma focuser 1
hypodermic needle 1
ice cream sandwich 3
ice harvest 2
ice hotel bell 1
ice house 1
Ice Island Long Tea 6
ice porter 2
ice rice 1
ice skate decoy 1
ice skate doll 3
ice stein 1
ice wine 1
Ice-Cold Aluminum Necklace 1
Ice-Cold Beer Ring 1
Ice-Cold Beerring 1
ice-cold Cloaca Zero 349
ice-cold fotie 1
ice-cold Sir Schlitz 1
ice-cold six-pack 1
ice-cold Willer 1
iceberg lettuce 1
Iceberglar scarf 4
iced plum wine 1
iced-out bling 1
icicle katana 1
icing poncho 1
icy hairspray 2
icy katana hilt 86
icy mushroom wine 1
icy-hot katana 1
iFlail 1
igloo pie 1
iGoogly 1
Iiti Kitty Gumdrop 8
Iiti Kitty phone charm 1
illegal firecracker 1
illicit fish sauce 1
Illuminati earpiece 5
Illustrated Mating Rituals of the Gallapagos 17
imaginary lemon 1
imitation crab crate 6
imitation crab meat 1
imitation crab zoea 1
imitation nice watch 1
imitation whetstone 1
imitation White Russian 51
immense ballet shoes 1
immense cyborg hand 1
imp air 34
Imp Ale 1
imp unity ring 1
imported lemon lozenge 1
imported taffy 174
improved martini 1
impure gasoline 25
incense bath ball 3
incredible pizza 10
incredibly creepy marionette 1
incredibly dense meat gem 1
indescribably horrible paste 1
industrial lubricant 1
industrial strength anti-fungal spray 1
industrial strength starch 43
industrially-crushed ice 49
inert sludgepuppy 1
infernal fife 1
infernal insoles 1
infernal snowball 1
infernal toilet brush 1
infinite BACON machine 1
inflatable baseball bat 1
inflatable duck 1
inflatable LT&T telegraph office 1
infrablack lipstick 4
ingot turtle 1
Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration 1
initiative shawarma 1
ink bladder 1
inkwell 38
inky squid sauce 3
Inndya trading card 3
Inner Strength 1
Inner Truth 1
Inner Wisdom 6
innuendo 1
insane tophat 1
insanely spicy bean burrito 2
insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito 3
insanely spicy jumping bean burrito 2
Instant Karma 2
insulated gold wire 1
insulting hat 1
intact anemone spike 104
intact medium-wave antenna 1
interesting-looking twig 1
internet point 1
interrogative elixir 1
Interview With You (a Vampire) 1
intimidating coiffure 1
intricate clockwork egg 1
intricate music box parts 1
intriguing puzzle box 1
invisibility cream 4
invisibility potion 7
invisible bag 1
invisible potion 1
ion grid 1
ion-pulse modulation stabilizer 1
irate sombrero 2
Irish Coffee, English Heart 1
iron chain 1
iron dagger 1
iron helmet 1
iron pasta spoon 1
iron torso box 183
ironic battle spoon 1
ironic jogging shorts 1
ironic knit cap 1
ironic mint 1
ironic moustache 1
ironic oversized sunglasses 1
irradiated candy cane 1
irradiated pet snacks 1
irradiated turtle 1
irresistibility potion 7
irritability potion 6
iShield 1
Island Drinkin', a Tiki Mixology Odyssey 1
Island Hurricane 1
Island Landslide 1
Island Thunderstorm 1
isotophat 1
ittah bittah hookah 1
ivory cue ball 1
jabañero pepper 1
jabañero-flavored chewing gum 2
jack flapper 1
Jack-in-the-box 167
Jack-O-Lantern beer 1
Jackass Plumber home game 1
Jackhammer 1
Jacob's rung 9
jagged scrap metal 45
jagged tooth 3
jalapeño slices 1
jam band 1
jam band bootleg 42
Jamaican coffee 1
jamfish jam 1
Jamocha berry 1
janglin' bones 7
jangly bracelet 140
jangly spurs 1
janitor sponge 1
janitor's mop 1
jar full of wind 35
jar of "Creole Lady" marrrmalade 1
jar of anniversary jam 1
jar of fermented pickle juice 1
jar of frostigkraut 1
jar of magical relish 1
jar of psychoses (Jick) 1
jar of psychoses (The Captain of the Gourd) 1
jar of psychoses (The Crackpot Mystic) 1
jar of psychoses (The Meatsmith) 1
jar of psychoses (The Old Man) 1
jar of psychoses (The Pretentious Artist) 1
jar of psychoses (The Suspicious-Looking Guy) 2
jar of squeeze 1
jar of swamp gas 1
jar of swamp honey 1
Jarlsberg's earring 1
Jarlsberg's key lime 1
Jarlsberg's key lime pie 1
Jarlsberg's vegetable soup 1
jaunty feather 62
java cookie 1
jawbruiser 1
Jawmaster 2000™ 1
jazz soap 505
jazzy cigarette holder 4
Jefferson wings 10
jellyfish gel 4
Jerks' Health™ Magazine 1
jerky coins 1
jet bennie marble 1
jigsaw blade 9
jingle bell 1
jingling spore pod 1
jive turkey leg 1
Jokester makeup 1
Jolly Roger charrrm 1
Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet 1
joybuzzer 523
jug of "wine" 3
jug of baconstone juice 4
jug of booze 1
jug of Gnomochloric acid 1
jug of hamethyst juice 3
jug of porquoise juice 1
jug-o-magicalness 1
juggling ball 1
Juju Mojo Mask 1
Jumbo Dr. Lucifer 1
jumbo olive 1
jumping bean burrito 3
jumping bean taco 4
jumping horseradish 3
jungle drum 3
jungle floor wax 38
Jungle Juice 1
juniper berries 5
junk band 1
junk food 4
junk trunks 1
junk yard 3
Junk-Bond 3
junk-mail shirt 1
kamicorpse-ee 4
karma shawarma 11
Kashmir sweater 27
keel-haulin' knife 4
Keese berry 1
keg shield 1
Kelflar vest 2
kelp 2,482
kelp-holly drape 3
kelp-holly gun 1
Kentucky-fried meat crossbow 1
Kentucky-fried meat staff 1
Kentucky-fried meat sword 12
Kentucky-style derby 1
ketchup 1
ketchup hound 1
Kevlar balloon 1
khaki duffel bag 1
kick-ass kicks 1
kickback cookbook 1
killer rag doll 1
killing feather 1
killing jar 20
kilopede skull 1
king cookie 1
Kiss the Knob apron 1
Kissin' Cousins 1
kite 1
kitty sheet music 1
Kitty the Zmobie Basher trading card 4
kiwi 54
kiwi beak 2
kneecapping stick 1
knight cookie 1
knob bugle 45
Knob Göblin lòve potion 1
Knob Goblin deluxe scimitar 25
Knob Goblin elite helm 1
Knob Goblin elite pants 1
Knob Goblin elite polearm 1
Knob Goblin elite shirt 43
Knob Goblin eyedrops 1
Knob Goblin firecracker 1,571
Knob Goblin harem pants 1
Knob Goblin harem veil 1
Knob Goblin learning pill 1
Knob Goblin love potion 11
Knob Goblin lunchbox 1
Knob Goblin melon baller 90
Knob Goblin Mutagen 4
Knob Goblin nasal spray 1
Knob Goblin pants 1
Knob Goblin perfume 1
Knob Goblin pet-buffing spray 1
Knob Goblin scimitar 1
Knob Goblin seltzer 726
Knob Goblin sharpening spray 1
Knob Goblin spatula 1
Knob Goblin steroids 8
Knob Goblin stink bomb 1
Knob Goblin superseltzer 1
Knob Goblin tongs 1
Knob Goblin Uberpants 2
Knob Goblin visor 341
Knob jelly donut 7
knob ka-bobs 1
Knob Kitchen grab-bag 1
Knob lo mein 2
Knob mushroom 265
knob mushroom wine 15
Knob nuts 10
Knob pasty 1
Knob sausage 1
Knob sausage stir-fry 2
Knob shroomkabob 5
Knob stir-fry 1
Knob stroganoff 3
Knob stuffed shells 1
knobby helmet turtle 1
knobby kneepads 1
Knoll lo mein 4
Knoll mushroom 316
knoll mushroom wine 10
Knoll shroomkabob 1
Knoll stir-fry 5
knuckle sandwich 1
kobold kibble 17
kobold treasure hoard 1
Kokomo Resort Brand Suntan Oil 2
Kokomo Resort Chip 3
Kokomo Resort Order Pad 3
Kokomo Resort Pass 1
KoL Con 13 snowglobe 1
KoL Con 13 T-shirt 13
Krampus Horn 1
Kudzu salad 1
Kudzu slaw 2
kumquartz 1
kumquartz ring 1
kumquat 995
kumquat supersucker 1
L.I.M.P. Stock Certificate 87
La Fantasma y La Oscuridad 1
lab-grown meat 20
ladle of mystery 1
Lapis Lazuli 1
large box 960
large cocoa eggshell fragment 1
large pile of sand 1
large tankard of ale 125
Lars the Cyberian 1
laser-broiled pear 1
latte lovers club card 1
lava balaclava 1
lava cake 2
Lava Miner's Daughter 1
lava-proof pants 2
LavaCo™ Lamp housing 1
lavalarva 1
lavawater 1
lavender candy heart 1
lavender paisley oyster egg 48
lavender plastic oyster egg 2
lavender polka-dot oyster egg 1
lavender striped oyster egg 2
law-abiding citizen cane 1
lawnmower blade 1
Lazenby's Life Lesson 1
Lazybones™ recliner 1
LCD game: Burger Belt 2
LCD game: Food Eater 1
LCD game: Garbage River 1
lead collar 1
lead necklace 1
lead umbrella 1
lead yo-yo 1
leaf 1
leaf of grass 505
leaflet 1
leather aviator's cap 1
leather bookmark 1
leather chaps 1
leather glove 2
leather mask 1
leathery bat skin 1
leathery cat skin 732
leathery rat skin 1
LED block 1
LED candle 1
leechknife 1
left bear arm 1
left bracket 2
left parenthesis 3
Left-Hand Man action figure 1
leftover canapés 5
leftover chocolate bar 3
leftover Crimbo rations 1
leftover pasty 3
leftovers 9
leftovers of indeterminate origin 1
leftovers sandwich 2
leg-mounted Trainbots 1
leggings of the Spider Queen 3
legitimate business on the beach 1
lemon 6
lemon meringue pie 1
lemon popsicle 3
lemonade marble 1
Lemonade-235 1
lemonhead caviar 1
lemony scales 5
length of old fuse 1
length of string 1
Leonard's glasses 2
leotarrrd 1
Lepardner 1
leprechaun hatchling 1
less-than-three-shaped box 1
lesser grodulated violet 1
Let Me Be! 1
Letter from Carrie Bradshaw 1
letterman's jacket 1
Lewd Lemmy Hair Oil 2
lewd playing card 1
Li'l Businessman Kit 1
li'l candy corn costume 1
li'l knight costume 1
li'l unicorn costume 1
libation of liveliness 1
libertagliatelle 4
library card 1
License To Kill 1
licorice boa 1
licorice garrote 1
licorice root 1
licorice snake 5
licorice whip 1
lifeless meat doll 1
lihc eye 1
lihc eye pie 1
lihc face 1
Lil' Snowball Factory 2
limburger biker boots 1
lime 1,532
lime supersucker 1
lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum 2
limepatch 1
limp broccoli 527
line 1
linguini immondizia bianco 14
linguini of the sea 7
linoleum crossbow 1
linoleum crossbow string 1
linoleum helmet turtle 1
linoleum meat stack 1
linoleum ore 1
linoleum staff 1
linoleum stick 2
linoleum sword 1
linoleum sword hilt 1
lint 1
lion musk 2
lion oil 6
liquid bread 1
liquid ice 1
liquid ice pack 1
liquid rhinestones 1
liquid shifting time weirdness 1
liquid smoke 1
liquid SONAR 3
lit leaf lasso 1
literal grasshopper 1
little black book 5
little box of fireworks 1
Little Crimson Book 1
little paper umbrella 1
little parachute guy 1
little piece of steel 1
little red .epub file 2
little red book 1
little red jam 2
little round pebble 1
little wooden mannequin 1
live lobster 1
live nautical mine 1
live wire 1
liver and let pie 1
liver popsicle 18
livid energy 1
Living to Drink, Drinking to Live 1
llama lama gong 1
loaded serum blowgun 1
loadstone 1
loaf of alien bread 1
loaf of soda bread 11
loafers 1
loathing eagle baby-doll shirt 1
Loathing Idol Microphone 1
Loathing Idol Microphone (25% charged) 1
Loathing Idol Microphone (50% charged) 1
Loathing Idol Microphone (75% charged) 1
Lobos Mints 1
Lobster qua Grill 1
Lockenstock™ sandals 1
Locust 1
lodestone 1
logging hatchet 1
logic synthesizer 1
lollipop cufflinks 1
Lollipop Drop 1
lollipop stick 1
LOLmec statuette 1
Lolsipop 573
London frog 1
long pork 7
long pork casserole 1,115
long pork chop sandwiches 3
long pork lasagna 2
long skinny balloon 1
long-forgotten necklace 1
long-stemmed rose 1
longhaired hippy wig 1
loose blade 1
loose purse strings 1
loose teeth 1
Lord Flameface's cloak 1
Lord of the Flies-sized fries 1
Lord Soggyraven's Slippers 1
Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet 1
los chinos 1
lost elf luggage 1
lost key 406
lotion of coldness 1
lotion of hotness 1
lotion of sleaziness 1
lotion of spookiness 1
lotion of stench 1
Louder Than Bomb 1
Loudmouth Larry Lamprey 1
LOV Elixir #3 1
LOV Elixir #6 1
LOV Elixir #9 1
LOV Entrance Pass 1
Love Potions and the Wizards who Mix Them 25
love song of disturbing obsession 1
love song of icy revenge 1
love song of naughty innuendo 1
love song of smoldering passion 1
love song of sugary cuteness 1
love song of vague ambiguity 1
lovecat tail 1
low tide martini 1
low-budget shield 34
lowercase N 3
LT&T tattoo kit 1
lucky ball-and-chain 1
lucky bottlecap 1
lucky cat collar 1
lucky cat statue 1
lucky cat's paw 8
lucky Crimbo tiki necklace 1
lucky gold ring 1
lucky lighter 1
lucky rabbit's foot 1
lucky rabbitfish fin 21
Lucky Strikes holo-record 1
Lucky Surprise Egg 1
lucky-ish pill 2
Ludovico Pastaco 1
lumbering jack 1
Lumineux Limnio 33
lump of black ichor 1
lump of Brituminous coal 1
lump of clay 7
lump of coal 1
lump of diamond 1
lump of goofball ore 23
lump of loyal latite 1
lump of not really wriggling eldritch matter 1
lump of Saccharine Maple sap 4
Lump-Stacking for Beginners 1
lunar isotope 87
lupine appetite hormones 1
lupine sword 1
lustrous oyster egg 5
lychee chuhai 3
LyleCo Contractor's Manual 1
LyleCo premium magnifying glass 1
LyleCo premium monocle 1
LyleCo premium pickaxe 1
LyleCo premium rope 1
lynyrd musk 24
lynyrd skin 3
lynyrd skinner toothblack 8
lynyrd snare 19
lynyrdskin breeches 1
lynyrdskin cap 1
lynyrdskin tunic 1
M-242 1
macaroni duck 1
Mace of the Tortoise 1
machetito 1
macroplane grater 1
mad scientist's sock monkey 1
Mad Train wine 1
madius 11
Mae West 1
Mae West with a fly in it 3
mafia aria 1
mafia filofax 3
mafia middle finger ring 2
mafia organizer badge 1
mafia pinky ring 3
mafia pointer finger ring 2
mafia thumb ring 2
mafia wedding ring 1
magenta seashell 1,052
magic dragonfish fry 1
magic lamp 1
magic whistle 260
magical baguette 57
magical battery 1
magical ice cube with a fly in it 948
magical ice cubes 1
magical mystery juice 1
magical sausage casing 5
magicalness-in-a-can 1
magicberry tablets 1
magilaser blastercannon 1
MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech 1
magnetic field 1
magnetic sculpture kit 1
magnificent oyster egg 1
magnifying glass 1
magnolia blossom 4
magnum of fancy champagne 5
maid head 1
maiden wig 1
makeshift cape 2
makeshift crane 1
makeshift sixgun 1
makeshift skirt 1
makeshift turban 1
Mallomarbles 3
mama's squeezebox 1
mana curds 24
mana-basted tofurkey leg 8
mana-coated yams 5
mana-fortified cranberry sauce 3
mana-stuffed herbal stuffing 1
mandarina colada 1
mandarina colada with a fly in it 2
Manetwich 1
mangled finger 17
mangled squirrel 1
manly bloomers 2
mannequin leg 1
Mansquito Serum 1
Mansquito's blood 2
mantis skull 1
Manual of Lock Picking 3
Manual of Secret Door Detection 1
Manual of Transcendent Olfaction 1
many-eyed glasses 1
map to a candy-rich block 1
maple leaf 1
maple syrup 1
margarita 1
mariachi G-string 1
mariachi hat 1
mariachi pants 1
mariachi toothpaste 4
marine aquamarine 1
Mariner's Friend cough drops 1
marionette 1
marionette collective 1
Mark I Steam-Hat 1
Mark II Steam-Hat 1
Mark III Steam-Hat 1
Mark IV Steam-Hat 1
Mark of the Bugbear 1
Mark of the Ghost 1
Mark of the Skeleton 1
Mark of the Vampire 1
Mark of the Werewolf 1
Mark of the Zombie 1
Mark V Steam-Hat 1
Marltini 1
marshmallow 1
marshmallow bomb 1
marshmallow flambé 1
marshroom 3
martini 1
martiny 1
Marvin's marvelous pill 1
marzipan skull 5,713
mashed potatoes 1
mass of wriggling tentacles 1
massive gemstone 1
Massive Manual of Marauder Mockery 1
massive sitar 1
massive wrench 2
Master Thief's utility belt 3
mauve paisley oyster egg 1
mauve plastic oyster egg 2
mauve polka-dot oyster egg 2
mauve striped oyster egg 37
Maxing, Relaxing 1
Maxwell's Silver Hammer 1
Mayam spinach 1
Mayo de Mayo™ mayo 5
mayo pump 1
McLeod's Hard Haggis-Ade 1
McMillicancuddy's Special Lager 1
meadeorite 1
Meat Butler 1
meat cowboy hat 2
Meat detector 1
meat engine 1
meat face 1
meat from yesterday 1
meat golem 1
Meat maid 1
Meat maid body 1
meat paste 1
meat shield 1
meat st‰¿bing club 1
meat stack 1
Meat Tenderizer is Murder 1
meat vortex 3
Meat-inflating powder 2
meatball 12
meatball machine 1
meatcar model 1
meatloaf helmet 2
meatsmithing guide 1
meatspout staff 1
meaty helmet turtle 1
Mechamelion 1
Medical Pastaco 1
medium slimy cyst 1
megacopia 1
megatofu 1
Meleegra™ pills 2
melon-infused sake 6
melted Jell-o shot 1
melty plastic grenade 12
meme generator 1
Memory Disk, Alpha 1
memory of a C 11
memory of a CA base pair 1
memory of a CG base pair 1
memory of a CT base pair 1
memory of a G 9
memory of a GT base pair 1
memory of a T 10
memory of an A 10
memory of an AG base pair 1
memory of an AT base pair 1
memory of some delicious amino acids 30
menorette 1
mentholated wine 1
menudo 6
menudo ravioli 1
Mer-kin begsign 1
Mer-kin breastplate 1
Mer-kin bunwig 2
Mer-kin cancerstick 1
Mer-kin cheatsheet 1
Mer-kin cookiestove 54
Mer-kin cooljuice 5
Mer-kin digpick 4
Mer-kin dragbelt 1
Mer-kin eyedrops 1
Mer-kin eyeglasses 2
Mer-kin fastjuice 1
Mer-kin finpaddle 2
Mer-kin fitbrine 4
Mer-kin foodbucket 1
Mer-kin gutgirdle 1
Mer-kin hallpass 1
Mer-kin healscroll 1
Mer-kin hidepaint 4
Mer-kin hookspear 1
Mer-kin killscroll 1
Mer-kin knucklebone 3
Mer-kin lipstick 5
Mer-kin lunchbox 1
Mer-kin mouthsoap 1
Mer-kin paste 1
Mer-kin pinkslip 1
Mer-kin prayerbeads 1
Mer-kin pressureglobe 3
Mer-kin ragejuice 9
Mer-kin rocksalt 1
Mer-kin rollpin 1
Mer-kin roundshield 1
Mer-kin saltmint 1
Mer-kin saltsquid 1
Mer-kin sawdust 1
Mer-kin smartjuice 3
Mer-kin sneakmask 1
Mer-kin stopwatch 5
Mer-kin strongjuice 6
Mer-kin takebag 1
Mer-kin thingpouch 14
Mer-kin weaksauce 12
Mer-kin wordquiz 1
Mer-kin worktea 1
Merc Core challenge coin 11
Merc Core deployment orders 1
Merc Core Field Manual: Intimidation Techniques 2
Merc Core Field Manual: Sanity Maintenance 1
mercenary headband 6,089
mercenary pistol 12
mercenary rifle 3
mermaid's purse 1
mesh cap 2
Mesmereyes™ contact lenses 1
mesquito proboscis 1
metal band T-shirt 1
metal mandible 1
metal meteoroid 15
metallic A 1
metallic foil bow 1
metallic foil cat ears 1
metallic foil radar dish 1
metandienone 1
meteor shower cap 1
meteorb 1
meteoreo 1
meteorite guard 1
Meteorite-Ade 1
meteortarboard 1
meteorthopedic shoes 1
metrognome 1
Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler 1
Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub 1
micronova 1
Microplushie: Bropane 4
Microplushie: Dorkonide 1
Microplushie: Ermahgerdic Acid 2
Microplushie: Fauxnerditide 2
Microplushie: Gothochondria 4
Microplushie: Hippylase 5
Microplushie: Hipsterine 1
Microplushie: Hobomosome 1
Microplushie: Otakulone 5
Microplushie: Raverdrine 3
Microplushie: Sororitrate 6
microwave stogie 1
mid-level medieval mead 14
Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey 39
midget clownfish 1
midriff scrubs 25
milestone 1
military candy cane 1
military-grade peppermint oil 14
milk of magnesium 155
Milk Studs 1
milky potion 1
mime army camouflage kit 1
mime army challenge coin 1
mime army infiltration glove 1
mime army insignia (cryonics) 1
mime army insignia (espionage) 1
mime army insignia (infantry) 1
mime army insignia (intelligence) 1
mime army insignia (morale) 1
mime army insignia (psychological warfare) 1
mime army insignia (pyrotechnics) 1
mime army insignia (sanitation) 1
mime army rations 5
mime army shotglass 1
mime army superserum 1
mime army wine 5
mime eraser 1
mime pocket probe 1
mime soul fragment 54
mime-proof sunglasses 1
mimeplasm 1
miming beret 1
miming boots 1
miming corduroys 1
miming gloves 1
miming shirt 1
mimosette 5
mince pie 1
mind flayer corpse 483
mineapple 12
miner's helmet 647
miner's pants 619
mini kiwi 1
mini kiwi aioli 1
mini kiwi antimilitaristic hippy petition 1
mini kiwi bikini 1
mini kiwi digitized cookies 1
mini kiwi icepick 1
mini kiwi illicit antibiotic 1
mini kiwi intoxicating spirits 1
mini kiwi invisible dirigible 1
mini kiwi silicon tiepin 1
mini kiwi tipi 1
mini kiwi whipping stick 1
mini kiwi-flavored aspirin-injecting lipstick 1
mini kiwitini 1
Mini-Crimbot crate 1
mini-marshmallow dispenser 1
mini-martini 1
mini-Mr. Accessory 1
mini-zeppelin 1
miniature antlers 1
miniature boiler 24
miniature carton of clove cigarettes 1
miniature castagnets 1
miniature coffin 1
miniature dormouse 1
miniature espresso maker 1
miniature goose mask 1
miniature Jacob's ladder 1
miniature life preserver 1
miniature power pill 1
miniature pruning shears 1
miniature stuffed Goth Giant 1
miniature tophat 1
Miniborg beeper 1
Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot 1
Miniborg hiveminder 1
Miniborg laser 1
Miniborg stomper 1
Miniborg strangler 1
MiniMechaElf Laser Punch Missile Launcher 1
minin' dynamite 25
miniscule beatbox 1
Mint Yulep 1
mint-condition magic wand 1
Mint-in-box Moonthril Circlet 1
Mint-in-box Moonthril Cuirass 1
Mint-in-box Moonthril Flamberge 1
Mint-in-box Moonthril Greaves 1
Mint-in-box Moonthril Longbow 1
mirrored aviator shades 1
Miserable Pie 1
misfit dolly 1
misfit hobby horse 1
misfit teddy bear 1
Miss Graves' vermouth 1
misshapen animal skeleton 1
Missing Eye Simulation Device 26
missing semicolon 1
missing wine 2
Misty Cape 1
Misty Cloak 1
Misty Robe 1
Mixed Garbanzos and Chickpeas 1
mixed wildflower greens 3
Mob Penguin cellular phone 1
mocking turtle 1
modern picture frame 1
Mohawk wig 1
Mohobo 2
moist Crimbo spices 138
moist sailor's cap 1
mojo filter 2
mole molé 2
mole skin notebook 1
molehill mountain 1
molotov cocktail cocktail 1
molten brick 1
molten medallion 1
molten scrap metal 45
Mon Tiki 1
monkey barf 2
monkey wrench 1
monomolecular yo-yo 1
Monstar energy beverage 1
monster bait 10
monster pants 1
mood ring 774
moomy dust 3
moon-amber 1
moonberry wine cooler 13
Moonds 7
moonglasses 1
Moonshine Mohobo 1
moose antlers 9
moose chocolate 42
moose thought 31
mooseflank 1
moosemeat pie 1
Morbidda trading card 4
More Humanitini than Humanitini 3
moreltini 40
Morlock's Mark Bourbon 1
morning dew 1
Mornington crescent roll 27
Morphan 1
Mortimer's nostrum 5
Morto Moreto 27
moss floss 1
mostly rat-hide leggings 1
mostly-broken sunglasses 77
mostly-empty bottle of cookie wine 41
mother's little helper 2
mother's necklace 1
mother's secret recipe 1
motivational poster 5
mountain lion skin 1
Mountain Stream Code Black Alert 1
Mountain Stream gastrique 1
Mountain Stream soda 8,974
mourning wine 1
mouse skull 55
moustache sock 1
mouth-watering mayolus 1
moxie magnet 1
moxie weed 945
Mr. Accessaturday 1
Mr. Accessory 2
Mr. Accessory Jr. 1
Mr. Balloon 1
Mr. Big's Wallet 1
Mr. Burnsger 1
Mr. Haggis 1
Mr. Joe's bangles 1
Mr. Mediocrebar 1
Mrs. Rush 1
Ms. Accessory 1
Mt. McLargeHuge oyster 80
Mu 1
muculent machete 10
muddy pirate hat 1
muddy skirt 1
Mudflap-Girl Earring 2
Mudflap-Girl Necklace 1
Mudflap-Girl Ring 1
muffled muffuletta 1
mugcake 1
mulberry 3
mulled berry wine 1
mulled blood 1
mulled cider 1
mulled hobo wine 1
mulled wine 1
mullet wig 1
multi-level marzipan 1
mummy costume 1
mummy mask 1
mummy wrapping 1
munchies pill 1
murderbot component casing 1,332
murderbot live wire 1
murderbot mask 1
murderbot monofilament 1,315
murderbot plasma rifle 75
murderbot power cell 1,357
murderbot shield unit 1
murderbot spring injector 1
murderbot whip 1
Murderer's Punch 3
murky potion 1
Muschat 35
muscle oil 3
mushroom fermenting solution 1
mushroom filet 5
mushroom pizza 1
mushroom slab 1
mushroom tea 1
mushroom whiskey 1
musk turtle 1
muskox-skin cap 4
Mustardigrade 1
mutant arm 4
mutant cactus bud 1
mutant crown 1
mutant fire ant egg 1
mutant gila monster egg 1
mutant legs 2
mutant rattlesnake egg 1
mutated candy lump 3
My First Paycheck envelope 1
My Life of Crime, a Memoir 1
Mylar balloon 1
mylar scout drone 1
myrrh-soaked, chocolate-covered bacon bath ball 1
Mysterious Black Box 500
Mysterious Blue Box 483
mysterious chemical residue 8
Mysterious Green Box 511
Mysterious Island iced tea 1
mysterious present 1
Mysterious Red Box 534
mysterious silver lapel pin 1
Mysterious Stranger 1
mystery lollipop 3
nachos of the night 4
Nadsat berry 1
nail file 1
nailswurst 2
nanite-infested candy cane 2
nanite-infested eggnog 1
nanite-infested fruitcake 1
nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear 1
nanofiber cloth 1
nanorhino credit card 1
Napalm In The Morning™ candle 1
Nardz energy beverage 1
nasty desk bell 3
nasty gum 4
nasty rat mask 1
nasty snuff 15
nasty-smelling moss 1
nastygeist 1
natto marble soda 2
natto pocky 2
natto-infused sake 4
natty blue ascot 1
natural fennel soda 1
natural magick candle 1
nauseating reagent 1
Nayztameetjoo trading card 4
ncle leg 1
ND 1
Necbro wafers 6
necklace chain 1
Necrotelicomnicon 1
necrotizing body spray 1
neg grog 1
nega-mushroom 1
nega-mushroom wine 1
negative lump 13,357
negotiatin' hammer 5
neoprene skullcap 1
Neuromancer 1
neurostim pill 1
neutron lollipop 1
Never Don't Stop Not Striving 1
Neverending Party favor 1
Neverending Party guest pass 1
Neverending Party invitation envelope 1
neverending wallet chain 14
New Age healing crystal 39
New Age hurting crystal 77
New Cloaca-Cola 25
new habit 1
New Zealand iced tea 1
New-You Club Membership Form 1
Newark 1
Newbiesport™ tent 1
newborn kobold 1
NG 1
nice warm beer 1
nicksilver spurs 1
night-vision goggles 1
Nightmare Fuel 1
Nightstalker perfume 1
ninja carabiner 1
ninja crampons 1
ninja eyeblack 6
ninja fear powder 8
ninja hot pants 1
ninja mop 1
ninja pirate zombie robot head 1
ninja rope 5
ninjammies 1
No Hats as Art 1
Nog-on-the-Cob 2
noir fedora 1
non-aged vinegar 1
non-Euclidean angle 1
Non-Euclidean Finance 17
non-Euclidean non-accordion 1
non-stick pugil stick 1
Northern pemmican 3
norwhal helmet 1
Nose Ring of Putrescence 2
nosy nose ringy ring 1
not-a-pipe 1
Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter I 1
Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter II 1
Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter III 1
Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter IV 1
Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter V 1
Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter VI 1
nothing-in-the-box 1
nothing-in-the-box-in-the-box 1
nothingtini 1
noticeable pumps 17
novelty fruit hat 18
novelty monorail ticket 1
novelty tattoo sleeves 2
Now and Earlier 1
Now You're Cooking With Grease 1
noxious gas grenade 54
nozzle of the Phoenix 3
NPZR chemistry set 1
Nuclear Blastball 1
nuclear stockpile 1
nugget of Crimbonium 1
nugget of nicksilver 1
nugget of quicksilver 1
nugget of sicksilver 1
nugget of slicksilver 1
nugget of sodium 5
nugget of thicksilver 1
nugget of ticksilver 1
nugget of wicksilver 1
numberwang 1
nurse's hat 1
Nursine 1
nut-shaped Crimbo cookie 1
nutcracking pliers 1
nutty organic salad 5
O 1
O'RLY manual 7
obnoxious riddle 1
obsidian dagger 1
obsidian nutcracker 1
ocarina of space 1
occult jelly donut 9
ocean motion 552
octolus oculus 4
octolus-skin cloak 2
octopus's spade 1
odd silver coin 8
odor extractor 1
off-white paisley oyster egg 1
off-white plastic oyster egg 39
off-white polka-dot oyster egg 1
off-white striped oyster egg 2
offensive moustache 1
office-supply crossbow 1
officer's nog 10
Official Council Aide Pin 1
Ogres and Oubliettes™ module 2
Oh, the Humanitini 1
oil cap 1
oil lamp 1
oil of expertise 2
oil of oiliness 28
Oil of Parrrlay 1
oil of slipperiness 1
oil of stability 1
oil pan 5
oil shell 1
oil slacks 1
oil-filled donut 4
oily boid 1
oily mushroom wine 1
oily paste 1
ointment of the occult 1
ojo de pez burrito 4
Okee-Dokee soda 1
Ol' Scratch's ash can 3
Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork 4
Ol' Scratch's manacles 4
Ol' Scratch's ol' britches 5
Ol' Scratch's salad fork 1
Ol' Scratch's stove door 5
Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat 4
old ball and chain 1
old bronzer 4
old candy wrapper 1
old chum 9
old coin purse 1
old dry bone 1
old eyebrow pencil 4
old leather wallet 1
old love note 1
old patched suit-pants 1
old rosewater cream 1
old school beer pull tab 2
old school calculator watch 1
old school Mafia knicke½æ 1
old soft shoes 1
old sweatpants 3
old-fashioned 1
old-school pirate grog 36
oldcake 8
olive 1
olive lo mein 8
olive stir-fry 6
Omphalotus Omphaloskepsis mushroom 1
one glove 4
one piece of bubble gum 1
one pill 28
one-day ticket to Conspiracy Island 1
one-day ticket to Dinseylandfill 1
one-day ticket to Spring Break Beach 1
one-day ticket to That 70s Volcano 1
one-day ticket to The Glaciest 1
one-winged stab bat 1
onion shurikens 1
onyx bishop 4
onyx king 4
onyx knight 4
onyx pawn 3
onyx queen 4
onyx rook 4
oozenog 1
open sauce 63
opera mask 1
opium grenade 2
Oppossum 1
orange 726
orange and black Crimboween candy 1
orange boxing gloves 1
orange candy heart 1
orange leather lanyard 1
orange peel hat 1
orange popsicle 4
orange slime glob 92
orange snowcone 1
orange-frosted astral cupcake 1
Orangemageddon wine cooler 1
orc paste 1
orc wrist 2
Orcish baseball cap 1
Orcish cargo shorts 1
Orcish frat-paddle 1
orcish hand lotion 6
Orcish meat locker 1
orcish nailing lube 5
orcish rubber 6
orcish stud-finder 1
Oreille Divisée brandy 1
organic potpourri 1
original G 1
oriole-feather headdress 1
ornamental sextant 2
ornate ancient cursed chest 1
ornate ancient cursed key 1
ornate picture frame 14
Oscus's dumpster waders 4
Oscus's flypaper pants 2
Oscus's garbage can lid 1
Oscus's neverending soda 1
Oscus's pelt 3
Osk'r Chow 2
Othello's dagger 2
Othello's handkerchief 1
Othello's military jacket 1
Ouija Board, Ouija Board 1
out-of-tune biwa 18
out-of-work circus flea 1
Outer Wolf™ cologne 3
outlaw bandana 14
oven mitts 21
overcharged El Vibrato power sphere 1
overclocked avian microprocessor 1
overcookie 43
overflowing gift basket 1
overloaded micro-reactor 123
overloaded short-pulse transistor 1
overloaded Yule battery 1
overly-fancy hot cocoa 1
overpowering mushroom wine 1
overpriced "imported" beer 3
oversized fish scaler 1
oversized ice molecule 3
oversized pipe 1
oversized pizza cutter 1
oversized skullcap 41
oversized snowflake 23
ovoid leather thing 35,313
oxygenated eggnog helmet 1
oyster basket 1
oyster sauce 1
P.B.L.T. 5
pacification grenade 1
Pack of Alice's Army Cards 27
Pack of Alice's Army Foil Cards 1
pack of chewing gum 1
Pack of Every Card 1
pack of KWE trading card 1
pack of pogs 1
packaged SpinMaster™ lathe 1
packet of beer nuts 1
packet of tofurkey gravy 1
padded tortoise 1
PADL Phone 1
page of the Necrohobocon 26
pail 1
Pain Dip 1
painful penne pasta 1
Paint A Vulgar Pitcher 1
paint bomb 1
paint palette 1
painted shield 1
painted turtle 1
painting of a glass of wine 23
pair of bolt cutters 1
pair of candy glasses 1
pair of government shades 1
pair of pearidot earrings 1
pair of plants 71
pair of ragged claws 1
pair of scissors 1
pair of twitching claws 1
paisley spore pod 1,036
palm frond 1
palm-frond capris 3
palm-frond cloak 1
palm-frond fan 1
palm-frond net 1
palm-frond toupee 1
palm-frond whip 1
Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster 1
panhandle panhandling hat 1
pants kit 1
pants of the Slug Lord 1
panty raider camouflage 1
papaya 2
papaya sling 1
papaya slung 1
papaya taco 2
paper-plate-mail pants 1
paperclip 1
paperclip cape 1
paperclip pants 4
paperclip sproinger 1
paperclip turban 1
paperclip-on tie 1
papier-mâché base 1
papier-mâché bowl 1
papier-mâché glob 1
papier-mâché handle 1
papier-mâché plaque 1
papier-mâché toothpicks 2
papier-mâché trophy piñata 1
papier-mâchéte 1
papier-mâchaeranthera 1
papier-mâchine gun 1
papier-mâchuridars 1
papier-masque 1
papier-mitre 1
papier-mochi 1
papotion of papower 1
Para-Pop 1
parasitic claw 1
parasitic headgnawer 1
parasitic strangleworm 1
parasitic tentacles 1
parisian cathouse 5
party balloon 7
party beer bomb 7
party crasher 1
PARTY HARD T-shirt 1
party hat 1
party mouse hat 1
party platter for one 7
party pup 1
Party Tattoo™ gift certificate 1
party whip 1
Party-in-a-Can™ 7
passable elf mask 1
pasta spoon 1
Pasta Spoon of Peril 1
Pastaco shell 1
pat of butter 1
pat-a-cake pendant 1
patch of extra-warm fur 1
patchouli incense stick 5
patchouli oil bomb 1
patent aggression tonic 2
patent alacrity tonic 2
patent antipsychotics 1
patent avarice tonic 2
patent invisibility tonic 4
patent leather shoes 1
patent preventative tonic 2
patent sallowness tonic 3
pawn cookie 1
PB&J with the crusts cut off 32
peace accordion 1
peace-sign necklace 1
peach 39
peach lozenge 1
peach pie 1
Peaclock 1
peanut brittle shield 174
peanut sauce 1
pear 60
pear lozenge 4
pear supersucker 1
pear tart 1
pearidot 1
pearl diver's necklace 2
pearl diver's ring 1
pearlescent oyster egg 1
pebble of proud pyrite 1
pebblebräu 1
pec oil 48
pecan pie 3
Peek-a-Boo! 1
PEEZ dispenser 1
pegfinger 2
pencil kunai 5
pencil stub 13
Pendant of Fire 1
Pendant of Gargalesis 1
penguin focaccia bread 1
penguin paste 1
penguin shorts 1
penguin skin 1
penguin skin buckler 1
penguin thesaurus 1
penguin whip 1
penguin-smacking club 1
penguinskin mini-kilt 1
penguinskin mini-skirt 1
pentacorn hat 1
pentagram bandana 11
pentatonic accordion 1
Penultimate Fantasy chest 1
peppermint bomb 24
peppermint crook 1
peppermint donut 1
peppermint eel sauce 194
peppermint harpoon gun 1
peppermint parasol 1
peppermint patty 1
peppermint rhino baby 1
peppermint spine 1
peppermint sprig 1
peppermint sprout 1
peppermint syrup 1
peppermint tack 22
peppermint tailings 1
peppermint twist 5
peppermint-scented socks 9
percent sign 4
perfect cosmopolitan 1
perfect dark and stormy 2
perfect ice cube 219
perfect mimosa 1
perfect negroni 1
perfect old-fashioned 1
perfect paloma 1
perforated battle paddle 1
perfume of prejudice 1
perfume-soaked bandana 3
perl necklace 1
perpendicular guano 2
perpendicular hula 733
perpendicular hula with a fly in it 2
personal graffiti kit 530
personal massager 1
personalizable gingerbread cookie 1
personalized birthday cake 1
personalized coffee mug 1
pestoblade 13
pestopiary 39
pet anchor 2
pet anemone 1
pet bad vibe 1
pet rock 1
pet rock "Groucho" disguise 871
pet rock "Snooty" disguise 908
Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog 1
Pete's rich ricotta 2
Pete's wiley whey bar 1
petit 4.1 1
petit fortran 1
petrified noodles 3
petrified time 1
petrified wood 1
pewter candlestick 1
pewter claymore 12
pewter shavings 2
ph balancer 9
phat turquoise bead 2
phat turquoise bracelet 1
phial of coldness 1
phial of hotness 1
phial of sleaziness 1
phial of spookiness 1
phial of stench 1
Phil Collins 1
philosopher's scone 304
philter of phorce 1
phish stick 1
Phlegethon 1
phonics down 1
photoprotoneutron torpedo 1
physiostim pill 1
Pick-O-Matic lockpicks 1
pickelhaube 1
pickle-flavored chewing gum 3
pickled bread 1
pickled egg 11
pickled grasshopper 1
pickpocket protector 2
picky tweezers 1
picture of a dead guy's girlfriend 1
picture of you 1
Piddles 1
pie crust 1
pie man was not meant to eat 2
piece of after eight 1
piece of coral 8
piece of driftwood 42
piece of wedding cake 2
piercing post 1
pig-iron bracers 1
pigeon egg 313
piggy tattoo 4
pile of candy 4
pile of dirt 1
pile of dungeon junk 1
pile of dusty animal bones 1
pile of gold coins 1
pile of gritty sand 1
pile of jumping beans 3
pile of loose snow 1
pile of sand 1
pile of smoking rags 1
pile of Trainbot parts 1
pill cup 2
pillow shell 1
Pillowbug 1
pimpin' meat hat 2
Pimpsqueak 1
pin-stripe slacks 1
pine cone 1
pine tar 1
Pine-Fresh air freshener 1
pineapple slab 24
ping-pong ball 2
ping-pong paddle 1
pink candy heart 1
pink clay bead 7
pink glowstick 2
pink pinkslip slip 1
pink plastic baby 1
pink pony 323
pink slime 43
pink-belly slapper 4
pink-frosted astral cupcake 1
pint of sweat 3
pipe wrench 1
piping organ pie 1
piracetam 1
piranha pollen 1
pirate brochure 2
pirate cream pie 2
pirate encryption key (complete) 1
pirate encryption key alpha 1
pirate encryption key bravo 16
pirate encryption key charlie 14
pirate encryption key delta 16
pirate fork 1
pirate pamphlet 4
pirate paste 1
pirate pelvis 1
pirate radio ring 1
pirate shaving cream 1
pirate shirt 1
pirate skull 1
pirate tract 3
pirate zombie head 1
pirate zombie robot head 1
PirateRealm guest pass 1
PirateRealm membership packet 1
PirateRealm party hat 1
piratical blunderbuss 1
piscatini 1
pitchfork 1
pitted sheet metal 128
pixel banana 1
pixel beer 1
pixel boomerang 1
pixel bread 1
pixel chain whip 1
pixel coin 1
pixel cross 1
pixel daiquiri 1
pixel energy tank 1
pixel grappling hook 1
pixel hat 1
pixel holy water 1
pixel lemon 1
pixel morning star 1
pixel orb 1
pixel pants 1
pixel pill 1
pixel power cell 4
pixel rock 1
pixel shield 1
pixel star 1
pixel stopwatch 1
pixel sword 15
pixel whip 1
pixel whiskey 1
pixellated candy heart 1
pixellated moneybag 1
pixie axie 1
Pizza of Legend 1
Plague of Locusts 1
plague pie 3
plaid bandage 1
plaid cowboy hat 6
plaid pocket square 1
plaid skirt 1
plaid swatch 58
plain bagel 30
plain brown wrapper 1
plain calzone 1
plain candy cane 1
plain old beer 10
plain paper hat 2
plain pizza 1
plain snowcone 111
plans for depleted Grimacite astrolabe 1
plans for depleted Grimacite gravy boat 1
plans for depleted Grimacite shinguards 1
plans for depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt 1
plastic bazooka 1
plastic bib 1
plastic Crimbo reindeer 1
plastic cup of beer 1
plastic cup of flat beer 1
plastic doll arms 1
plastic doll legs 1
plastic guitar 2
plastic ingot 1
plastic Jefferson wings 3
plastic nightmare troll 1
plastic nunchaku 1
plastic passion fruit 1
plastic piranha pot 1
plastic pirate hat 1
plastic spider ring 1
plate of Frigid Northern Beans 1
plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans 3
plate of Hellfire Spicy Beans 1
plate of Mixed Garbanzos and Chickpeas 3
plate of Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans 1
plate of Shrub's Premium Baked Beans 1
plate of Tesla's Electroplated Beans 5
plate of Trader Olaf's Exotic Stinkbeans 1
plate of Val-U Brand Every Bean Salad 1
plate of World's Blackest-Eyed Peas 1
PlexiPips 5
plot hole 1
plum 1,709
plum lozenge 2
plum wine 1
plumber's lunch 5
plump juicy grub 1
plunge-leg 7
plus one 1
plush alielf 1
plush alien hamsterpus 1
plush dogcat 1
plush ferrelf 1
plush hamsterpus 1
plush mutated alielephant 1
plush mutated alielf 1
plush sea serpent 1
Pneumo bar 3
pocket ace 19
Pocket Guide to Mild Evil 1
Pocket Guide to Mild Evil (used) 1
pocket lint (blue) 1
pocket lint (green) 1
pocket lint (orange) 1
pocket lint (white) 1
pocket maze 1
Pocket Professor memory chip 1
pocket theremin 5
pocket wish 1
pocketwatch on a chain 1
pog #01 (spider) 41
pog #02 (Knob goblin) 48
pog #03 (warwelf) 41
pog #04 (skleleton) 29
pog #05 (ninja snowman) 27
pog #06 (filthy hippy) 41
pog #07 (orcish frat boy) 36
pog #08 (hellion) 38
pog #09 (pirate) 41
pog #10 (hobo) 43
pog #11 (Naughty Sorceress) 48
pogo stick 1
pointed stick 13
pointy mushroom 260
pointy mushroom wine 5
pointy red hat 1
Poison Oak trading card 3
poison pen 1
poisonous caviar 85
poisonsettia 51
Poké-Gro fertilizer 1
Pokëmann band-aid 1
Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip 1
Pokëmann figurine: Duck 1
Pokëmann figurine: Frank 1
Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump 1
Pokëmann figurine: Hoboking 1
Pokëmann figurine: Kagosan 1
Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap 1
Pokëmann figurine: Moog 1
Pokëmann figurine: Nothing 1
Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu 1
Pokëmann figurine: Shoggoth 1
Pokëmann figurine: Smugleaf 1
Pokëmann figurine: Twitter 1
Pokëmann figurine: Vegemite 1
Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth 1
poker face paint 1
polished moon-amber 1
Polka Pop 1
polka-dot bow tie 1
polo trophy 3
poltergeist-in-the-jar-o 1
polyalloy shield 1
polyeaster egg 3
Polysniff Perfume 5
pompadour'd puppy 1
poncho de azucar 1
ponytail clip 15
poodle skirt 2
pool cue 1
pool of liquid metal 1
pool shark hair oil 11
pool torpedo 680
Pop Art: a Guide 1
popcorn 5
poppy 17
popsicle stick 919
popular tart 11
porcelain candy dish 4
Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans 4
porkpocket 5
porquoise 1
porquoise bracelet 1
porquoise eyebrow ring 1
porquoise necklace 1
porquoise ring 1
portable cassette player 1
portable corkscrew 1
portable dam 1
portable housekeeping robot 1
portable motorcycle 1
portable Othello set 1
portable photocopier 1
portable ping-pong table 1
portable Spacegate 1
portable steam unit 3
portable table 28
portable wall 9
possessed sugar cube 1
possessed tomato 1
possessed top 1
possibility potion 2
post-holiday sale coupon 1
potato alarm clock 1
potato masher 1
potato pistol 1
potato sprout 1
potent potion of potency 3
potion of animal rage 15
Potion of Heroism 1
potion of potency 1
potion of punctual companionship 463
potion of spiritual gunkifying 1
potion of temporary gr8ness 1
potion of the captain's hammer 72
potion of the field gar 875
potion of the litterbox 56
potion of X-ray vision 16
potted cactus 1
potted fern 1
pottery barn owl figurine 1
pottery club 1
pottery hat 1
pottery shield 1
pottery training pants 1
pottery yo-yo 1
poultrygeist 1
poutine 1
poutine pole 2
powdered candy sushi set 1
powdered dice 1
powdered donut 1
powdered gold 2
powdered madness 1
powdered organs 144
powdered oxygen 1
powdered powdered sugar 7
powdered toad horn 1
powdered wig 1
power pill 1
power sock 1
Power-Guy 2000 holo-record 1
pr0n cocktail 5
pr0n legs 3
pr0n m4nic0tti 1
pr0n stir-fry 5
pr0n taco 1
prank Crimbo card 1
precious piercing post 3
precision snowball 628
pregnant mushroom 1
prehistoric spear 1
Prelude of Precision 3
premium malt liquor 155
prescription noodles 7
prescription teeth whitener 1
press-on ribs 1
pressurized potion of perception 2
pressurized potion of perspicacity 5
pressurized potion of possessiveness 1
pressurized potion of proficiency 1
pressurized potion of puissance 3
pressurized potion of pulchritude 6
pretty bouquet 1
pretty flower 1
pretty pink bow 1
Pretty Predator Clawicure Kit 1
priceless diamond 8
primitive alien booze 1
primitive alien mask 1
primitive alien medicine 1
primitive alien necklace 4
primitive alien salad 1
primitive alien spear 1
primitive candy cane 1
Princess Rutabaga trading card 5
print screen button 1
prismatic wad 1
pristine fish scale 2
pristine piranha seed 1
pristine walrus tusk 1
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket 1
pro skateboard 1
probability potion 1
procrastination potion 1
Professor What T-Shirt 1
programmable turtle 1
prohie's hat 2
projectile chemistry set 58
projectile icemaker 1
propeller beanie 1
prosthetic forehead 1
protection stick 11
protein paste 6
prototype stimulant 1
Prunets 3
prussian cathouse 1
prussian cathouse with a fly in it 2
psychedelic bubble wand 1
psychic's amulet 501
psychic's circlet 473
psychic's crystal ball 455
psychic's pslacks 469
Psycho From The Heat 1
psycho sweater 1
psychokinetic energy blob 1
Psychotic Train wine 27
pteruges 1
puce paisley oyster egg 1
puce plastic oyster egg 37
puce polka-dot oyster egg 1
puce striped oyster egg 1
puff of smoke 1
pufferfish spine 1
Puffstone cigar 1
pulled blue taffy 1
pulled green taffy 1
pulled indigo taffy 1
pulled orange taffy 1
pulled porquoise earring 1
pulled porquoise pendant 1
pulled porquoise ring 1
pulled red taffy 1
pulled violet taffy 2
pulled yellow taffy 1
pulsing flesh 1
pump-up high-tops 7
pumpkin 1
pumpkin beer 1
pumpkin bomb 1
pumpkin juice 1
pumpkin pie 1
pumpkinhead mask 1
punching mirror 3
Punching Potion 1
Punchplanter 1
punk patch 29
punk rock jacket 7
Purple Beast energy drink 37
purple corpsel 4
purple glowstick 4
purple pixel pie 1
purple prose pen 1
purple snowcone 1
purple-frosted astral cupcake 1
purpleheart logs 1
Putrid Pendant 1
putty coat 1
PVC staff 1
pygmy adder oil 427
pygmy blowgun 1
pygmy briefs 6
pygmy concertinette 1
pygmy dart 5
pygmy nose-bone 3
pygmy papers 2,800
pygmy phone number 44
pygmy pygment 1
pygmy spear 2
pygmy witchhazel 48
Quaatorade™ 1
quadroculars 1
quake of arrows 1
quantum nanopolymer spider web 1
quantum polarity inducer 1
quantum taco 1
queen cookie 1
question juice 2
questionable taco 1
Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit 1
quicksilver spurs 1
quirky accordion 1
Rümpelstiltz 1
R'lyeh 1
rabbit punch 6
Racisto Ruidoso 9
rack of dinosaur ribs 1
Rad Lib 1
Rad-B-Gone (1 lb.) 1
Rad-Pro (1 oz.) 1
Radberry Rip wine cooler 4
radiation-resistant helmet 1
radiator heater shield 1
radio button candy 1
radioactive chew toy 1
radioactive spider venom 1
radium-flavored potato chips 5,731
rag doll 1
Raggedy Hippy doll 1
rainbow bomb 1
rainbow crossbow 1
rainbow glitter candle 1
rainbow jellybean 3
rainbow sauce 1
rainbow tie 1
raisin 4
Ralph IX cognac 1
ram horns 1
ram stick 2
Ram's Face Lager 3
ram-battering staff 2
ramekin of space nuts 1
rare oboe 1
raspberry 37
raspberry beret 1
rat appendix 1
rat appendix kabob 1
rat appendix stir-fry 3
rat carcass 1
rat head balloon 1
rat scrapple 3
rat tooth polish 1
ratarang 1
ratatouille de Jarlsberg 1
ratgut 1
ratini 149
ratskin belt 1
ratskin pajama pants 1
rattail whip 1
rattler gland 7
rattler rattle 46
rattlesnake enrager 1
Rattlin' Chains 1
ratty knitted cap 15
rave whistle 1
ravenous eye 12
ravioli della hippy 2
ravioli hat 1
raw bread 5
raw cranberry sauce 4
raw gravy 2
raw green beans 5
raw mincemeat 5
raw potato 5
raw stuffing 3
raw sweet potato 3
raw turkey 9
razor-sharp can lid 1,535
razor-tipped yo-yo 1
realistic cap gun 1
really dense meat stack 1
Really Expensive Jewelry and You 1
really nice lump of coal 1
really nice net 1
really really sticky spider web 1
really sticky spider web 1
really thick bandage 1
really thick spine 53
really tiny cocktail shaker 1
Recipe of Before Yore: baked veggie ricotta 2
Recipe of Before Yore: Boris's beer 2
Recipe of Before Yore: Boris's bread 1
Recipe of Before Yore: Calzone of Legend 1
Recipe of Before Yore: Deep Dish of Legend 1
Recipe of Before Yore: honey bun of Boris 1
Recipe of Before Yore: Jarlsberg's vegetable soup 1
Recipe of Before Yore: Pete's rich ricotta 2
Recipe of Before Yore: Pete's wily whey bar 1
Recipe of Before Yore: Pizza of Legend 1
Recipe of Before Yore: plain calzone 1
Recipe of Before Yore: ratatouille de Jarlsberg 1
Recipe of Before Yore: roasted vegetable focaccia 1
Recipe of Before Yore: roasted vegetable of J. 2
Recipe of Before Yore: St. Pete's sneaky smoothie 1
record of infuriating silence 1
record of menacing silence 1
record of tranquil silence 1
recording of Benetton's Medley of Diversity 5
recording of Chorale of Companionship 3
recording of Donho's Bubbly Ballad 1
recording of Elron's Explosive Etude 3
recording of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration 1
recording of Prelude of Precision 2
recording of Rolando's Rondo of Resisto 1
recording of The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder 4
recursive spline reticulator 1
red ale 1
red and green rain stick 1
red and white claret 14
red armband 1
Red Army camouflage kit 19
red badge 3
red balloon 1
red blood cells 39
red book 1
red box 140
red button 287
red China marble 1
red class ring 17
red coat 1
red coin 2
red drunki-bear 2
Red Dwarf 2
red eye 10
red face paint 1
Red Fox glove 1
red foxglove 6
red gummi ingot 1
red lava globs 1
red letter 1
red mana 317
red masque 1
red paisley oyster egg 1
Red Pill 1
red pixel 1
red pixel potion 1
red plastic baby 6
red plastic oyster egg 1
red polka-dot oyster egg 2
red potion 4,112
red red wine 1
Red Roger tattoo kit 1
Red Roger's red left foot 1
Red Roger's red left hand 1
Red Roger's red right foot 1
Red Roger's red right hand 1
Red Roger's reliquary 44
Red Roger's skull 1
Red Rover BB gun 155
red rum 1
Red Russian 1
red shirt 1
red shoe 1
red silk skirt 3
red snowcone 1
red striped oyster egg 1
red tulip 1
red velvet cake 1
red white and blue claret 1
Red X Shield 1
red-and-green microcamera 1
red-and-green sweater 108
red-headed corpse 5
red-hot boilermaker 22
red-hot jawbreaker 5
red-hot knucklebone 1
red-hot poker 1
red-hot sausage fork 1
red-soled high heels 1
Redeye™ Eyedrops 5
redrum 1
reflection of a map 3
refrigerated biohazard container 1
refurbished air fryer 1
Regular Cloaca Cola 1
regular-size brogurt 1
reindeer hammer 1
reindeer sickle 1
reinforced beaded headband 1
reinforced furry underpants 1
remaindered axe 37
remorseless knife 1
reodorant 2
repaired El Vibrato drone 2
repeating crossbow 1
replica Elf Guard medal 1
replica key 1
replica Ten Dollars 1
research fragment 1
residual zeal 1
resolution: be feistier 1
resolution: be happier 1
resolution: be kinder 1
resolution: be luckier 1
resolution: be more adventurous 1
resolution: be sexier 1
resolution: be smarter 1
resolution: be stronger 1
resolution: be wealthier 1
respected companion biscuit 21
Retenez L'Herbe Paté 1
Rethinking Candy 1
returned Thinknerd package 44
reusable shopping bag 1
reverse Tantalus 1
reverse-oscillating klystron 1
rewinged stab bat 1
rhesus monkey 1
rhinestone 53,115
rhinestone cowboy shirt 1
rhinestone cowhorn 1
rhinoceros horn 1
ribbon candy 1
ribbon candy ascot 1
ribcage rollcage 1
riboflavin 1
rice bowl 1
ridiculous belt 1
ridiculous cocktail 1
ridiculous earring 1
ridiculous sandwich 1
ridiculous sunglasses 1
ridiculously huge sword 1
ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon 1
rigging knot 1
right bear arm 1
rigid carapace 1
Riker's Search History 1
ring of adornment 1
ring of aggravate monster 257
ring of cold resistance 1
ring of conflict 1
ring of Detect Boring Doors 2
Ring of Fire 1
ring of fire resistance 1
ring of gain strength 3
ring of half-assed regeneration 1
ring of increase damage 1
ring of teleportation 1
ring of telling skeletons what to do 1
Ring of the Sewer Snake 1
ring of the Skeleton Lord 1
ring setting 1
rinky-dink sixgun 1
roasted duck 4
roasted marshmallow 1
roasted vegetable focaccia 1
roasted vegetable of Jarlsberg 1
robin flan 1
robin nog 1
robin's egg 1
roboduck-on-a-string 1
robot grease 71
robot reindeer protocol B.L.I.T.Z.E.N. 1
robot reindeer protocol C.O.M.E.T. 1
robot reindeer protocol C.U.P.I.D. 1
robot reindeer protocol D.A.N.C.E.R. 1
robot reindeer protocol D.A.S.H.E.R. 1
robot reindeer protocol D.O.N.N.E.R. 1
robot reindeer protocol O.L.I.V.E. 1
robot reindeer protocol P.R.A.N.C.E.R. 1
robot reindeer protocol R.U.D.O.L.P.H. 1
robot reindeer protocol V.I.X.E.N. 1
robotronic egg 1
rock 1
Rock and Roll Legend 1
rock lobster 1
Rock Pops 1
rocket fuel 1
rockfish stomach 9
rockin' wagon 804
rockin' wagon with a fly in it 1
rocky raccoon 4
rocky road ice cream 1
rodeo whiskey 9
rogue swarmer 1
Rogue Windmill Rouge 3
roll in the hay 562
roll of drink tickets 1
roll of Hob-Os 1
roll of meat 1
roll of toilet paper 1
roller skate decoy 1
roller skate doll 3
rolling pin 1
Roman sadnals 1
Rompedores de Fantasmas 1
Roo trading card 6
rook cookie 1
root beer 1
root beer barrel 1
rope with some soap on it 2
rose 1
rotten tomato 1
rotting beefsteak 6
rotting cowskin 1
rough fish scale 16
round blue bomb 5,708
round green sunglasses 1
round purple sunglasses 1
royal jelly 458
royal jelly taco 1
rubber axe 1
rubber baby doll 1
rubber band gun 1
rubber cape 1
rubber doll body 1
rubber doll head 1
rubber emo roe 542
rubber gloves 4
rubber nubbin 1
rubber ribcage 23
rubber spatula 1
rubber spider 1
rubber WWBD? bracelet 42
rubber WWJD? bracelet 49
rubber WWSPD? bracelet 43
rubber WWtNSD? bracelet 29
Rubee™ 9,294
ruby on canes 1
ruby W 1
Ruffalo 1
rum and cola 1
rum barrel charrrm 1
rum barrel charrrm bracelet 1
rum-soaked fruitcake 1
runny fermented egg 1
runny icing 148
runproof mascara 35
Russian Ice 4
rusted-out shootin' iron 5
rusty bonesaw 1
rusty broken diving helmet 1
rusty compass 1
rusty diving helmet 1
rusty grave robbing shovel 1
rusty hedge trimmers 6
rusty metal greaves 1
rusty metal key 3
rusty metal ring 1
rusty metal shaft 2
rusty old lantern 1
rusty piece of rebar 1
rusty porthole 2
rusty rivet 6
rusty speargun 1
rusty staff 1
rusty valve wheel 1
rutabuga bag 1
rxr shield 1
s'more 1
s'more gun 2
S.A.V.E. flyer 1
S.L.E.I.G.H.B.E.L.L.S. 1
S.S. Ticket 1
S.T.L.T. 1
sabre teeth 1
sabre-toothed lime cub 1
Saccharine Maple pendant 1
sachet of strange powder 1
sack lunch 574
sack of doorknobs 1
Sacramento wine 11
safarrri hat 1
safety vest 1
saffron antaravasaka 1
saffron uttarasanga 1
sake bomb 1
salacious crumbs 18
salacious lychee chuhai 5
salacious screwdiver 2
salamander slurry 1
salamander spleen 1
SalesCo sample kit 1
salinated mint julep 1
Salsa Caliente™ candle 1
Salsa de las Epocas 1
Salsa Libre 1
salt plum 209
salt plum sake 1
salt wages 1
salt water taffy 2
salted mutton 1
saltwaterbed 1
salty dog 1
salty drippy candy bar 1
salty gumdrop 110
salty slug 1
sampler size toothpaste 1
samurai turtle 1
samurai turtle helmet 1
sand dollar 11
sandcastle 1
sandpaper 1
sandwich of the gods 1
sangria 3
Sangria de Menthe 5
sardine can key 1
Sasq™ watch 67
Satan hat 1
Saturday Night Special 9
sauce of the ages 1
saucepan 1
Saucepanic 1
sausage bomb 1
sausage pizza 1
sausage without a cause 3
sausage wonton 2
savings bond 1
savory crossbow 2
savory dry noodles 1
savory staff 1
savory sword 11
savoy truffle 4
sawblade fragment 1
sawed-off blunderbuss 2
Sazerorc 1
Sazuruk-hai 2
scabrous seal epaulets 1
scale-mail underwear 1
scary death orb 1
Scent of a Human™ candle 1
scented massage oil 1
scepter of the Skeleton Lord 1
school spirit socket set 1
Schrödinger's thermos 1
Science Notebook 2
scimitar cozy 1
scintillating oyster egg 1
scissor duck 1
Scorpion Bowl 1
scorpion whip 1
scotch on the rocks 1
scrap metal 5
scrap of sticky paper 1
scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker 1
scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker 1
scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker 1
scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker 1
scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker 1
scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker 1
Scratch-and-Sniff Guide to Dinseylandfill 1
screwdiver 4
screwdriver 1
screwing pooch 2
scroll case 4
scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil 1
scroll of drastic healing 1
scroll of minor invulnerability 1
scroll of pasta summoning 1
scroll of Protection from Bad Stuff 3
scroll of protection from lycanthropes 1
scroll of Puddingskin 3
scrumdiddlyumptious solution 1
scrumptious ice ant 1
scrumptious reagent 34
scrunchie tourniquet 1
Scuba Snack 5
Scurvy and Sobriety Prevention 1
sea avocado 1,051
sea blueberry 4
sea broccoli 3
sea cape 1
sea carrot 1,078
sea cauliflower 4
sea chaps 1
sea cowbell 1
sea cowboy hat 2
sea cucumber 1,110
sea grease 67
sea holster 1
sea honeydew 3
sea jelly 84
sea lace 73
sea lasso 5
sea leather 1
sea lychee 9
sea mantle 1
sea persimmon 3
sea radish 3
sea salt crystal 79
sea salt scrubs 1
sea shawl 1
sea tangelo 7
sea truffle 1
seal tooth 567
seal-brain elixir 1
seal-clubbing club 1
seal-skull helmet 1
seal-toothed rock 1
seaode 1
seared dino steak 4
seaweed 1
sebaceous shield 1
secret blend of herbs and spices 1
secret mummy herbs and spices 10
security automa-core 11
security blankie 1
security flashlight 1
seegar butt 2
self-dribbling basketball 1
self-repairing earmuffs 4
senate fly thorax 1
Senior Mints 1
sensitive poetry journal 1
Sensual Massage for Creeps 1
sentient meat mass 1
Sequestrian 1
sequin-encrusted sweater 2
sequined fez 1
Serenity trading card 8
serpentine sword 1
serum of sarcasm 1
servo-assisted exo-pants 1
servomechanical torsion facilitator 1
set of jacks 1
severed rocking horse head 1
sew-on bandage 1
sewage-clogged pistol 4
sewer nuggets 1
sewer snake 53
sewer turtle 1
sewer wad 1
sewing kit 1
Sexy Cosmo 1
shadow bread 7
shadow brick 2
shadow candy 1
shadow flame 5
shadow fluid 4
shadow glass 5
shadow ice 1
shadow nectar 2
shadow sausage 4
shadow sinew 5
shadow skin 2
shadow stick 1
shadow venom 2
shadowy cat claw 33
shadowy cheat sheet 1
shadowy seal eye 1
shady shades 1
shaker of dry rub 1
Shakespeare's Sister's Accordion 1
shaking skull 1
sham champagne 1
shamanic beads 1
shamanic ham 6
Shantix™ 1
shapeless wide-brimmed hat 1
shard of double-ice 6,048
shark cartilage 3
shark jumper 2
shark tooth 1
shark tooth necklace 1
sharkfin gumbo 1
sharp tin strip 1
sharpened hubcap 1
sharpened spoon 1
shavin' razor 1
shaving cream 1
sheet cake 35
Sheila Take a Crossbow 1
shellacked shell 1
shells a la shellfish 10
Shield of Icy Fate 691
shield of the Skeleton Lord 1
Shielding Potion 1
shim of shame shale 1
shimmering rainbow sand 1
shin gourds 1
shingle 1
shining goblet 1
shining halo 40
shining star cap 1
shiny brass tailfeathers 1
shiny butcherknife 1
shiny gold fronts 1
shiny hood ornament 1
shiny ring 1
shiny stones 1
shiny tribal beads 1
shipwright's hammer 2
shirt kit 2
Shivering Chèvre 11
shock belt 1
shock collar 1
shocked shell 1
shoe ad T-shirt 11
shoe gum 1
shoo-fish pie 1
shooting morning star 1
shopkeeper beard 2
Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip 1
short beer 1
short calculator 26
short deposition 6
short glass of water 1
short stack of pancakes 1
short stick of butter 1
short white 1
short writ of habeas corpus 11
short-handled mop 19
shot of blackberry schnapps 1
shot of flower schnapps 1
shot of granola liqueur 1
shot of grapefruit schnapps 1
Shot of Kardashian Gin 1
shot of mescal 33
shot of nepenthe schnapps 1
shot of orange schnapps 1
shot of peach schnapps 1
shot of pear schnapps 3
shot of rotgut 1
shot of Sneaky Pete's Mojo 1
Shot of the Living Dead 1
shot of tomato schnapps 1
shot of wasp venom 1
shoulder-mounted Trainbot 1
shoulder-warming lotion 1
shovelful of dirt 79
shrapnel jelly donut 54
Shrieking Weasel holo-record 1
shrimp cocktail 9
shrinking powder 1
shroomtini 1
Shrubble Bubble 8
Shudder 1
shuddering cow skull 1
shuddersword 10
shuriken salad 8
shushed potatoes 6
Siberian sunrise 804
sicksilver spurs 1
signal fragment 35
signal receiver 1
silent A 1
silent B 1
silent beret 1
silent C 6
silent D 3
silent E 1
silent F 11
silent G 1
silent H 3
silent I 1
silent J 1
silent K 12
silent L 1
silent M 148
silent N 1
silent nightlight 1
silent O 1
silent P 1
silent pea shooter 2
silent Q 1
silent R 1
silent S 18
silent T 1
silent U 1
silent V 1
silent W 2
silent X 1
silent Y 1
silent Z 3
Silly Little Love Song 26
Silver Bullet beer 1
silver cheese-slicer 1
silver cow creamer 1
silver cow skull 1
silver face paint 1
silver keg 1
silver paté knife 1
silver salt-shaker 1
silver shotgun shell 1
silver shrimp fork 1
silver table-scraper 1
silver tongue charrrm 1
silver tongue charrrm bracelet 1
Simepore slime 1
simple AI 2
simple ancient cursed key 1
sinewy crossbow string 1
Sinful Desires 1
Single Alice's Army Foil 1
single atom 3,441
single entendre 1
single of Donho's Bubbly Ballad 1
single of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration 1
single swig of vodka 4
single-serving herbal stuffing 4
single-use dust mask 1
sinister altar fragment 1
sinister-looking cat 1
Sister Accessory 1
Site Alpha ID badge 1
Sitrep berry 1
six pack of Mountain Stream 2
six tiny wedges of goat cheese 18
six-armed sweater 1
six-pack of New Cloaca-Cola 1
six-rainbow shield 2
sizzling desk bell 4
Sizzling Sinner 2
sk8board 70
skate blade 2
skate board 1
skate skates 3
skate skin 1
skelelton spine 3
skeletal banana 2
skeletal scabbard 1
skeleton 7,511
skeleton beans 19
skeleton bone 52
skeleton key 2
skeleton key ring 1
skeleton quiche 5
skeleton skis 1
skeletortoise 1
Sketcherz™ 2
skewer 7
skewer-mounted razor blade 1
skewered cat appendix 1
ski resort souvenir crate 1
skin oil 2
Skipper's accordion 1
skirt / kilt kit 1
skull gearshift knob 1
Skull Punch 1
skull with a fuse in it 44
skull-shaped Crimboween cookie 1
skulldozer egg 62
Skullery Maid's Knee 2
Skullhead's Screw 1
Skully's hot chocolate 2
slab of sponge 1
slap and slap again 3
slap and slap again recipe 1
slap and tickle 533
slap and tickle with a fly in it 1
sleaze cluster 1
sleaze clusterbomb 1
sleaze jelly 1
sleaze nuggets 1
sleaze powder 1
sleaze wad 1
sleazy and sour sauce 1
sleazy bindle 1
sleazy fairy gravy 1
sleazy hi mein 1
Sledgehamster 1
sleep mask 1
sleeping snowy owl 1
sleeping stocking 1
sleeping wereturtle 1
sleeve deuce 1
slice of pizza 15,721
slick fish meat 2
slicksilver spurs 1
slide rule 9
slightly peevedbow 1
slightly thicker filthy rags 1
slime convention coupons 1
slime convention flyers 1
slime convention pin 1
slime convention swag bag 1
slime convention t-shirt 1
slime fedora 1
slime knuckles 1
slime shooter 1
slime stack 1
slime waders 1
slime-covered club 2
slime-covered compass 2
slime-covered greaves 2
slime-covered helmet 2
slime-covered lantern 2
slime-covered shovel 2
slime-covered speargun 2
slime-soaked brain 1
slime-soaked hypophysis 1
slime-soaked sweat gland 1
Slimebite 1
Slimosa 3
slimy alveolus 1
slimy chest 1
slimy fermented bile bladder 597
slimy paste 1
slimy sweetbreads 595
slingshot 1
slip 'n' slide 695
Slippery Knob 1
slippery when wet shield 1
Sloe Comfortable Zoo 2
Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire 1
Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbook 1
Slotter 1
slow jam collection 1
Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags 1
sludgesicle 3
slug of rum 2
slug of shochu 1
slug of vodka 1
small box 660
small golem 2
small gummi fin 3
small leather glove 1
small pile of sand 1
small slimy cyst 15
Smart Bone Dust 13
smart skull 1
smart watch 1
smashed danish 6
Smashmoth 1
smellbook 4
smelted roe 6
smile-sharpening stone 1
smiley-face sticker 1
smiling rat 1
smirking shrunken head 46
smoked potsherd 1
smoker's cloak 76
smoking grass 1
smoking talon 2
smoky potion 1
Smoldering Clover™ candle 1
smoldering leafcutter ant egg 1
smoldering staff 1
SMOOCH bottlecap 4
SMOOCH soda 1
smooth mushroom wine 1
smooth velvet bra 1
smudge stick 9
smudged alchemical recipe 1
Smuggler's Punch 1
smut orc keepsake box 5
smut orc sunglasses 3
snailmail bits 1
snailmail breeches 1
snailmail coif 1
snailmail hauberk 1
snake 1
snake oil 1
snake shield 1
snake skin 40
snakebite 3
snakeskin cowboy hat 1
snakeskin jacket 1
snapdragon pistil 1
Snarf berry 1
snarling wolf shield 1
sneakeasies 1
Sneaky Pete's breath spray 1
Sneaky Pete's key lime 1
Sneaky Pete's key lime pie 1
sneaky wrapping paper 1
snifter of thoroughly aged brandy 4
snorkel 1
Snoutlet 1
snow berries 6
snow cleats 1
snow crab 1
snow fort 1
snow halo 1
snow hat 1
snow machine 1
snow pants 1
Snow Queen Crown 1
snowball 1
snowboarder pants 1
snowpack 1
snowstick 1
soap knife 1
sock garters 1
sock monkey 1
soda water 1,574
soft green echo eyedrop antidote 22,223
soft green echo eyedrop antidote martini 5
software bug 1
software glitch 1
Sogg-Os 1
soggy elf shoes 5
soggy gingerbread chunk 144
soggy seed packet 1
soggy used band-aid 736
soggy wofl t-shirt 1
soilzerac 1
solid asbestos box 1
solid baconstone earring 1
solid baconstone necklace 1
solid baconstone ring 3
solid chrome box 1
solid gold bowling ball 1
solid gold jewel 1
solid gold pegleg 1
solid linoleum box 1
solid shifting time weirdness 1
solid state loom 1
sommelier's towel 6
sonar fishfinder 1
sonar-in-a-biscuit 6
Sorcerers of the Shore Grimoire 1
sorority brain 1
soul coin 1
soul doorbell 1
soul knife 1
soul mask 1
soul monocle 1
soup turtle 1
soup-chucks 2
sour ball and chain 1
sour powder 2
Source essence 1
Source terminal ASHRAM chip 1
Source terminal DIAGRAM chip 1
Source terminal file: 2
Source terminal file: cram.ext 2
Source terminal file: critical.enh 1
Source terminal file: damage.enh 1
Source terminal file: dram.ext 1
Source terminal file: 1
Source terminal file: familiar.ext 1
Source terminal file: gram.ext 1
Source terminal file: 1
Source terminal file: pram.ext 4
Source terminal file: protect.enq 2
Source terminal file: spam.ext 1
Source terminal file: stats.enq 1
Source terminal file: substats.enh 1
Source terminal file: tram.ext 1
Source terminal file: 1
Source terminal INGRAM chip 1
Source terminal SCRAM chip 1
Source terminal TRIGRAM chip 1
Sourfinger 3
Southern yam 1
Souvenir Chopsticks 1
souvenir flag 1
souvenir ski t-shirt 1
soy cordial 1
soyburger juice 15
soylent staff 1
Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts 1
Space Baby bawbaw 1
Space Baby children's book 79
space bar 1
space beast fur 1
space beast fur hat 1
space beast fur pants 1
space beast fur whip 1
space blanket 1
space chowder 1
space heater 1
space invader 1
space jam 1
space jam toast 1
space jellybicycle 1
space junk 1
space marine flash grenade 3
space needle 1
Space Pirate Astrogation Handbook 8
space pirate treasure map 14
space port 1
Space Tourist Phaser 2
Space Tours Tripple 4
Space Trip safety headphones 1
space wine 1
Spacegate access badge 1
Spacegate diplomat's insignia 1
Spacegate emergency disintegrator 1
Spacegate Initiative tattoo unit 1
Spacegate military insignia 1
Spacegate Research 657,212
Spacegate scientist's insignia 2
spade necklace 1
spagecialetti 9
spaghetti con calaveras 2
spaghetti cult mask 1
spaghetti cult rosary 1
spaghetti with ghost balls 1
spaghetti with rock-balls 1
spaghetti with Skullheads 1
spaghetti-box banjo 1
Spam Witch sammich 4
spandex anniversary shorts 1
spangly mariachi pants 1
spangly mariachi vest 1
spangly sombrero 1
spangly unitard 5
spant backplate 111
spant chitin 540
Spant eggs 1
spant shield 111
spant shoulderpads 111
spant spear 59
spant tendon 571
spants 111
spare battery 1
spare neck bolts 4
sparking El Vibrato drone 1
sparking robo-battery 128
sparkler 1
sparkling orb 454
spearfish fishing spear 16
Spechunky bar 4
special clip: boneburners 9
special clip: graveburpers 1
special clip: splatterers 11
special clip: squelchers 1
special clip: tracers 1
special clip: wailers 1
special sauce glove 1
Special Seasoning 1
Special™ Sauce 1
specialty ammo bandolier 13,698
spectral axe 1
spectral jelly 1
spectral pickle 1
spectre scepter 1
speed limit shield 1
Spellbook: Drescher's Annoying Noise 1
Spellbook: Singer's Faithful Ocelot 1
Spellbook: Walberg's Dim Bulb 1
Spelunker of Fortune 1
Spelunker's Guild prize sack 1
SPF 451 lip balm 1
sphygmomanometer 48
spice melange 1
spiced rum 1
spices 1
spicy bean burrito 3
spicy enchanted bean burrito 8
spicy jerky stick 1
spicy jumping bean burrito 12
spicy mushroom quesadilla 4
spicy noodles 2
spider leg 1
spider web 1,601
spidercow eye-cluster 1
spiked femur 1
spiky turtle helmet 2
spiky turtle shield 1
spiky turtle shoulderpads 1
spirit bed 1
spirit blanket 1
spirit gum 1
spirit mattress 1
spirit pillow 1
Spirit Precipice 15
spirit sheet 1
spiritual candy cane 1
spiritual eggnog 3
spiritual fruitcake 1
spiritual gingerbread 1
splendid martini 1
sponge helmet 1
spongy shield 1
spooky alphabet block 41
spooky and sour sauce 1
spooky bark 1
spooky bicycle chain 1
spooky bindle 1
spooky cluster 1
spooky clusterbomb 1
spooky cosmetics bag 1
spooky eggnog 1
spooky eyeliner 1
spooky felt 1
spooky gravy fairy warlock hat 1
spooky hi mein 1
spooky hockey mask 1
spooky jelly 1
spooky lasso 25
spooky length of string 1
spooky lipstick 1
spooky lo mein 1
spooky mushroom 1
spooky mushroom wine 1
spooky music box mechanism 12
spooky nuggets 1
spooky pirate skeleton 1
spooky powder 1
spooky sap 1
spooky scarecrow 1
spooky shroomkabob 1
spooky shrunken head 1
spooky sound effects record 36
spooky staff 1
spooky stick 1
spooky stir-fry 1
spooky stuffing 1
Spooky Surprise Egg 1
spooky toy wheel 1
Spooky VHS Tape 1
spooky wad 1
spooky wooden block 1
Spooky-Gro fertilizer 1
spoon! 1
spoonful of Linguine-Os 7
spork 1,307
spray chrome 39
spray paint 1
spring 1
Spring Break Beach tattoo coupon 1
Spring Bros. ID badge 2
Spring Bros. solenoid 59
sprinkle-begging cup 1
sprocket 1
sprocket assembly 1
spruce juice 1
square sponge pants 1
squashed frog 1
Squat-Thrust Magazine 4
squeaky staff 2
squeaky toy rose 1
Squib 1
squirming egg sac 1
St. Pete's sneaky smoothie 1
St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket 1
St. Sneaky Pete's Whey 1
Stabonic scroll 1
Staff of Blood and Pudding 1
Staff of Frozen Lard 1
Staff of Holiday Sensations 1
Staff of the Black Kettle 1
Staff of the Cozy Fish 1
Staff of the Deepest Freeze 1
Staff of the Electric Range 1
Staff of the Grand Flambé 1
Staff of the Grease Trap 1
Staff of the Greasefire 1
Staff of the Headmaster's Victuals 1
Staff of the Kitchen Floor 1
Staff of the Midnight Snack 1
Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern 1
Staff of the Peppermint Twist 1
Staff of the Short Order Cook 1
Staff of the Teapot Tempest 1
Staff of the Walk-In Freezer 1
Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron 1
Staff of the Woodfire 1
stained hard candy 1
stained mattress 1
stale baguette 1
stale cheer wine 1
stale Cheer-E-Os 2
stalk of asparagus 1
standard-issue cupcake 5
staph of homophones 2
stapler bear 1
star 1
star boomerang 1
star buckler 1
star chart 1
star crossbow 1
star hat 1
star key lime 1
star key lime pie 1
star pants 1
star pop 1
star shirt 1
star spatula 1
Star Spawn 1
star staff 1
star starfish 1
star stiletto 1
star sword 1
star throwing star 1
starchy crossbow 1
starchy staff 1
starchy sword 15
status cymbal 1
Steal This Candy 1
stealth bomber 1
Steam Card: DemonStar (#1) 1
Steam Card: DemonStar (#2) 31
Steam Card: DemonStar (#3) 1
Steam Card: Dungeon Fist (#1) 1
Steam Card: Dungeon Fist (#2) 1
Steam Card: Dungeon Fist (#3) 1
Steam Card: Jackass Plumber (#1) 1
Steam Card: Jackass Plumber (#2) 1
Steam Card: Jackass Plumber (#3) 1
Steam Card: Meteoid (#1) 1
Steam Card: Meteoid (#2) 29
Steam Card: Meteoid (#3) 1
Steam Card: Space Trip (#1) 37
Steam Card: Space Trip (#2) 1
Steam Card: Space Trip (#3) 1
Steamboat 1
steamed oyster 51
steampunk potion 2
steamy ruby 1
steel drivin' hammer 16
steel sword 1
steely marble 2
Stembridge sidearm 1
Stemonitis Staticus mushroom 1
stench and sour sauce 1
stench cluster 1
stench clusterbomb 1
stench jelly 1
stench nuggets 1
stench powder 1
stench wad 1
Stephen's lab coat 1
Stephen's secret formula 5
stepmom's booze 5
sterno-flavored Hob-O 1
stick 1
stick of "gum" 1
stick of dynamite 1
stick of firewood 1
stick-on eyebrow piercing 1
stick-on gnome beard 2
stick-on mini solar panels 1
stick-on-a-string 1
sticky gloves 1
sticky hand whip 1
sticky lava globs 1
sticky meat kilt 1
sticky meat pants 2
sticky meat skirt 1
sticky sword blade 1
still-beating spleen 1
stink-penny 1
stinkin' bindle 1
stinking agaricus 1
stinkwater 1
stinky fannypack 1
stinky hi mein 1
stinky mushroom 1
stinky mushroom wine 1
stolen accordion 2
stolen meatpouch 1
stolen necklace 11
stolen office supplies 1
stolen sushi 16
stomach turnover 1
stomp box 1
stone banjo 1
stone baseball cap 9,936
stone frisbee 1
Stone Golem pebbles 1
stone of eXtreme power 1
stone turtle 1
stone wool 158
Stooper 1
stop shield 1
strange cube 1
strange helix fossil 1
strange paste 1
strange shiny disc 1
strange stalagmite 1
straw hat 1
straw pole 30
strawberry 4
strawberry daiquiri 1
strawberry pie 1
strawberry popsicle 3
strawberry supersucker 1
strawberry wine 1
strawberry-flavored Hob-O 1
strawberyl 1
strawberyl necklace 1
Straypler 1
streetfighting champion's belt 1
stress ball 1
Strikes Again Bigmouth 1
string of blue beads 1
string of Crimbo lights 1
string of dingle balls 1
string of green beads 1
string of moist beads 1
string of red beads 1
stringy sinew 1
Strix stix 1
Strong, Silent Type 1
strongness elixir 1
studded leather boxer shorts 1
studded sealhide shield 1
stuffed alien blob 1
stuffed angry cow 224
stuffed astral badger 238
stuffed baby gravy fairy 214
stuffed bandersnatch 1
stuffed Baron von Ratsworth 984
stuffed can of asparagus 1
stuffed carpenter 1
stuffed caterpillar 1
stuffed Cheshire bitten 147
stuffed cocoabo 156
stuffed crazy bastard sword 470
stuffed dodecapede 1
stuffed dodo 1
stuffed doppelshifter 1
stuffed flaming gravy fairy 207
stuffed frozen gravy fairy 209
stuffed ghuol whelp 1
stuffed gray blob 1
stuffed hand turkey 206
stuffed Hodgman 1
stuffed key 1
stuffed kraken 1
stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech 214
stuffed martini 470
stuffed Meat 968
stuffed mind flayer 232
stuffed mink 979
stuffed Mob Penguin 1
stuffed monocle 964
stuffed ninja snowman 1
stuffed pocketwatch 1
stuffed porpoise 1
stuffed red and green pepper (stale) 2
stuffed sabre-toothed lime 1
stuffed scary death orb 223
stuffed shoulder parrot 1
stuffed sleazy gravy fairy 202
stuffed snowy owl 232
stuffed spooky gravy fairy 194
stuffed spooky mushroom 1
stuffed stab bat 1
stuffed stinky gravy fairy 219
stuffed teddy butler 961
stuffed tin of caviar 915
stuffed treasure chest 3
stuffed undead elbow macaroni 241
stuffed walrus 1
stuffed yam stinkbomb 1
stuffed yeti 1
stuffed yo-yo 1
stuffed zmobie 1
stuffing 1
stuffing fluffer 1
stunt nuts 2
sturdy cane 1
sturdy Crimbo crate 1
sturdy sword hilt 1
stylish swimsuit 742
styrofoam crossbow 1
styrofoam ore 859
styrofoam staff 1
styrofoam sword 13
sub-molecular interocitor 1
succulent marrow 37
sucker bucket 1
sucker hakama 1
sucker kabuto 1
sucker scaffold 1
sucker tachi 1
sucky decal 1
suede shortsword 11
Suffering Sinner 1
sugar banana 1
sugar bunny 1
sugar chapeau 1
sugar cherry 1
Sugar Cog 1
sugar fairy 1
sugar lime 1
sugar shank 1
sugar shard 1
sugar sheet 1
sugar shield 1
sugar shillelagh 1
sugar shirt 1
sugar shorts 1
sugar shotgun 1
sugar sphere 4
sugar-coated pine cone 1
sugarplum ration 1
suggestive strozzapreti 12
Summer Nights 1
sun-dried tofu 26
sundae ration 12
sunken chest 1
suntan lotion of moxiousness 1
Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword 1
super good fruit 1
super ka-bob 5
Super Magic Power Sword X 11
super salad 3
Super Weight-Gain 9000 3
super-absorbent tarp 2
super-heated leaf 1
super-size brogurt 1
super-spiky hair gel 4,645
super-strong air freshener 1
super-sweet boom box 1
super-sweet fish goo (spoiled) 113
superamplified boom box 1
Superdrifter holo-record 1
superduperball 1
superduperheated metal 1
superheated fudge 1
superheated metal 1
Supernova Champagne 2
support cummerbund 1
supportive bra 1
Suppurating Sinner 1
surgical apron 29
surgical mask 28
surgical tape 2
surprisingly capacious handbag 19
sushi doily 1
sushi-rolling mat 1
suspicious-looking fedora 1
Swabbie™ swab 1
swamp haunch 206
swamp lolly 2
swashbuckling pants 1
sweat socks 1
sweat-ade 1
sweatband 1
sweaty balsam 1
Swedish coffee 1
Swedish massage fish 6
sweet mochi ball 1
sweet ninja sword 1
sweet party mix 7
sweet potato o' mine 1
sweet potato punch 1
sweet rims 1
sweet roll Alabama 16
Sweet Sword 1
sweet tooth 1
sweet-corn-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar 1
sweetened reindeer fat 1
swirling mushroom wine 1
swirly potion 1
Swizzler 1
sword behind inappropriate prepositions 2
sword hilt 1
Sword of Dark Omens 684
sword of static 14
swordzall 7
syncopated turtle 1
synthetic marrow 52
synthetic rock 3
synthetic stuffing 1
TΤ◊lisman of Baiø‡ 1
T.U.R.D.S. Key 5
t8r tots 303
Taco Dan's Basic Taco Dan Taco 1
Taco Dan's Super Taco-Riffic Taco Sauce! 1
Taco Dan's Taco Fish Fish Taco 1
Taco Dan's Taco Stand Chillacious Churro 1,504
Taco Dan's Taco Stand Chimichangarita 1,513
Taco Dan's Taco Stand Flier 2
Taco Dan's Taco Stand Taco 1,423
taco shell 321
tail o' nine cats 1
tailbone shield 1
tainted icing 1
tainted milk 5
Take Eleven Bar 5
Tales from the Fireside 1
Tales of a Kansas Toymaker 1
Tales of Spelunking 2
Tales of Western Braggadoccio 1
Talisman of Baio 1
Tallowcreme Halloween Pumpkin 4
tamarind-flavored chewing gum 3
tambourine 1
tambourine bells 2
tangarita 1
tangarita with a fly in it 2
tangerine 373
tangle of copper wire 3
tangle of rat tails 13
tangled mass of creepy pasta 1
tankard of ale 10,662
tap shoes 1
Tapioc berry 1
targeting chip 1
tarnished bottlecap 38
tarnished luggage key 1
tarnished metal ring 1
tarnished metal rod 1
tarnished tastevin 10
tarrrnish charrrm 1
tarrrnished charrrm bracelet 1
tasket 1
tassel 1
tasteful black bow tie 1
Tasty Fun Good rice candy 41
tasty louse 1
tasty tart 1
tattered paper crown 2
tattered scrap of paper 2
tawdry amethyst 1
tea for one 72
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot 1
teacher's pen 1
Tears of the Quiet Healer 1
teddy bear 1
teddy bear sewing kit 1
teddy borg 1
teddy borg sewing kit 1
teeny-tiny magic scroll 1
teeny-tiny ninja stars 1
teflon ore 1
teflon shield 2
teflon spatula 1
teflon swim fins 1
Telltale™ rubber heart 1
temperance whiskey 5
temporary teardrop tattoo 2
temporary tribal tattoo 1
temporary X tattoos 1
temporary yak tattoo 4
Temps Tempranillo 150
tempura air 1
tempura avocado 1
tempura broccoli 4
tempura carrot 2
tempura cauliflower 5
tempura cucumber 1
tempura green and red bean 1
tempura radish 6
ten-leaf clover 19
tenderizing hammer 1
tennis ball 1
teqiwila 2
teqiwila slammer 1
tequila grenade 1
tequila sunrise 1
tequila sunset 3
tequila with training wheels 1
Tequiz Navidad 1
terra panna cotta 1
terrible poem 8
Tesla's Electroplated Beans 1
Texas tea 5
thanksgiving bomb 1
thanksgiving turkey 1
that gum you like 4
the Archwizard's briefs 3
The Art of Slapfighting 1
The Author's ink 1
The Author's inkwell 2
The Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones 1
The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder 1
The Beast Within™ candle 1
The Big Book of Communism 1
The Big Book of Communism (used) 1
The Big Book of Pirate Insults 1
The Bomb 249
The Chill of the Wild 1
The Cooler Out of Space 1
the Crymbich Manuscript 3
the Crymbich Manuscript (used) 1
The Emperor's dry cleaning 146
The Emperor's new cookie 1
The Emperor's new hat 1
The Emperor's new pants 1
The Emperor's new shirt 1
The Encyclopedia of Fruit 2
The Encyclopedia of Fruit (used) 1
the finger 1
The Firegate Tapes 1
The Fun-Guy Cold Weather Bartender's Guide 1
the funk 52
The Ghoul King's ghoulottes 3
The Gingerbread Vigilante's Handbook 1
The Grand Poo-Bah trading card 8
The Imploded World 1
The Inquisitor's unidentifiable object 1
The Jokester's gun 20
The Jokester's pants 1
The Jokester's wig 5
The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 1 1
The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 2 1
The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 3 7
The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 4 1
The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 5 1
The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 6 1
The Joy of Wassailing 1
the kindest cold cut 4
The Landscaper's leafblower 1
The Legendary Beat 1
the Ley Incursion's waist 3
The Lost Comb 1
The Lost Glasses 1
The Lost Pill Bottle 1
The Lot's engagement ring 2
The Mad Liquor 1
the most dangerous bait 602
The Necbromancer's Hat 1
The Necbromancer's Shorts 1
The Necbromancer's Stein 2
The Necbromancer's Wizard Staff 1
The Necbronomicon 3
The Necbronomicon (used) 1
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 1
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 1
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 1
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 1
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 1
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 1
The Nose Knows, A Guide to Smells 2
The Pigs holo-record 1
The Plumber's mushroom stew 1
The Ring 1
The Sagittarian's leisure pants 1
The Six-Pack of Pain 2
The Snake trading card 3
The Snitch's Manifesto 1
The Spirit of Crimbo 1
The Spirit of Giving 1
The Superconductor's CPU 1
The Sword in the Steak 1
The Thorax's Codex of Tormenting Plants 1
The Western Look 1
theoretical string 1
thermos full of Knob coffee 1
thermos of brew 1
They liver 5
They liver popsicle 1
They'll Love You In Rhinestones 23
thick walrus blubber 1
thicksilver spurs 1
thin black candle 1
thin gold wire 1
Thinknerd Blind-Packed Toy 1
Thinknerd T-shirt grab bag 1
Third Base 5
third ear 18
Third Eye 1
third-hand lantern 1
third-hand nunchaku 3
This Charming Flan 2
thistle wine 1
Thorny Toad trading card 1
thought balloon 1
Three Mile Island shorts 1
three-legged pants 33
three-tiered wedding cake 1
thriftshop coupon 1
Thriller Ice 1
throbbing organ pie 1
throbbing rage gland 1
throwing bone 1
throwing candy 14
throwing fork 14
throwing knife 9
throwing spoon 6
throwing wrench 1
thyme jelly donut 215
TI-9000 calculator 26
Tickle-Me Emilio 1
ticksilver spurs 1
tied-up flaming leaflet 1
tied-up flaming monstera 1
tied-up leaviathan 1
Tiger-lily's milk 1
tightly-wound spine 1
tighty whiteys 1
Tiki lighter 1
Time Bandit Time Towel 3
Time Cape 1
Time Cloak 1
time halo 20
time helmet 1
Time Juice 8
Time Lord Badge of Honor 1
Time Lord Participation Mug 1
time residue 11
time shuriken 1
time sleigh 1
time sword 1
time trousers 1
time's arrow 1
time-twitching toolbelt 1
tin cup 1
tin cup of mulligan stew 1
tin drum 1
tin foil 1
tin magnolia 1
tin of submardines 6
tin roof (rusted) 1
tin snips 1
tin star 1
tin tam 1
tin thermos of chai 1
tinsel fin 1
tinsel orb 1
tiny baby scorpion 1
tiny ballet slippers 1
tiny balloon knife 1
tiny barrel 1
tiny bindle 1
tiny black hole 1
tiny bomb 1
tiny bottle of absinthe 1
tiny bowler 18
tiny bust of Pallas 1
tiny canopic jar 2
tiny cell phone 2
tiny consolation ribbon 1
tiny dancer 21
tiny die-cast arc-welding Elfborg 1
tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer 1
tiny die-cast blade a-spinning 1
tiny die-cast CrimboTown Toy Factory 1
tiny die-cast death ray in a pear tree 1
tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer 1
tiny die-cast Don Crimbo 1
tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer 1
tiny die-cast factory worker elf 1
tiny die-cast Father Crimbo 1
tiny die-cast Father Crimborg 1
tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf 1
tiny die-cast golden ring 1
tiny die-cast goose a-laying 1
tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer 1
tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer 1
tiny die-cast killing bird 1
tiny die-cast middle-management elf 1
tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf 1
tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg 1
tiny die-cast Rudolphus of Crimborg 1
tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer 1
tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer 1
tiny die-cast stocking-stuffer elf 1
tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming 1
tiny die-cast Swiss hen 1
tiny die-cast turtle mech 1
tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo 6
tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign 1
tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer 1
tiny do-rag 1
tiny domino mask 1
tiny fly glasses 10
tiny glowing red nose 1
tiny goth giant 3
tiny handful of mixed nuts 1
tiny house 1
tiny knife and fork 1
tiny makeup kit 1
tiny maracas 1
tiny Mountie hat 1
tiny ninja sword 1
tiny nose-bone fetish 2
tiny plastic 11 Dealer 1
tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf 1
tiny plastic abominable fudgeman 1
tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo 1
tiny plastic Abuela's cottage 1
tiny plastic accordion thief 111
tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart 1
tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear 1
tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll 1
tiny plastic angry bugbear 1
tiny plastic angry goat 1
tiny plastic angry space marine 1
tiny plastic angry vikings 1
tiny plastic anime smiley 1
tiny plastic animelf 1
tiny plastic apathetic lizardman 1
tiny plastic Armory 1
tiny plastic astronomer 1
tiny plastic Axe Wound 1
tiny plastic baby gravy fairy 1
tiny plastic bad vibe 2
tiny plastic Bar 1
tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth 1
tiny plastic barrrnacle 1
tiny plastic batbugbear 1
tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type 1
tiny plastic beanbat 1
tiny plastic bee swarm 1
tiny plastic beebee gunners 1
tiny plastic Beebee King 1
tiny plastic beebee queue 1
tiny plastic Beelzebozo 1
tiny plastic Best Game Ever 1
tiny plastic Big Candy 1
tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar 120
tiny plastic Black Knight 1
tiny plastic black ops bugbear 1
tiny plastic blazing bat 1
tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball 1
tiny plastic blooper 1
tiny plastic Bonerdagon 1
tiny plastic Boris 1
tiny plastic Boss Bat 1
tiny plastic brainsweeper 1
tiny plastic briefcase bat 1
tiny plastic bugaboo 1
tiny plastic Bugbear Captain 1
tiny plastic buzzerker 1
tiny plastic caboose 1
tiny plastic Café Elf 1
tiny plastic Cafe 1
tiny plastic Captain Kerkard 1
tiny plastic cavebugbear 1
tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter 1
tiny plastic Cheer Core 1
tiny plastic chem lab 1
tiny plastic Cheshire bat 429
tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™ 1
tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite 1
tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel 1
tiny plastic coal car 1
tiny plastic cocoabo 1
tiny plastic coffee pixie 1
tiny plastic colollilossus 1
tiny plastic conservationist hippy 1
tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ 1
tiny plastic Crimbo caroler 1
tiny plastic Crimbo Casino 1
tiny plastic Crimbo cheer 1
tiny plastic Crimbo elf 1
tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer 1
tiny plastic Crimbo wreath 1
tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva 1
tiny plastic Crimbomega 1
tiny plastic Crimbomination 1
tiny plastic Crimborgatron 1
tiny plastic Crimbot 1
tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram 1
tiny plastic cubist bull 1
tiny plastic demoninja 1
tiny plastic dining car 1
tiny plastic disco bandit 128
tiny plastic Dolph Bossin 1
tiny plastic dolphin "orphan" 1
tiny plastic Don Crimbo 1
tiny plastic Dr. Awkward 1
tiny plastic drunk goat 1
tiny plastic Duke Starkiller 1
tiny plastic Ed the Undying 1
tiny plastic exo-suited miner 2
tiny plastic Factory 1
tiny plastic fat stack of cash 1
tiny plastic Father McGruber 1
tiny plastic fax machine 1
tiny plastic Felonia 1
tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus 1
tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker 1
tiny plastic fire servant 1
tiny plastic fluffy bunny 1
tiny plastic food lab 1
tiny plastic four-shadowed mime 1
tiny plastic fruit golem 1
tiny plastic Fudge Wizard 1
tiny plastic fuzzy dice 1
tiny plastic G Imp 1
tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej 1
tiny plastic Gary Claybender 1
tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick 1
tiny plastic ghuol whelp 1
tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers 1
tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire 1
tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser 1
tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester 1
tiny plastic golden gundam 1
tiny plastic GORM-8 1
tiny plastic goth giant 1
tiny plastic grue 1
tiny plastic handsome mariachi 1
tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist 1
tiny plastic Hellion 1
tiny plastic hermit 127
tiny plastic hobo elf 1
tiny plastic howling balloon monkey 1
tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear 1
tiny plastic Iiti Kitty 1
tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker 1
tiny plastic Jarlsberg 1
tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S. 2
tiny plastic killer bee 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin King 1
tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist 1
tiny plastic Knott Yeti 1
tiny plastic Knows About Chakras 1
tiny plastic Krampus 1
tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box 1
tiny plastic leprechaun 1
tiny plastic levitating potato 1
tiny plastic lobsterfrogman 1
tiny plastic locomotive 1
tiny plastic Lord Flameface 1
tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven 1
tiny plastic MechaElf 1
tiny plastic Mer-kin baker 1
tiny plastic mime executive 1
tiny plastic mime functionary 1
tiny plastic mime scientist 1
tiny plastic mime soldier 2
tiny plastic Mirth 1
tiny plastic Mob Penguin 1
tiny plastic moneybee 1
tiny plastic mosquito 1
tiny plastic Mr. Mination 1
tiny plastic multi-level marketer 1
tiny plastic mumblebee 1
tiny plastic mutant elf 1
tiny plastic ninja snowman 1
tiny plastic nog lab 1
tiny plastic Norville Rogers 1
tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy 1
tiny plastic orphan 1
tiny plastic passenger car 1
tiny plastic pastamancer 119
tiny plastic peacannon 1
tiny plastic Penny 2
tiny plastic primary lab 1
tiny plastic Professor What 1
tiny plastic Protagonist 1
tiny plastic protector spectre 1
tiny plastic Queen Bee 1
tiny plastic reindeer 2
tiny plastic Rene C. Corman 1
tiny plastic Rudolph the Red 1
tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime 1
tiny plastic sauceror 137
tiny plastic scary clown 1
tiny plastic Scott the Miner 1
tiny plastic Scream Queen 1
tiny plastic sea elf 1
tiny plastic seal clubber 124
tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit 1
tiny plastic senile lihc 1
tiny plastic skeletal reindeer 1
tiny plastic smarmy pirate 1
tiny plastic Sneaky Pete 1
tiny plastic Spam Witch 1
tiny plastic spiderbugbear 1
tiny plastic spiny skelelton 1
tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton 1
tiny plastic spooky vampire 1
tiny plastic Spunky Princess 1
tiny plastic stab bat 1
tiny plastic star starfish 1
tiny plastic stocking mimic 1
tiny plastic strand of DNA 1
tiny plastic Susie 4
tiny plastic sweet nutcracker 1
tiny plastic sword 1
tiny plastic taco cat 1
tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf 1
tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf 1
tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski 1
tiny plastic the Free Man 1
tiny plastic The Man 1
tiny plastic The Silent Nightmare 1
tiny plastic topiary golem 1
tiny plastic Toybot 1
tiny plastic trollipop 1
tiny plastic Trouser Snake 1
tiny plastic turtle tamer 107
tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo 1
tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku 1
tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni 1
tiny plastic warbear 1
tiny plastic warbear fortress 1
tiny plastic warwelf 1
tiny plastic whitesnake 1
tiny plastic wild beaver 2
tiny plastic Wu Tang the Betrayer 1
tiny plastic XXX pr0n 1
tiny plastic Your Brain 2
tiny plastic yuleviathan 1
tiny plastic zmobie 1
tiny prop sword 1
tiny shaker of salt 1
tiny slimy cyst 643
tiny sombrero 1
tiny top hat and cane 1
tip jar 1
tires 4
tisket 1
titanium assault umbrella 1
To Build an Igloo 1
toast 85
toast with cold jelly 1
toast with hot jelly 1
toast with jam 1
toast with sleaze jelly 1
toast with spooky jelly 1
toast with stench jelly 1
toasted brie 314
tobiko marble soda 2
tobiko pocky 2
tobiko-infused sake 2
toe jam 1
toe jam toast 49
tofu casserole 1
tofu stir-fry 12
tofu taco 5
tofu wonton 2
tofurkey gravy 1
tofurkey leg 1
tofurkey nugget 4
toggle switch (Bartend) 1
toggle switch (Bounce) 1
Tom's of the Spanish Main Toothpaste 1
tomato 1
tomato daiquiri 1
tomato juice of powerful power 1
tomato soup poster 4
tomb ratchet 12
tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie 1
tommy gun 5
tongue depressor 14
tonguebone 1
tonic djinn 15
tonic o' Banderas 5
tonic water 1
too legit potion 52
tooth 1
tooth cap 1
toothbrush 1
toothsome rock 1
toothy trousers 1
top 1
topeé 1
topiary necktie 1
topiary nugglet 1
topiary skunk 1
topiary tights 1
torquoise 1
torquoise ring 1
tortoboggan 1
tortoboggan shield 1
tortoise's blessing 1
totally sweet mohawk helmet 3
tourmalime 1
tourmalime tourniquet 1
towel 1
toxic globule 83
toxic mop 1
toxo 1
toy accordion 1
toy crazy train 1
toy Crimbot mega face 1
toy Crimbot power glove 1
toy Crimbot rocket legs 1
toy Crimbot super fist 1
toy deathbot 1
toy hoverpad 1
toy jet pack 1
toy maglev monorail 1
toy mercenary 1
toy ray gun 1
toy six-seater hovercraft 1
toy soldier 1
toy space helmet 1
toy taijijian 1
toy train 1
toy wheel 1
Trader Olaf's Exotic Stinkbeans 1
traditional Crimbo cookie 1
traffic jam 1
traffic jam toast 1
Trafikoan 1
train whistle 1
Trainbot autoassembly module 1
Trainbot circuitry 41
Trainbot harness 1
Trainbot linkages 33
Trainbot luggage hook 1
Trainbot optics 36
Trainbot plating 36
Trainbot radar monocle 2
Trainbot servomotors 35
Trainbot slag 4
Trainbot tubing 41
training scroll: Shattering Punch 1
training scroll: Shivering Monkey Technique 1
training scroll: Snokebomb 1
trampled ticket stub 1
transdermal smoke patch 13,712
transmission from planet Xi 1
transparent nog 5
transparent pants 1
transporter transponder 1
Transylvania Sling 1
Trash, a Memoir 1
Travels with Jerry 1
tree skirt 1
tree-eating kite 1
tree-shaped Crimbo cookie 1
Tremella Tarantella mushroom 1
trench coat 1
trench lighter 1
triad summoning scroll 7
triangular CRIMBCOOKIE 1
trick coin 1
triggerfingerbone 1
trilobite candy mold 1
trilobite fossil 1
TRIO cup of beer 7
triple barreled barrel gun 1
Trivial Avocations board game 1
Trivial Avocations Card: What? 2,131
Trivial Avocations Card: When? 1,946
Trivial Avocations Card: Where? 3,414
Trivial Avocations Card: Who? 3,398
troll britches 3
Trollhouse cookies 2
Tropical Crimbo Hat 1
Tropical Crimbo Shorts 1
Tropical Crimbo Sword 1
tropical island souvenir crate 1
tropical orchid 1
tropical paperweight 1
tropical swill 4
tropical wrapping paper 1
trousers of the white knight 1
trout fang 37
Trout Fishing in Loathing 1
troutpiece 1
true grit 1
tryptophan dart 1
tube of cranberry Go-Goo 1
tube of dread wax 1
tube of hair oil 1
tube of herbal ointment 13
tube of pendulum lube 1
tube of villain white 6
tube sock 1
Tuesday's ruby 1
tulip 1
tuning fork 1
turkey blaster 1
turkish mostaccioli 3
Turpin 1
Turtive 1
Turtle Bowl 1
turtle mud 2
turtle totem 1
turtle voicebox 7
turtle wax 1
turtle wax greaves 1
turtle wax helmet 1
turtle wax shield 1
turtle-shaped rock 1
turtlemail bits 1
turtlemail breeches 1
turtlemail coif 2
turtlemail hauberk 1
tuxedo shirt 9
Twelve Night Energy 1
twice-haunted screwdriver 1
twinkly nuggets 1
twinkly powder 1
twinkly wad 1
twist of lime 1
twisted piece of wire 7
twisted-up wet towel 1
twitching claw 1
twitching space egg 1
Twitching Television Tattoo 1
twitching time capsule 1
two meat muck 1
two-handed depthsword 6
Typical Tavern swill 1
Ultimate Mind Destroyer 1
ultimate ultimate frisbee 1
Ultra Mega Sour Ball 1
ultra-deluxe cupcake 4
ultra-soft ferns 1
ultracalcium 1
Ultracolor™ shirt 1
ultrafondue 27
Ultrasoldier Serum 1
una poca de gracia 85
unappetizing mayolus 1
unbearable light 7
uncanny desk bell 3
uncapped blue lava bottle 1
uncapped green lava bottle 1
uncapped red lava bottle 1
Uncle Buck 1
Uncle Crimbo's hat 1
Uncle Crimbo's Rations 1
Uncle Greenspan's Bathroom Finance Guide 1
Uncle Hobo's belt 1
Uncle Hobo's epic beard 1
Uncle Hobo's gift baggy pants 1
Uncle Hobo's highest bough 1
Uncle Hobo's stocking cap 1
Uncle Jick's Brownie Mix 3
Uncle Romulus 1
Unconscious Collective Dream Jar 2
uncooked chorizo 1
underwater slingshot 3
Underworld acorn 1
Underworld flail 1
Underworld truncheon 1
undissolvable contact lenses 1
undrilled cosmic bowling ball 1
unearthed potsherd 1
unearthly onyx 1
unfinished fruitcake 1
unfinished pleasure 1
unflavored wine cooler 190
unfortunate dumplings 1
Ungulant 1
unholy water 6
unidentifiable dried fruit 1
unidentified drink 45
unidentified jerky 571
uninteresting mayolus 1
union scalemail pants 1
universal biscuit 76
unlocked meat locker 1
Unmotivator: Crashed Meat Car 1
unnamed cocktail 15
unnatural gas 1
unquiet spirits 20
unrefined Mountain Stream syrup 2
unremarkable duffel bag 35
unrequired jacket 4
unrolling pin 1
unsanitized scalpel 1
unsmoothed velvet 1
Unspeakable Earring 1
unspeakable lozenges 1
Unspeakachu 1
unstable DNA 1
unstable laser battery 1
unstable quark 1
unused soap 31
unused walkie-talkie 1
unusual oil 1
unwound clockwork grapefruit 1
unwound mechanical songbird 1
upsy daisy 1
Ur-Donut 35
urchin roe 1
urinal cake 1
used beer 3
useless powder 1
Valentine 1
Valentine's Day cake 1
valuable coin 605
valuable trinket 1
vampagne 20
vampire chowder 20
vampire collar 1
vampire duck-on-a-string 1
vampire pearl 1
vampire pearl earring 1
vampire pearl necklace 1
vampire pearl ring 1
vampire pellet 1
Vamprey 1
Van der Graaf helmet 1
van key 48
vanilla-frosted king cake 1
Vaporpoise 1
Vaso De Agua trading card 7
Vegetable of Jarlsberg 1
veiny spore pod 1
velcro boots 1
velcro broadsword 15
velcro ore 1
velcro paddle ball 1
velcro shield 1
velvet choker 1
Velvet Veil 1
vengeful spirit 1
Venus flytrap 1
very fancy whiskey 2
very hot lunch 15
very large caltrop 1
very overdue library book 1
very small red dress 29
Vial of jus de larmes 1
vial of baconstone juice 3
vial of blood simple syrup 4
vial of Gnomochloric acid 1
vial of hamethyst juice 5
vial of holy water 6,729
vial of hot blood 1
vial of humanoid growth hormone 1
vial of patchouli oil 1
vial of porquoise juice 3
vial of swamp vapors 9
vial of The Glistening 3
vibrating cyborg knife 1
vibrating mushroom 2
Vicar's Tutu 1
vicious spiked collar 1
Victor's Spoils 1
viking helmet 1
vinegar 1
vinegar-soaked lemon slice 1
vintage smart drink 2
vinyl boots 1
vinyl ore 1
vinyl shield 2
violent pastilles 5
viral DNA 23
viral video 1
virgin jello shot 3
viscous lava globs 3
vitachoconutriment capsule 1
vitamin G pill 5
Vivian's Vitamin 2
vodka and cranberry 1
vodka and tonic 3
vodka barracuda 1
vodka gibson 5
vodka martini 1
Vodka Matryoshka 2
vodka stinger 1
vodka stratocaster 1
void burger 3
void lager 2
void shard 1
void stone 3
volcanic ash 1
volleyball 1
voodoo glowskull 35
voodoo snuff 1
vorpal blade 230
voter registration form 1
votive candle 4
votive of confidence 1
Vulgure 1
VYKEA blood rune 1
VYKEA bracket 1
VYKEA dowel 1
VYKEA frenzy rune 1
VYKEA hex key 1
VYKEA instructions 1
VYKEA lightning rune 1
VYKEA mead 1
VYKEA meatballs 1
VYKEA plank 1
VYKEA rail 1
VYKEA woadpaint 1
WA 1
wad of cotton 7
wad of dough 8
wad of slimy rags 12
wad of spider silk 1
wad of tofu 1
waders 11
waffle 1
Waifuton 1
Wal-Mart tattoo kit 1
walkie-talkie 1
walrus ice cream 1
walrus-tusk earring 1
wand of fudge control 1
Wand of Nagamar 543
Wand of Oscus 6
wand of pigification 1
wang 1
war tongs 1
warbear accoutrements chunk 1
warbear auto-anvil 1
warbear badge 1
warbear battery 1
warbear battle greaves 1
warbear bearserker greaves 1
warbear bearserker mead 1
warbear bearserker potion 1
warbear beeping telegram 1
warbear blizzard mead 1
warbear breakfast machine 1
warbear breakfast machine assembler 1
warbear ceremonial party pants 1
warbear chemistry lab 1
warbear dress bracers 1
warbear dress greaves 1
warbear dress helmet 1
warbear drone assembler 1
warbear drone codes 1
warbear electric long johns 1
warbear electric warscarf 1
warbear electro-spiked helm 1
warbear empathy chip 1
warbear energy bracers 1
warbear exhaust manifold 1
warbear exo-arm 1
warbear fancy fedora 1
warbear feasting bread 1
warbear feasting mead 1
warbear feathered fedora 1
warbear fleece-lined long johns 1
warbear fleece-lined warscarf 2
warbear foil hat 1
warbear goggles 1
warbear gyro 3
warbear gyrocopter 1
warbear heated ushanka 1
warbear helm fragment 1
warbear high festival pants 1
warbear high-efficiency still 1
warbear hoverbelt 1
warbear hoverbelt piecepart 1
warbear induction oven 1
warbear jackhammer drill press 1
warbear laser beacon 1
warbear laser bowtie 1
warbear lined ushanka 1
warbear liquid lasers 1
warbear liquid overcoat 1
warbear long johns 1
warbear LP-ROM burner 1
warbear metalworking primer 1
warbear metalworking primer (used) 1
warbear nuclear bowtie 1
warbear officer greaves 1
warbear officer requisition box 1
warbear oil pan 3
warbear party pants 1
warbear plain fedora 1
warbear plain helm 1
warbear plain ushanka 1
warbear plasma bowtie 1
warbear polarized goggles 1
warbear procedural hilarity drone 1
warbear rejuvenation potion 1
warbear requisition box 1
warbear robo-camouflage unit 1
warbear sequential gaiety distribution system 1
warbear snowblindness goggles 1
warbear soda machine 1
warbear soda machine assembler 1
warbear spiked helm 1
warbear superpotion 1
warbear thermoregulator bread 1
warbear trouser fragment 1
warbear wardance potion 1
warbear warrior bread 1
warbear warscarf 1
warbear whosit 342
warehouse clerk's glasses 1
warehouse key 1
warehouse walkie-talkie 7
warm El Vibrato drone 1
warm fur 1
warm gravy 1
warm mushroom 1
Warm Subject gift certificate 1
warm war shawarma 1
Wart Dinsey: An Afterlife 1
wasabi marble soda 2
wasabi pocky 4
wasabi-infused sake 2
water balloon 1
water log 1
water pipe bomb 1
water purification pills 1
water wings 1
water wings for babies 4
watered-down Red Minotaur 785
waterlogged bootstraps 1
waterlogged cloth 20
waterlogged crate 1
waterlogged leather 16
waterlogged metal 1
waterlogged stuffing 16
waterlogged wood 10
watermelon 1
watermelon seed 1
wax banana 1
wax booze 1
wax face 1
Wax Flask 6
wax hand 1
wax hat 1
wax pancake 1
wax pants 1
Way More Tears™ pepper spray 1
weasel stomping pants 1
weegee sqouija 1
weighted paperclip chain 2
weird gazelle steak 4
Wendtigo 1
weremoose spit 985
Western Slang Vol. 1: Violence 1
Western Slang Vol. 2: Cooking 1
Western Slang Vol. 3: Fraud 1
Wet Russian 1
wet stew 4
wet tack 1
wet venom duct 31
whale cerebrospinal fluid 7
whalebone corset 8
whalecake 1
whalegun 1
whalesteak 19
Whatsian Ionic Pliers 1
whatsit-covered turtle shell 1
wheel 1
Whenchamacallit bar 7
whet stone 1
whimpering willow bark 7
whip kit 1
whisker pencil 1
whiskey and cola 1
whiskey and soda 1
whiskey bittersweet 10
whiskey in a broken glass 1
whiskey sour 1
whiskey squeeze 1
white arm towel 1
white balloon 1
white belt 1
white blood cells 5
white Canadian 1
white candy heart 1
white chocolate and tomato pizza 148,609
white chocolate chip brownies 6
white chocolate chip cookies 1
white chocolate chips 1
White Chocolate Golem Seeds 6
White Citadel burger 1
White Citadel fries 1
white class ring 12
white collar 1
white Crimbo ball 1
White Dragon Fang 1
white earbuds 1
white elephant gift 1
white hat hacker T-shirt 1
White Hyborian 1
white lightning 1
white mana 357
white page 8
white picket fence 1
white pixel 1
white rice 1
white satin pants 1
white satin shield 1
white snake skin 1
white snakeskin duster 1
white sword 1
white tulip 1
white whip 1
white wine 4
white Xanadian 1
whole roasted chicken 1
whole turkey leg 6
wholeberd 1
Whoompa Fur Pants 2
whoopie cushion 560
wicker shield 1
Wickers bar 3
wicksilver spurs 1
wiffle-flail 1
wild honey pie 1
willowy bonnet 1
willyweed 1
wind-up chattering teeth 539
wind-up ensign 3
wind-up meatcar 1
wind-up navigation droid 4
wind-up owl 1
wind-up spider 1
wind-up vampire teeth 1
wind-up Whatsian robot 1
windchimes 3
windicle 3
wine spritzer 1
wine-soaked bone chips 19
wings of fire 1
Winifred's whistle 1
Wint-O-Fresh mint 1
wintergreen-flavored potato chips 5,728
witch hat 1
witch wart 1
witch's bra 1
witch's bread 3
witch's brew 3
witty rapier 3
woim 1
woimbook 1
wok lobster 1
Woldo trading card 5
wolf mask 1
wolf whistle 1
wolfman mask 1
Wolfman Nardz 1
wolfskull mask 1
wonderwall shield 2
wood screw 4
wooden axe 1
wooden block 1
wooden figurine 1
wooden salad bowl 1
wooden spoon 1
wooden stakes 1
wool hat 1
wool sock 1
woolen cravat 1
wooly loincloth 1
Work is a Four Letter Sword 1
worksite credentials 1
Workytime Tea 1
World's Blackest-Eyed Peas 1
world's most unappetizing beverage 1
world's smallest violin 8
wormwood stick 1
worn tophat 1
worst candy 3
worthless gewgaw 1
worthless knick-knack 1
worthless trinket 1
wreath of laurels 1
wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie 1
wrestling mask 4
wriggling severed nose 1
wriggling tentacle 1
wristwatch of the white knight 1
writhing drippy candy bar 1
Wrotz 3
Wullabye 1
wumpus hair 3
wumpus-hair bolo 1
wumpus-hair loincloth 1
wumpus-hair net 1
wumpus-hair whip 1
wumpus-hair wig 1
wussiness potion 1
X 1
X-37 gun 2
x-ray mirror 1
x-ray specs 887
Xiblaxian 5D printer 1
Xiblaxian alloy 1
Xiblaxian cache locator simcode 1
Xiblaxian circuitry 158
Xiblaxian crystal 5
Xiblaxian direct marketing simcode 1
Xiblaxian encrypted political prisoner 1
Xiblaxian holo-bowtie 1
Xiblaxian holo-buddy simcode 1
Xiblaxian holo-schematic: residence cube 1
Xiblaxian holo-schematic: space whiskey 1
Xiblaxian holo-schematic: stealth cowl 1
Xiblaxian holo-schematic: stealth trousers 1
Xiblaxian holo-schematic: stealth vest 1
Xiblaxian holo-schematic: ultraburrito 1
Xiblaxian holo-schematic: xeno-goggles 1
Xiblaxian holo-training simcode 1
Xiblaxian holo-wrist-puter 2
Xiblaxian holo-wrist-puter simcode 1
Xiblaxian polymer 137
yabba dabba doo rag 1
yak anorak 1
yak skin 1
yak toupee 1
yak whip 1
Yakisoba's hat 1
yakskin buckler 1
yakskin kilt 1
yakskin pants 1
yakskin skirt 1
yam 1
yam and swiss 1
yam burrito 1
yam candy 4
yam martini 1
yam mayo 1
yam slider 1
Ye Olde Bawdy Limerick 69
ye olde golde frontes 1
Ye Olde Meade 46
Ye Olde Medieval Insult 58
Ye Olde Navy Fleece 1
Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher 4,658
Yeast of Boris 1
Yeg's Motel alarm clock 3
Yeg's Motel ashtray 2
Yeg's Motel disposable razor 2
Yeg's Motel hand soap 3
Yeg's Motel minibar key 2
Yeg's Motel mouthwash 3
Yeg's Motel pillow mint 2
Yeg's Motel sewing kit 3
Yeg's Motel stationery 2
Yeg's Motel toothbrush 3
yellow brick road 1
yellow candy heart 1
yellow drunki-bear 4
yellow glowstick 1
yellow gummi ingot 1
yellow matter custard 1
yellow paisley oyster egg 2
yellow pixel 1
yellow pixel potion 1
yellow plastic hard hat 1
yellow plastic oyster egg 2
yellow polka-dot oyster egg 2
yellow seashell 1,116
yellow snowcone 926
yellow striped oyster egg 40
yeti fur 5
Yeti Protest Sign 1
yield shield 1
yo 1
yo-yo 1
yohohoyo 1
Yolo™ chocolates 4
Yorick 1
Young Man's Cargo Load 1
Young Man's Crew Sequester 1
yule grog 1
yule gruel 1
yule hatchet 21
yule pup 1
Yuleviathan necklace 1
yummy death watch beetle 1
Yummy Tummy bean 45
Z-Bone steak 29
Ze™ goggles 700
zen motorcycle 1
Zim Merman's guitar 1
zmobie 1
zombie 1
zombie dinosaur egg 1
zombie hollandaise 23
zombie pineal gland 1
Zombo's empty eye 1
Zombo's grievous greaves 3
Zombo's shield 2
Zombo's shoulder blade 1
Zombo's skull ring 3
Zombo's skullcap 7
Zoodriver 3
Zu Mannkäse Dienen 1