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Display Case for LaNz (#835813)
This player is ranked #57 for Most Total Items with a total of 4,616,661 items.

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LaNz (#835813)
This player has 465 unique items and 4,616,661 total items in his/her display case.

  Item Quantity
17-ball 1
a cute angel 1
A Guide to Burning Leaves 5
Admiral's hat 1
adventurer clone egg 1
airplane charter: Dinseylandfill 1
airplane charter: Spring Break Beach 1
airplane charter: That 70s Volcano 1
airplane charter: The Glaciest 1
Alice's Army Foil tattoo 1
anniversary chutney sculpture 1
anniversary gift box 8
antimatter wad 800
Apathargic Bandersnatch 1
Asleep in the Cemetery 3
astral badger 1
baby camelCalf 1
baby chest mimic 5
baconstone 1
bad penguin egg 1
Bag o' Tricks 1
bag of Iunion stones 2
basking robin 1
Bastille Battalion control rig crate 1
Beach Comb Box 2
bed of coals 4
beer bomb 11
beholed bedsheet 1
Better Shrooms and Gardens catalog 1
Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook 9
bindle of joy 1
Black and White Apron Enrollment Form 3
black cherry soda 1
Blizzards I Have Died In 4
book of facts 5
Boris's Helm 1
bottle-rocket crossbow 2
bottled green pixie 1
bottled Vampire Vintner 2
bowl of fishysoisse 27
box o' ghosts 2
box of bear arms 1
box of sunshine 5,480
boxed Apriling band helmet 5
boxed august scepter 5
boxed autumn-aton 5
boxed Mayam Calendar 5
Boxing Day care package 2
Buddy Bjorn 1
burrowgrub hive 1
calm attention-deficit demon 1
Camp Scout backpack 1
can of Rain-Doh 1
candy brain 40
candy cornucopia 1
Chateau Mantegna room key 1
Cheshire Bitten 1
Chester's Aquarius medallion 1
Chester's bag of candy 1
Chester's cutoffs 1
Chester's moustache 1
Chester's muscle shirt 1
Chester's sunglasses 1
Chorale of Companionship 3
Clan VIP Lounge invitation 1
class five ecto-larva 1
closed-circuit phone system 5
coconut bikini top 1
combat lover's locket lockbox 1
comfy blanket 1
comfy coffin 1
Comma Chameleon egg 1
Comprehensive Cartographic Compendium 1
concentrated garbage juice 12
corked genie bottle 1
Counterclockwise Watch 1
crated wardrobe-o-matic 2
crazy bastard sword 1
crimbo elfling 1
Crimbo P. R. E. S. S. I. E. 1
Crimbo sapling 1
Crown of Thrones 1
cup of infinite pencils 3
cursed monkey glove 5
Daffy Taffy 463
dandy lion cub 1
Dark Jill-O-Lantern 1
Dark Jill-of-All-Trades 5
deactivated nanobots 1
deadly lampshade 3
deanimated reanimator's coffin 1
deed to Oliver's Place 5
defective Game Grid token 1
dense meat stack 2,000,000
depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick 1
designer sweatpants (new old stock) 2
disconnected intergnat 1
Discontent™ Winter Garden Catalog 1
displaced fish 72,713
Distant Woods Getaway Brochure 1
do-it-yourself laser eye surgery kit 1
donkey flipbook 1
dope gangsta bling-bling 1
doppelshifter egg 1
dreaming Jung man 1
duct tape 6
duct tape buckler 1
duct tape dockers 1
duct tape fedora 1
duct tape sword 1
Dyspepsi grenade 18
Ed the Undying exhibit crate 1
elf sleeper agent 1
Elron's Explosive Etude 1
Elvish sunglasses 1
emotion chip 1
enchanted leopard-print barbell 4
extra-greasy slider 9
fake hand 4,150
fancy canapés 4
FantasyRealm membership packet 1
filth-encrusted futon 1
fist turkey outline 1
flamin' bindle 8
flaming pink shirt 1
floaty stone sphere 1
Fly-By-Knight Heraldry form 1
Fourth of May Cosplay Saber kit 1
frayed rope belt 3
freezin' bindle 3
frigid air mattress 12
Frosty's arm 1
Frosty's carrot 1
Frosty's frosty mug 2
Frosty's iceball 1
Frosty's nailbat 1
Frosty's old silk hat 1
Frosty's snowball sack 1
frozen banquet 31
GameInformPowerDailyPro subscription card 1
gauze garter 11
giant glass of brandy 2
glow-in-the-dark dart gun 1
glow-in-the-dark stuffed burrowgrub 1
glow-in-the-dark wristwatch 1
glowing frisbee 1
God Lobster Egg 1
golden monkey statuette 1
Golden Mr. Accessory 1
Gordon Beer's Beer Garden Catalog 1
Granny Tood's Thanksgarden Catalog 1
Greatest American Pants 1
green balloon 1
grey gosling 1
Grumpy Bumpkin's Pumpkin Seed Catalog 1
Guzzlr application 1
Gygaxian Libram 1
hairshirt 2
hamethyst 1
Happy Birthday, Claude! cake 2
heart necklace 5
heart-shaped crate 1
herb brownies 27
hibernating Grimstone Golem 1
hibernating robot reindeer 1
hippo tutu 1
hobo fortress blueprints 1
hockey stick of furious angry rage 3
Hodgman's almanac 1
Hodgman's blanket 15
Hodgman's cane 1
Hodgman's garbage sticker 1
Hodgman's harmonica 2
Hodgman's journal #1: The Lean Times 2
Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics 2
Hodgman's journal #3: Pumping Tin 3
Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top 3
Hodgman's varcolac paw 1
homeless hobo spirit 1
hopeful candle 1
hungover chauvinist pig 1
hypnodisk 1
ice sickle 1
iceberglet 1
in-the-box spring shoes 5
incredibly dense meat gem 3
infant sandworm 1
invisible bag 1
January's Garbage Tote (unopened) 1
jar of anniversary jam 1
jar of fermented pickle juice 17
jar of squeeze 6
Jarlsberg's earring 2
Jarlsberg's pan 1
Jekyllin hide belt 3
Juju Mojo Mask 1
kerosene-soaked skip 1
kick-ass kicks 11
Kissin' Cousins 2
kitten burglar 1
Knob Goblin love potion 5
KoL Con 13 snowglobe 1
KoLHS Pep Squad Box 1
Kramco Industries packing carton 1
latte lovers club card 1
leather aviator's cap 1
Let Me Be! 3
lewd playing card 11
li'l orphan tot 1
LI-11 Motor Pool voucher 1
Libram of Candy Heart Summoning 1
Libram of Divine Favors 1
Libram of Love Songs 1
Libram of Pulled Taffy 1
Libram of Resolutions 1
little box of fireworks 1
llama lama cria 1
loaded serum blowgun 1
Loathing Legion knife 1
locked mumming trunk 1
LT&T telegraph office deed 1
lucky Tam O'Shatner 1
Make-Your-Own-Vampire-Fangs kit 1
Manual of Numberology 1
March hat 1
Maxing, Relaxing 14
MayDay™ contract 1
Mayflower bouquet 1
McPhee's Grimoire of Hilarious Object Summoning 1
meat stack 11
mini kiwi egg 5
miniature gravy-covered maypole 1
mint condition Lil' Doctor™ bag 1
mint condition magnifying glass 1
Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog 1
mint-in-box Powerful Glove 1
Moping Artistic Goth Kid 1
moveable feast 1
Mr. Accessory Jr. 3
Mr. Container 1
Mr. Eh? 1
Mr. Joe's bangles 3
Mr. Mediocrebar 11
Ms. Accessory 1
mugcake 1
mummified entombed cookbookbat 5
My Own Pen Pal kit 1
navel ring of navel gazing 1
nervous tick egg 1
Neverending Party invitation envelope 1
New-You Club Membership Form 1
newborn kobold 1
Now and Earlier 6
Ol' Scratch's ash can 1
Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork 1
Ol' Scratch's manacles 1
Ol' Scratch's ol' britches 1
Ol' Scratch's salad fork 1
Ol' Scratch's stove door 1
Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat 1
Operation Patriot Shield 1
optimal spreadsheet 1
orange and black Crimboween candy 3
Order of the Green Thumb Order Form 1
organ grinder 1
origami riding crop 1
orphan baby yeti 1
Oscus's dumpster waders 1
Oscus's flypaper pants 1
Oscus's garbage can lid 1
Oscus's neverending soda 1
Oscus's pelt 1
Our Daily Candles™ order form 5
packaged backup camera 2
packaged cold medicine cabinet 2
packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet 2
packaged Everfull Dart Holster 5
packaged familiar scrapbook 2
packaged industrial fire extinguisher 2
packaged June cleaver 3
packaged Jurassic Parka 3
packaged knock-off retro superhero cape 2
packaged miniature crystal ball 2
packaged model train set 3
packaged Pocket Professor 1
packaged Roman Candelabra 5
packaged SpinMaster™ lathe 2
packet of mayfly bait 1
pair of ragged claws 10
Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster 4
panhandle panhandling hat 16
panicked kernel 1
pantogram 1
Pantsgiving 1
parasitic claw 1
parasitic headgnawer 1
parasitic strangleworm 1
parasitic tentacles 1
Pendant of Fire 1
perfectly ordinary frog 1
personal raindrop 1
personalized birthday cake 1
Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog 1
petrified time 1
pilgrim shield 1
PirateRealm membership packet 1
plans for depleted Grimacite astrolabe 1
plans for depleted Grimacite grappling hook 1
plans for depleted Grimacite ninja mask 1
plans for depleted Grimacite shinguards 1
plans for depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt 1
plastic vampire fangs 1
Platinum Yendorian Express Card 1
Pocket Meteor Guide 1
Pokéfam Guide to Capturing All of Them 1
portable Mayo Clinic 1
potion of temporary gr8ness 4
potted tea tree 1
powdered organs 2
power seed 1
praying Grim Brother 1
Prelude of Precision 1
prismatic wad 6
Professor of Spelunkology 1
Putrid Pendant 1
raffle prize box 100
Rainbow's Gravity 1
really nice lump of coal 23
red-spotted snapper roe 1
rehearsing dramatic hedgehog 1
repaid diaper 1
Retrospecs try-at-home kit 2
Ring of Fire 1
Rock Garden Guide 5
Rock Pops 413
rune-strewn spoon cocoon 2
S.I.T. Course Voucher 5
sandwich of the gods 4
sane hatrack 1
Schmalz's First Prize Beer 1
sealskin drum 1
Sensual Massage for Creeps 4
shard of double-ice 71,320
shiny ring 6
shortest-order cook 2
shrink-wrapped 2002 Mr. Store Catalog 5
shrink-wrapped Cincho de Mayo 5
siesta-ing Casagnova gnome 1
sinistral homunculus 1
Sister Accessory 1
sleazy bindle 9
sleeping patriotic eagle 5
sleeping piano cat 1
Small Medium 1
Sneaky Pete's breath spray 2
Snow Suit 1
SongBoom™ BoomBox Box 1
Sorcerers of the Shore Grimoire 1
Source terminal 1
Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts 1
space planula 1
spandex anniversary shorts 1
spooky bindle 2
Spooky Surprise Egg 1
Staff of Queso Escusado 1
Staff of the Woodfire 1
stained mattress 3
still grill 1
stinkin' bindle 4
stuffed Hodgman 3
stuffed-shirt scarecrow 1
Summer Nights 12
suspicious package 1
suspicious stocking 1
Tales from the Fireside 3
Talisman of Baio 3
Talisman of Bakula 1
Tasty Fun Good rice candy 12
teddy bear 1
The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder 3
The Confiscator's Grimoire 1
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 2
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 2
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 3
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 2
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 2
The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 2
The Nuge's favorite crossbow 3
The Smith's Tome 1
thermos of brew 1
Thinknerd's Grimoire of Geeky Gifts 1
Thor's Pliers 1
throbbing rage gland 1
time helmet 1
time sword 2
time trousers 1
time-twitching toolbelt 2
tin cup of mulligan stew 20
tiny costume wardrobe 1
tiny plastic four-shadowed mime 1
tiny plastic Naughty Sorceress 1
tiny plastic sword 1
Tome of Rad Libs 1
Travels with Jerry 2
Travoltan trousers 1
Tuesday's ruby 1
twinkly wad 2,460,000
Unagnimated Gnome 1
Uncle Buck 1
Uncle Crimbo's Rations 1
undamaged Unbreakable Umbrella 2
Underworld flail 1
Underworld sapling 2
Underworld truncheon 1
undrilled cosmic bowling ball 2
unevolved organism 5
unoccupied sheep suit 2
unopened Bird-a-Day calendar 1
unopened diabolic pizza cube box 1
Unopened Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper 1
unopened tiny stillsuit 2
unpowered Robortender 1
unwound cymbal-playing monkey 1
urinal cake 1
V for Vivala mask 1
vampyric cloake pattern 1
voodoo snuff 11
voter registration form 1
warbear auto-anvil 2
warbear beeping telegram 6
warbear breakfast machine assembler 6
warbear chemistry lab 1
warbear drone assembler 7
warbear empathy chip 4
warbear energy bracers 2
warbear exhaust manifold 2
warbear exo-arm 2
warbear foil hat 1
warbear gyrocopter 3
warbear high-efficiency still 1
warbear induction oven 2
warbear laser beacon 3
warbear metalworking primer 3
warbear oil pan 2
warbear procedural hilarity drone 2
warbear robo-camouflage unit 3
warbear sequential gaiety distribution system 9
warbear soda machine assembler 4
wax lips 1
white balloon 1
Wint-O-Fresh mint 2
witch hat 1
wizard action figure 1
wrapped candy cane sword cane 5
Xi Receiver Unit 1
yellow puck 1
yuletide troll chrysalis 1
Yummy Tummy bean 66
Zombo's empty eye 1
Zombo's grievous greaves 1
Zombo's shield 1
Zombo's shoulder blade 1
Zombo's skull ring 1
Zombo's skullcap 1